Templar home base

A place for Templars, prisoners, spy's and allies to roleplay.

Choi Amber 11 years ago
AltaΓ―r [A] 11 years ago
(I'm resonding in masyaf ok)
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
Ester felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise at the sight of the next village nearing. This was a village she frequented with Mamoru but she was coming in a new person. Or so she felt. She breathed in and out calmly...looking forward to her future no matter what it brought
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Looks at the sun which was high in the sky, the sands like a sea. Continues to rub her back and the horse moves onward.
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
She felt the corners of her lips tug into a smile and at that moment she felt like everything was behind her, she was only starting anew
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Smiles back at her. With one hand she gently rubs her back and head. "I have many things I know, I'm here you can spill to me. For I will never tell, not one soul."
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
Ester didnt see it that way, when she turned her head to face Rayza. Eyes twinkling with realization. Her heart sparked up again and in the arms of this girl she some how felt whole
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Sighs "that sounds bad but on the flip side it's a new start with new enemies and allies. You can also learn from the past." Holds her gently like how she would convert a young novice that hurt himself
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
"Rayza I'm nothing anymore. And that's just it. My own people, the ones I believed in were the ones that saught to destroy me and everything I believed in." Ester mumbled. She tried to avoid letting it all out but t this point everyone was an enemy BUT Rayza
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Can feel her hurt in the air. "Come and tell me."
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
"I don't think you are ok. I think your the complete opposite of ok. Tell me what's wrong, I've heard it all from my prey I'm a good listener." Looks down and in a caring why but her outfit hides it all.
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
"Are you ok?"
Ester snapped back into reality, almost being awaken from a dream. She thought for second. Was she fine? She was wasnt she? She didn't know.

"Of coarse I am." She answered dully to Rayza, holding in her thoughts
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
(The brother hood is not a clan btw XD) slows the horse down as they pass some guards.at the lower pace the heat bares down harder. Looking down at Etster she studies her movements taking in every little thing. After a bit she asks " Are you ok?"
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
The rolling hills and mountain side in the distance made Ester feel closer to peace. She just felt numb. Letting her emotions out really took it out of her. She figured that as long as she was out of Rayzas hair Rayza wouldnt kill her.

Ester was angry. She didnt care what stood in her way she was going to get revenge against the Templrs. For her lost family and lost hope in life. Grasping the horses main tighter she looked ahead. She couldnt helpbut find some comfort in Rayza being close to her. Though she could end her life as soon as they arrived t the assassins clan home base.
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Hopes on with the lightness and swiftness an assassin is known for. Gripping the rains she makes the beast go into a light gallop. It bothered Rayza greatly that Etster was like this and she couldn't pin-point why. Something in her core wanted Etster to be part of the brother hood, that what part of her some how and a safe place to go to.
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
Not even a nod or a look in the eye. Ester climbed onto the horses back and looked down to it main, showing she was ready to move
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Waiting like a a bird of prey for her to move onto the horse. "Come we have some way to go before the sun rises and Templars look of a missing assassin, right?" Like many things it was a statement rather than a question. Looks at the sky that still had stars shining through it.
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
Ester managed to peel her red irritated eyes open, sun stinging them mildly. She peered up at Rayza, grunting and sitting up numbly. She knew Rayza would want to leave soon, the sooner they left the sooner she got back to her home. Her place of belonging.

Sighing she brought herself to her feet. Not making eye contact
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Frowns and shakes harder "come on wake up! Time to move out!"
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
The sun raised over the dunes and as the 1st rays of light peaked over a pair of hidden green eyes flashed open. Getting up she slowly stretched and looked around for Etster. After putting the heavy saddle on the horse she began to shake the girl muttering "Get up, it's time to move. The sun is up."
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
Ester screamed into the diamond scattered sky, releasing her frustrations all at once. Falling to her knees into the mud hot tears poured down her dirt matted cheeks, she'd finally lost everything she thought was hers. Her father, Mother, little sister, Aunt and Uncle, Cousin Ellimay and her grand papa and omma. To the flames that now haunted her thoughts and every dream.

But now she had lost everything they stood for, everything she had made for herself and that meant everything to her. All gone to the ones she thought she was everything to.

She pulled at her hair and howled somberly in between sobs. What kept her going on anymore? nothing did but the cooing of an owl that stared blankly, mocking her. She leaned on a fallen tree and sobbed, letting her emotions flow before Rayza awoke in the morning
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
(Yep for a assassin she could sleep through a battle no problem)
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
(-_- shes a heavy sleeper xD)
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is all that could be heard for the assassin
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
She tripped, but sat there in the mess of the woods never the less. Tears streeked her pale, dirt matted skin. She was finally able to be vulnerable for once today
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Sound asleep, her weakest point was getting up. The sand was all she needed her outfit was like a blanket keeping her warm at night and cold in the heat of day.
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
She decided a small stroll would ease her mind, it always had. But not having a home anymore, looking upon the sleeping Rayza, she wished to belong somewhere. Tearing her eyes from the gental scene she stormed off, emotions carrying her
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Drifts to a restful sleep thanks to the flames singing an unheard lullaby. Turns slightly in her sleep
Etster Cooper 11 years ago
She shivered lightly and looked into the flames, eyes twinkling she turned away violently, memories enloping her mind once more. Struggling to her feet she fell once more before standing. looking away from the flames she knew too well
Rayza Tymbir [A] 11 years ago
Looks over at "All is forgiven, but the matter still hangs." Looks into fire her poker face unreadable for the moment as her thoughts of home and safety took over relaxing her body slightly


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mustache 11 years ago
Could I be Oh Sehun

PreciousKiss 11 years ago
I don't mean to be too much trouble, but do you think I can join as Claudia? ^.^;
GatoWubs2Bite 11 years ago
I love this RP, better than most the ones Im in ;)
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