┊monster dictionary

monster dictionary。
   know your stuff
a special room just in case you're confused, since we've gotten creative with the room names. more
: clawracters - characters
: ghoul - student or male
: creature - teacher
: hellway - hallway
: creepateria - cafeteria
: clawculus - calculus
: biteology - biology
: freakynomics - home economics
: deaducation < education
: study howl - study hall
: creepitories - dormitories
: lovecrows - lovebirds
:deathwishes - wishlist
: boo-top - rooftop
: creep room - chat room
: scream soom - spam room


pide 9 years ago
curdy=cute+nerdy. I, Pide, am indeed very curdy.
chanyeol [A] 9 years ago
if anyone needs to know anything or really
get into the theme of monster high, take a look here!


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Yunho4ever 8 years ago
Yunho has left. cleaning rps.
jamless 8 years ago
Can you add and reserve BTS' Jungkook for me?
Bamsauraus-X 8 years ago
Please add and reserve BamBam~ ^^
IrkenInvaderMilk 8 years ago
Please don't let this rp die. :( ----Pide.
-Clap- 8 years ago
Kibum has left due to business, sorry love!
stoner 8 years ago
namjoon left, sorry. : c
SHINeewifey 8 years ago
Can you please add and reserve Taemin? Thank you~
azerty 8 years ago
minseok left, sorry i wasn't active ;;
spacedaddy 8 years ago
jackson left, sorry..
meanie-af 8 years ago
maru left sorry
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