☾Northern Pack Mansion

Northern Pack's Mansion
Park Chanyeol

Kim Jaehyun

Kim Myungsoo

Kim Gun
Zhang Yixing


(☾) Kim Gun [Hiatus] 8 years ago
@(☾) Park Chanyeol Gun chewed on the inside of his lip as he walked around, once again he was lost. He looked left and right to try to see anything to point out where he was but he saw nothing at all. "Not again.." He sighed softly, he remember he had walked South so maybe if her turned around and walked the other way it would be North! Right? He honestly had no idea but he tried it anyways. As he walked he took pictures of little bugs here and there and a few pretty flowers, still having no idea where he was. He walked and walked until he saw a small light, it was starting to get dark so he needed to hurry and get home. He walked toward the light, it wasn't until he was a few feet away his eyes widen as he realized where he was. He had managed to stumbled onto Chanyeol's cabin. He knew he wasn't suppose to bother the male while he was in the cabin but he really needed to get back to the mansion. He knew Chanyeol wasn't know for being the most friendly, but really who in the North was known for being friendly. He stood there for a few seconds thinking over what he should do. He was pretty sure the male already knew he was there but maybe he could pick a direction and run it. He knew he had to be close to the house is Chanyeol's cabin was right here. "Maybe to the right.." The omega puffed out his cheeks tucking a strand of his long hair behind his ear, he hated getting lost. He couldn't help it he was a scatter brained.
(☾) Kim Gun [Hiatus] 8 years ago
Gun sighed as he entered the mansion, another hell day of school was over. He walked into the living setting his school bag down on the table and pulled out his homework. He sat back into the couch pulling his legs up to his chest as he started to go to work on the paper. He never once said a word or made a sound as he worked on the paper, until wasn't until he reached a problem he needed help on he made a noise. It was a bit of a whine and groan of frustration because he knew he'd have to ask one of the others to help him.... He really don't want to bother anyone know everyone in the small pack had a bit of a temper. He could just go in to school early tomorrow and get help from one of the teachers but then he'd have to enter act with humans and he'd honestly rather poke his alpha with a stick then do that. He slouched back into the couch a annoyed pout on his pink lips.
(☆) Jung Hoseok 9 years ago
@(☾)Kim Taehyung Well, he's right. Hoseok could never scavenge up the need to shut up due to his high status nor would he because why take the fun out of conversation? "Hicks? Do I look like a hick?" The idiotic hick actually flipped his hair over dramtically before winking with a lip bite and just laughing in the end because, damn, he was so silly. "Oh, you're a special one then?" What exactly did that mean... Well, it's not like Hoseok had any ulterior motives here. "We should hand out sometime, but like, not a date, just regular hanging out." He spoke with a sweetened smile, unsure if the other would take this as a come-on when the alpha didn't mean for it to. It would be bothersome to have another wolf chasing him when he didn't need it.

"You did surprise me! I was in awe since most people don't say at those meetings." Just from this simple talk, it's obvious that Hoseok isn't as proper as the other leaders, especially the northern leader. It only took another moment for the northern pack leader to come between the two, saying something about Hoseok trying to recruit his pack members. "Eh, your members are usually bores though... I just wanted to be a friendly neighbor and show him a good time, you know?" Either way, Hoseok wouldn't win this argument when it came to the pack. "Well, nice meeting you. If you ever get curious about livening up, come by the southern territory." The meeting officially ended a while ago and Hoseok wouldn't stick around here much longer. He left for home rather speedily to get some rest for the day.
(☾) Kim Taehyung 9 years ago
@(☆)Jung Hoseok This was quite possibly the one and only time Taehyung didn't want to be acknowledged. He'd not only spoken out of term in an official pack meeting, but now he was posing himself against an elder... That alone was grounds for no dinner the rest of the week... The thought drew out a groan from the beta's lips, even as the other alpha- Hoseok- continued on ahead. The rest of the meeting ebbed in a blur of subtle nods and vain attempts tobbecome one of the buttons on the chair he was sinking down in. Glances continued to be thrown his way, even as they were dismissed, so he made it a point to sneak out briskily enough to avoid his own head alpha. Funny thing was, he'd almost actually gotten away with it... Until a hand reared forward and forced him back and...

, HIM again.

"I-" Wow, this guy was a mouthful, even for him... But perhaps that was a good thing. He could use that in his own defense in future arguments with the higher-ups. "Well damn... Do all you Southern hicks judge so early on?" He batted lightly at the other's hand, no legitimate heat in his remark... Rather, actual curiosity... "I mean I'm a Northerner, technically but... Who's to say we can't spice things up a bit? I'm like a secret weapon no one expects." Somewhere behind him, he could hear someone muffling a snort and he barely refrained from rolling his eyes. "And I guess it worked if I surprised you!"
(☆) Jung Hoseok 9 years ago
@(☾)Kim Taehyung "Exactly, that wolf's got it right." With a hand sign in the direction of Taehyung, he did his part in garnering even more attention to the male. "They are our packs cubs, of course we need to take care of them. They have these things called orphanages in the human cities, so maybe we can give the cubs to wolves who never find a mate and want babies, or ones that actually cannot produce." Giving a very gasp-inducing ' yeah' when a certain beta went on about his ideals, Hoseok couldn't help but agree more. "Damn, you should be in my pack with those morals." The southern pack definitely joked around more than others if held up to Hoseok's image, so despite getting hisses or scoffs from other wolves who thought he'd just called them beings without morals, the alpha remained cheerful.

Soon an elder spoke up, "Maybe it's wrong to leave them to die, but our own would die in the end," to which Hoseok immediately replied with a, "Well yeah, because their your own cubs." was going down now. While the argument proceeded for a while longer, it soon died down out of priority for other topics before the meeting let out a good hour or so later. Rather than sifting through the crowd for the wolf who spoke earlier, Hoseok waited at the door and snatched up the creature. "Hi, I've never seen you around here before. What pack are you from? You get how I think, so we should associate more." Just from the scent of the other, the smell of northern drones came to mind. "Ew, you're one of the northern wolves... I thought you'd be more fun." It's only fact around here that the northern wolves are more reserved and unsocial unlike his own pack.
(☾) Kim Taehyung 9 years ago
@(☆)Jung Hoseok Five minutes. It hadn't even been a decent five minutes and already, Taehyung could feel himself blacking out. , no... Nononono. What were they talking about? Hell, where even was he again? He had to pay attention... Perhaps even take notes in case he was 'quizzed' over this later. In fact, the off chance of that happening was slowly solidifying right before his eyes and here he was nodding off. He'd only managed to jolt awake when a voice all too near him spoke up, stirring him to jerk almost violently as his head shook itself awake. A few eyes shifted to him in blatant disapproval, but otherwise no one paid much heed to the beta. But as Taehyung's eyes shifted to track the source of the voice, he was surprised to see to whom it belonged... Jung Hoseok, yes...? At least that was what they called him... The head alpha of the Southern Pack and his own alpha's shadow opposite... And that fact was clear enough as the other conjured a flurry of shocked murmurs on all sides of the room, kicking the room to life in stark disapproval.

"Whether or not they learn anything isn't our concern. Not when we've our own to house and provide for." Taehyung couldn't help but trail a raised brow towards the new voice, an elder who'd been pretty keen on his conservative decisions so far. "See, now that's stupid." Funny thing was, that voice just now sounded eerily like his own... That would also explain the whir of glares trailed at his person... , well he had to explain himself now... "I- You know, they ARE yours, yeah? Humans have this funny little saying where they believe youth shapes the future... Can't that apply here?" He could almost feel the burn of his alphas' gazes, but his mouth had this nasty little habit of running farther than his mind could catch it. "Why not nurture them? Show them what they've been missing? Damn better than leaving them out for the hunters..." And THAT initiated a whole new round of responses, murmurs now morphed into outright exclamations. And Taehyung wanted nothing more than to be swallowed whole by those cherrywood floors.
(☆) Jung Hoseok 9 years ago
@(☾)Kim Taehyung Oh god, leader meetings were always a bore. The other main alphas usually gave little feedback of Hoseok's interest. Though meetings such as these would never equate to a fun day out in the sun, they could surely lighten up some or joke around more? Being a very sociable type, the southern pack leader needed entertainment to force himself through hours of this cursed day which came around each month or so for him. While messing around with the usual omegas nearby would provide at least something for this council, yet the needy pheromones suffocating his olfactory nerves turned him off to the idea. His poor nose just about dried up and fell off from only a few minutes in this room.

The first discussion had to do with each packs policy with abandoned cubs. While some packs semi-awkwardly admitted their wolves would either dispose of the uncared for cubs or figure out how to teach them enough to survive, Hoseok boldly stated his own method. "I take them under my wing. I'd rather be their father and take them hunting with me so they can learn how to protect themselves." While some gasped at his idea, he only displayed confusion over his features. "Uh, do you guys not take the cubs out fishing and stuff? They enjoy it." One of the other pack leaders accused him of sending the cubs off to an automatic death by stringing them along on hunts, but Hoseok simply brushed the male off. "Geez, how do you expect parentless cubs to learn anything..." Hsoeok tends to be the odd one out in these meetings since he's rather direct about his leadership and plans for his pack.
(☾) Kim Taehyung 9 years ago
@(☆)Jung Hoseok Taehyung was going to die...

Or at least, if lectures along the premises of werewolf founding history coupled with sweeping agendas over attempts in diplomacy counted as a slow, insidious death... Then, yeah, he was a nothing short of a goner. It'd only been a month since the 'turn', a month since he'd been dragged kicking and screaming from his former life and strewn into this newer world of blood moons and wolfsbane... And yet here he was being forced into his first- and hopefully ONLY- pack meeting. Chanyeol had explained earlier that it was normally a social get-together between the elders and head alphas of packs from all four corners, but the boy wasn't stupid. He knew the onslaught of searing boredom that was to ensue, and he wanted nothing more than to skip out on it. But then again, they figured this would be the best way for Taehyung to see just how things ran around here... Plus, he'd much rather keep his throat intact and claw-free, so perhaps skipping could wait.

Easing his way down the hall, he turned to amble past the grand staircase and into their designated meeting room. For a newbie, even he could catch on about just how 'intrigued' many of the members were to such events. Though their attendance was never necessary, the packs omegas and betas often lingered nearby to watch with wide eyes as the others entered the room, not expected to be seen again until at least the other half of the day. And, of course, he was the only beta... The odd duck out... The one who'd be far too overwhelmed with pheromones and overall confusion to really be of service to anyone there. So neatly, he tucked himself towards the back, slipping past Chanyeol- or the general direction of his scent- and pressing himself as closely to the wall as deemed possible. At least this way, if he slept, he was far likelier to get away with it unnoticed...


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delirious_ 8 years ago
minho is leaving, sorry
lyndsi 8 years ago
Sorry myungsoo left
NekoiKpop 8 years ago
Jimin left
BubbleTeaManiac 8 years ago
Minhyun is leaving due to inactivity and school. Thank you. ;; <3
Fallen_Love_ 8 years ago
Soonyoug left...
brittini 8 years ago
Kyungsoo left , think this rp is dead
cuddlykyungie 8 years ago
Seyong left ;-; im sorry thank you for having me here
SHInfinite_93 8 years ago
mark left. Thanks for having me here ~
silvermist1116 8 years ago
Sungjong left. Thank you for having me.
brittini 8 years ago
bambam left
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