★ swimming pool






Song Joongki 8 years ago
@Kang Haneul [ If you don't want to continue this, I understand. I have been busy with studying and all :( ]

"Lead the way, buddy. You know my moves are as smooth as sandpaper," Joongki commented sarcastically, arms still folded over his chest. Well.. he was hungry after all. "I hope you're not planning on a or something," he commented, turning his head to the side lightly so he could eye Haneul. That he would not be able to stand, really. "Be careful how you're going to answer, okay?"
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki [it's okay
i love you <3]

Haneul laughed. "Exactly~" He responded and hugged his bro. "You too bae, son," He complimented. Indeed, his bro was he baest bro in the world, but his head turned when he commented on his ethics. Psh, it didn't matter yo. Free , free food. It's a win win situation. He followed Joongki and put his arm around his shoulder, pointing south, "That girl's been looking at us for a while, let's go ask c;"
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul [ Really sorry, I thought I had replied. ]

"Like a couple of food , huh?" Joongki mused. Normally he would have flat-out refused such an offer, but he was so lonely lately he would do just about anything to feel human for a while. To have some sort of romantic contact, even if it was with a stranger he did not care for. So in the end he shrugged his shoulders and replied a simple "sure." Turning to look at his friend, he couldn't help but grin. "And they say women use as a weapon, huh?" he commented before he walked away, gesturing for Haneul to follow. "Hook us up though."
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki Haneul laughed, "Fine, fine, you get your pension~" He chuckled as he struggled to straighten his hair. "My pout is adorable, though, so don't complain~" He lectured and smiled more, "If that's how it's going to be, let's hook up with the help and get ourselves some free food ♥" Haneul loved himself some free food and damn, sleeping for food was the best~
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul The thought of them sitting on the porch, 90 years old, yelling at little kids had to make Joongki grin. It was amusinglu pathetic how realistic it seemed. "I still deserve a pension for being your friend. It's work, you know?" He reached up to straighten the hair that Haneul had messed up and shrugged his shoulders. "I did promise I'd be your wingman for the night. Besides, that pout of your makes me want to puke, so.. just get on with it, Haneul." He reached out to punch his arm lightly. "What's your next failed attempt going to be?"
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki Haneul laughed. "Hey, you know we're going to be sitting on our porch together, yelling at kids~" He said lightheartedly. He ruffled his friend's hair like a child and smiled, "I guess if you don't really have the heart to do it, then we don't have to do it~" He pouted like a little baby, "Wanna hang out instead? It's a party after all <3" Them niggas were tight af yo.
[post deleted by owner]
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul "I already hunted with you and it failed. Can't we just call it a day?" Joongki whined back and sighed right afterwards, perfectly aware of the fact that they would end up continuing to "hunt" because Joongki was a er and he couldn't say no to his friend. Nor did he want to piss him off, so he would just take it. Sigh. ".... Fine, whatever. Pick who you want to devour this time. The I do for you- you should really give me pension when we're old men."
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki Giving a childish temper with his cute little whine, Haneul looked down sighed. "But it'll be no fun if you're not there..." He replied, "I can't just hunt alone, I gotta be in a pack~♪" Haneul's tempting skills were damn off the hook. Like damn, hunting in a pack not only gives you credibility, but also bonds the pack. It's a dang double whammy. Haneul gotta hunt with his bro or else he won't be able to hunt at all.
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul "When did you ever?" Joongki retorted, raising an eyebrow at his friend's statement. He decided not to comment further and tried his very hardest to block the imagine of Haneul with in his otherwise he may have a southern problem. "You look elsewhere, I'm just going to sit at the bar and wait for you to be done with you desperate attempts at trying to hook up. Hm?" He gave his friend a sweet smile and patted his cheek with his palm gently. "How about it?" In all honesty, Joongki really foudn no point in such meetings; they may get you , but not much else from there on.
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki Haneul sharply inhaled and laughed. "Well I'm damn well not getting no in my tonight," He boldly retorted. His sweet smile with the quick swipe of his hair brought on his casual manner as he poked his friend with his elbow. "Guess we gotta look elsewhere, right, man?" He laughed and looked around a little, "Show me what you want~♪"
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul Joongki swallowed his tongue. He could have spoken up and told his friend that he had actually seemed to amused the girl, but when he watched the two friends kiss, he had to widen his eyes lightly. "Uh... uh, that I didn't see coming," he commented, raising his glass so he could take a sip, averting his eyes to his friend's face shortly. "Double fail," he commented after retracting the glass again. "So.. Well, perhaps they have an open relationship? You should have insisted." And he grinned lightly, purposely making fun of his buddy.
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki Haneul laughed when Joongki pointed out his usual habits. He casually clung on him and shook his head cutely. "He's coming here, that's why. What if he's like a super huge hunk? I'm not up for that , man," He explained, "And plus, you're so awkward." Haneul chuckled softly as he poked his friend's face, "But did you have fun?" Haneul was just far away enough to be safe from the girls, but also see them. "It looks like she had fun," Haneul continued as he watched them from afar... then THEY kissed. Like bruh, what a plot twist. didn't even have a boyfriend.
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul Being pulled away like that was not something Joongki had expected. His conversation with the girl was abruptly cut off, and just when it was starting to become less uncomfortable at that.. Joongki stopped somewhen, yanking Haneul's arm back and looked at him expectadly. He somehow felt the urge to complain since it was not often that he would manage to.. well, get a girl to find him interesting out of the blue, but then again.. he couldn't treat him badly. "What's the rush? What happened?" he asked. "Not single? Ah... since when did that stop you before?"
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki Things were totally going great until Haneul heard the words "Oh, my boyfriend's almost on his way here." The voices in his head were telling him "abort, abort!" But damn, his eyes were telling him "stay and fight him later." Gosh, he really needed Joongki to back him up right now. Haneul looked over at Joongki and saw his awkward face do awkward things, so Haneul smiled and looked down. "Oh, it looks like my friend needs some of my help right now, sorry. Talk to you later~" He stated as he slowly got closer and closer to Joongki until his arm hooked him up and he ran the hell away as casually as he could. "Bro, omg, that chick was not single."
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul "Well.. fair enough," Joongki admitted his defeat, hanging his head low which made the girl laugh. "Ah, don't look so down~ Being laid back is not a bad thing. At least in my opinion. It means you get to enjoy the more important things in life." And Joongki had to agree with that a hundred percent. "Yeah, you're right about that," he hummed, highering his head so he could get a glimpse of Haneul talking to the girl he liked. Oh, thank gosh. "I think appearance is secondary to one's personality. Uhm.. yeah." The girl grinned. "I bet if a supermodel would hit on you you'd think otherwise," she commented and put on a light grin. Joongki looked at her shortly. Well, he'd be damned.. Was she actually flirtin with him? "Oh, I definitely would," he replied jokingly and the girl laughed and facepalmed herself lightly. "Men." Joongki shrugged. "What to do?"
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki Haneul looked into a nearby mirror to freshen up his y little looks and gave himself a little wink. Joongki was doing good, it was a good distraction. Haneul went off to approach his target and smiled at her. "Why are you all alone?" He asked, he looked around, "Is it not fun?" He chuckled as the girl smiled back and replied to him, "No, no... My friend's talking to someone else so I'm just waiting for her." Haneul was celebrating on the inside. He flashed Joongki a thumbs up and continued to talk to the girl, "Really? Should I keep you company while she's gone?" Oh yeah, this was going well.
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul Cute, indeed. Joongki was always striving to ignore the fact that his friend could be so absolutely adorable at times that he could hardly bear it; but he needed to, having had a very strict no-funny-business-with-friends policy imprinted on his brain since a long time ago. Still, as cute as Haneul was being, Joongki was immensely grateful the girl was facing the opposite direction; if she would realize that Haneul was cheering for Joongki talking to her the latter would probably die of embarrassment. "Are you at least enjoying the music?" the girl spoke up after the silence occured and Joongki was so grateful to her at that moment. "It's alright.. I mostly listen to rock, but I can listen to pop from time to time.. that is if others listen to it and I happen to be in the same room with them." The girl laughed. "You look like the rock type, too. At least laid-back," he commented. "Ah, well.. are you judging me by my cover now?" he asked and smiled lightly. Sure enough, he only had a loose shirt thrown over a simple chakhi pair of pants, obviously not much of a fashionista. "No, I am merely making an observation~" the girl complained lightly, and Joongki felt a bit less uncomfortable. Hurry up, Haneul~
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki At a safe distance, Haneul waved at Joongki, cheering him on silently. It was just a little longer until he could swoop in. "Song Joong Ki. Song Joong Ki." It seemed as if he were chanting in support of his dear friend. For a minute there, it seemed as if Haneul were the wingman. He signaled to his friend in need to keep talking and smile with the most exaggerated expressions known to man. Honestly, everyone else thought he was a nut for doing such cute little things.
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul *had pushed him into the crowd
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul Big help you were, Haneul. Before he even had a chance to complain some more his friend had pushed into the ground and almost onto the girl he was supposed to distract. She seemed to have picked up his presence with her peripheral vision because she turned quickly, looking at him in a mixture of surprise and expectation. "H-hi," he stuttered. The girl seemed to pause for a second. "Hello?" She sounded uncertain, but the small, confused smile that momentarily shaped her lips instantly made Joongki smile as well, out of reflex. His intention had been not to come off as a creep, but he wasn't doing a very good job. "U-uhm, are you enjoying yourself?" His awkwardness was so obvious that the girl had to sympathise; at least she was not the type. "I am. It's a bit loud though." Joongki nodded. "My ears are buzzing already." The girl nodded and a first period of silence occured between them. Damn, so soon, too.
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki Haneul's nice, hearty laughter spread as he patted his friend's shoulder as he complained oh so much about how awkward he was. "Don't worry, don't worry," Haneul reassured him, "You'll do fine. Just talk about anything." He gave his friend a nice pat on the back and smiled ever so gently. "Go get at 'em, boy" He called out at him as Haneul practically forced his friend into the jungle. As Joongki distracts the friend, Haneul has to find the perfect timing to swoop in and swoon his target.
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul When he felt the arm wrap around his own, Joongki could have sighed, but he held back, instead gripping his beer more tightly the closer they would get to Haneul's target. When his friend cut straight to the chase, Joongki openly rolled his eyes, though began to feel tingles of anxiety tickle his stomach. There was no way out of it. Especially when Haneul would look at him with those puppy eyes.. Joongki could not say "no" to that face, he simply couldn't. Besides, he'd agreed to this since before Haneul had even announced their going to the party, so he did not have much of a choice. "Wait- How can I distract her?" he questioned. "Yah, you know I really at this kind of thing.. At least give me a topic I can talk about with her. And no guarantees, I warn you."
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Song Joongki With his charismatic smile and strong, but light, walk, Haneul came walking past by Joongki and hooked his arm around Joongki's shoulders as he spotted him. "I've been looking for you~" Haneul sang with a smile, practically dragging his friend around. He pointed promptly at some cute chick with the pixie sticks and whispered in Joongki's ear, "Okay, now that's the girl's friend, I need you to distract her from my target so we can be alone, alright?" He looked at Joongki with a sweet bite on the lip and those little puppy eyes that came out all way too unintentionally. "Go it?" He asked again.
Song Joongki 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul Parties, he absolutely despised them. The last time he had gone at a party and enjoyed it was during his childhood when his best friend had brought a mime to his party and Joongki had spent the whole evening simply act wordlessly. However, he very much doubted he would come across a mime at this place; there was hardly enough room to stand, let alone move around, and it seemed a lot of the guests were already tipsy, shouting out their conversations.
Sighing, he scouted the open area for any free seats, but where would he find such luck? He wanted to leave though he'd only been there about half an hour, but he had promised his friend he would attend as his wingman so he could impress some girl he'd been after for months. Joongki, the socially awkward penguin, acting as someone's wingman; good thinking, buddy.
Lee Jieun 9 years ago
/lies down beside the pool/
Kim Hanbin 9 years ago
/run and jumps down to get drown
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Baek Sumin Something tells me...
/breathes deeply onto your neck/
You want it here~
/ it there whee/
Baek Sumin 9 years ago
@Kang Haneul /bites my lip amd shrugs/
i don't know
you tell me~
/sslides my hands up and around your neck/
Kang Haneul 9 years ago
@Baek Sumin Mm~ Where do you want it? c;
/s u gud/


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FairyGodmother 8 years ago
No Yoonho has to leave. I am truly sorry and thank you for having him here!
DreamHighSH 9 years ago
sorry IU/Lee Jieun is leaving
-traplord 9 years ago
Please add and reserve Lee Dasom for me.
calligraphy 9 years ago
Can you put baek sumin on semi hiatus please? Thank you
hanbin_please 9 years ago
Chaerin left
electroshock 9 years ago
Can you add and reserve Son Ga In please
Polemistis 9 years ago
Ahn heeyeon left. Sorry.
anyways 9 years ago
sungkyung has left
gardevoir 9 years ago
jungkook left
ddeotji 9 years ago
Jongjin left, sorry.
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