Nurse's Room

Wounds, Scratches, Sickness? Just come here to be treated.

Jay Park 11 years ago
@Rain @taeyang @boa
"Wow...Is it just me or is that guy and arrogant bastard?"
crosses arms watching Ji hoon exit
Rain 11 years ago
@BoA @Taeyang smirk at your sudden out burst before walking passes you then turn back towards Boa.
"Get well sleeping beauty~"
exits the building
[post deleted by owner]
BoA 11 years ago
@Taeyang -shrivers a bit leans head against your chest-
Taeyang 11 years ago
Jaebeom* lol
Taeyang 11 years ago
"Go away!!!!" Tae bust out, snapping when Rain looked at Boa with those eyes. "And I won't!"
He faced back to Jaebeon with an angry, red face. "Yeah, I'll talk to you later then..."
Jay Park 11 years ago
@Rain Narrows my eyes on Ji hoon for a moment then turns back to bae.
"Bae go home. I'll be by later, we need to talk anyways arasoyo?"
Rain 11 years ago
@Taeyang @BOA & Jay
"If you say so,"
Eyed the too with uncertainty before gathering his things preparing to leaving. "I'll be checking on her in a fews day. Tell her that for me when she awakes."
Smiles once again stealing glances of the unconscious beauty.
Taeyang 11 years ago
@BoA [ make sure to tell us when you wake up XD ]
BoA 11 years ago
@Taeyang Laid limp in your arms completely unaware of what was going on.
Taeyang 11 years ago
"Rain...this is deeper than you think." Tae huffed at the other. He took Boa in his strong arms, caring as if she was a new born child. There was a whole back story on all of this, Rain just happened to step in. YoungBae was glad that he could help out, but his time was done here. He smiled as Jay stood up for noona and himself.
Jay Park 11 years ago
@Taeyang @Rain "Are you sure?" hands her to you then turns to Ji hoon.
" off wacker what do you know about any of this?!"
Jay snapped annoyed he dear question his friendship.
Rain 11 years ago
@Taeyang Taeyang Watchs both the men semi annoyed. "For to be your close friends the two of you seem awfully wishy washy about caring about her needs. I get the feeling she was upset with you two in the first place. So why are you two both so hestitant if you're her real friends?"
Eyes the pair skeptically
[post deleted by owner]
Taeyang 11 years ago
@Jay Park "I-Im sorry." Takes her from you. "I'll take her, I have nothing's going on."
Jay Park 11 years ago
@Taeyang Sighs and nods my head "I'll take her with me, Hyung you owe I was...I was suppose to hyung out with ailee tonight too." Scopes Boa in my arms.
Taeyang 11 years ago
@Jay Park "Do that, please Jay..."
Jay Park 11 years ago
@Taeyang "True but she unconscious right now? I'm mean if you're not comfortable I'll take her to my place hyung." Stares at you.
Taeyang 11 years ago
"Boys?" Tae looked at the other two. "Who's gonna take that responsibility? Shouldn't it be boa's choice?"
BoA 11 years ago
@Taeyang @rain @Jay park
"Oh really ok. Well in that case." Turns to JAy and Taeyang.
"I'll have to release her to one of you to look after her."
Jay Park 11 years ago
@BoA "Ye paesangnim Ji hoon here, just saved her she actually our friend."
Rain 11 years ago
smiles uneasily sensing the youngman protective tone. "Ne~ excuse me doctor there's been a mix up she not my girfriend. In fact we haven't even properly met yet. I just merely found her in this condition."
Taeyang 11 years ago
"Um...excuse me?" Taeyang was a little steaming. "Sir, sorry to say, but she is not his girlfriend...." Although Rain was a nice guy, he was protective of his best friend and hated that idea
BoA 11 years ago
@Taeyang @Rain @Jay PArk

Doctor walks in
Doctor: Mr. "Jung Ji hoon. We just finalized all the paper work you can take your girlfriend home now. Remember to give her plenty of vitamin C, warm beverages and keep her indoors. It's best goes home with you just in case she isn't feeling well." Smiles at you brightly.
Jay Park 11 years ago
@Rain Silently studying the tall man's profile keeps silent eye bouncing from him back to Boa.
"D-Do you know how long she was out there for?"
Rain 11 years ago
@Taeyang "Shhh~"
silences the youngman so the girl could sleep peacefully. Releases the girls hand. "I told you what I already kno. I found the clasped on the pavert in the alleyway in the rain."
Looks back at her worriedly before returning my gaze to the two men
"The doctor said she is running a high fever right now but she recover soon. but she shouldn't alone right now in her condition."
Taeyang 11 years ago
"Can you guys tell me what is going on, please?" Taeyang was obviously flustered, looking at the body before him.
BoA 11 years ago
-stirs in my sleep when I feel a damp cloth touch my forehead-
Jay Park 11 years ago
runs in panting runs from do to door looking for Boa. "Noona! Noona!"
Runs and stop when I stop the strange tall man and Youngbae
Rain 11 years ago
@Taeyang Sits by the bed side of the strange woman holding her and then occasionally patting her forehead with a water cloth.
Sighs thn admires the beautiful of the youngwoman for a moment before noticing a man staring at me.


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kessjxng 10 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
wishuponadream 10 years ago
daehyun is leaving, sorry
icynights 10 years ago
Yeah since this is closed down I'ma just leave o u o
-Kim Seuk Hye
elysian 11 years ago
chom needs to leave :c
sorry! had a great time!
niw too many rp's atm..
whatsseob 11 years ago
Bomi will be on hiatus starting tomorrow until May 3. Thanks~
poopingrainbows 11 years ago

I am back... can I please rejoin as Sungjae?~
I miss IIhoon~ Miss roleplaying here~
Before when I left I was in a load of RP's.. but now suddenly a load of them have been shut down... Also at the time I was stressed about the work load of college, but I am all caught up~ and up to date~
Please let me reapply as Sungjae~ I need my IIhoon!~

chasonwooyunkey 11 years ago
Jihyun's leaving
StayFrosty 11 years ago
JB leaving.
So inactive here >_<
poopingrainbows 11 years ago
Sorry I am leaving... I don't have enough time anymore, as I am like finishing college soon I only have 9 weeks left~ and it's kind of crazy with the work load.. and I have too many RP's anyways..

I love the idea!~ I hope, and wish this RP grows!~ and does well!~
rantani 11 years ago
Kevin here.. I'm getting busy lately with IB tests and stuff so I'm leaving a lot of rps I'm inactive in.. so.. I'll have to go.. maybe I'll come back since it was fun being here~
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