[0] Starting Point


The Beginning

Starting Point

ic                  points on                  no battles                  new players


"We were expecting you."

For new players, the starting point is the direct landing point that acts as a crossroad section for players to choose to follow the tutorial or start at the first town. The area is filled in darkness and vast void beyond the floating platform. Players will not be able to teleport back to this point once they leave it.


A soft voice echoes, the sound so close that you swear you could feel its breath against the shell of your ear. The child-like tone almost echoes, yet it's impossible. There's nothing here. No one, but you. Perhaps at times, you could hear the distorted voices of others, and yes -in this place, the crossroads, perhaps there are others like you. They too are meeting their destiny here. You cannot see them. Not yet. You are alone. The ethereal sound of the voice returns, seeming to call your name, asking you where you would like to go. It wants to know if you were new here, or if you've been here before. It wanted to know if you were prepared to continue, and if so... where would you go?

"I'd like to stay here."

"I'm ready."

"I'll go where I please."

"I need help..."

"I'd like to stay here."

Perhaps the vast emptiness soothes you. Regardless of your reasons, you decide to remain back to linger. There isn't anywhere to go, but perhaps it's the very whisper of voices that seem so close yet so far away that keeps you here.

[ Comment below with your characters reaction to this prompt for points. Please start your post with, "I'd like to stay here". ]

"I'm ready."

The soft spoken entity enjoyed it; your vigor and courage. It was as if it knew everything about you, but alas remained shrouded in mystery. You were ready to move on, and suddenly a white light engulfed the place and surrounded you with the magnificance of a rush of wind.

[ Please proceed to: [0] Tutorial. ]

"I'll go where I please."

There was something intimidating in the way you spoke, and the formless being remained quiet. "Very well," it spoke tenderly and white flickers of grid-like cells flickered before you to reveal a panel marking the world map and it's various level of towns. Only one option was selectable, and once pressed, you were transferred instantaneously to the beginning town.

[ Please proceed to: [T1] Albetta. ]

"I need help..."

The sound of desperation in your voice beckoned a wisp of colorful light to circle around you as if to tell you 'it's alright'. The being opted to help you and dove into the very ground itself until a trail of areas readily guided you towards the direction that you needed to follow.

[ Please proceed to: [OOC] Help Desk. ]

[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV1] Cho Kyuhyun [] I haven't either, no worries!
[LV1] GaemKyu 8 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
[LV1] GaemKyu 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun [[ Sorry I haven't replied in three days xP stuff happened... Imma just roll that dice! and then write the reply~ ]]
[LV75] Leo 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun Leo's eyes never once leaving the beast's movement, trying to find an opening then seize the opportunity to damage it and even though he's already in pretty high level; he didn't want to make a reckless decision even though it was just a game he didn't want to experience near death situation. The whip from it's tail coming for the second time and Leo had to block it with his sword and his hand behind the sword to add more defense for him but alas he was pushed few steps behind as the reult of withstanding the attack. He opted to just charged ahead and try to penetrate the scales using all of his strength and speed. Even though he managed to pierce through the skin, the beast also got to scratch him on his shoulder drawing a hiss from Leo as he stepped back, looking at it while hoping the attack is enough to weaken the big beast.
[LV1] AoiHara 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun Aoi quickly turned around from the sound of someone's voice around him, his grey eyes locking on to the random figure near him. He was almost in shock since he couldn't sense him. When the hell did he get there? "A bot? N-No! I'm a player- " His ears then went up, hearing something near them. Turning around he'd seen a rather big wolf-like monster only a few feet away from them. Aoi blinked in shock, the monster came after them and he was nearly ready to attack until he noticed that there was a shield in front of them. Aoi turned towards the other male, confused. When did he even get here and why is he helping?
[LV75] King Yuan15 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun Yuan wasn’t quite sure what was happening when he had been summoned to the remote area, as he was sure that all that he had been doing before this was heading on his way back to a town for stocking up on supplies. Even though it was a shocking situation, he didn’t want to let his guard down and immediately moved to a hidden area to collect himself. He was glad that he did so since he heard someone asking a question out to him and he turned to where he was sure that the voice was coming from opening his mouth to reply, “No, I’m not a bot.”

A quiet curse, spilled from his lips not moments later because he was forced to move and draw his bow followed by fluidly notching an arrow and letting it fly accurately to hit the shadowed figure. If he hoped that it would destroy the fiend but his arrow did little to no damage against it. Yuan acted quickly, opening his menu he shifted through it to find the most effective weapon to wield against shadow knights and the mini-boss controlling them. His wings sprouted in mere seconds and he used them to fly up to a distance he was sure that would keep him unharmed for the moment while he hurried to destroy as much fiends as he could find only to land back on the ground 10 minutes later.
[LV1] Caesar 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun The male was strolling through the vacuity, the darkness in his surroundings shrouding him in a gown that made it impossible to mark out any course he could take. Wandering through the gloomy boondocks filled him with vexation, but also some kind of odd determination. His thoughts were fed up with the inability to plan anything out; there was no code to crack, no logical ground behind his current milieu and what came with that - the impossibility to clutch any idea, however risky it might be.
As soon as he heard the inquire resounding in the air (which made his previous thought of this place to be a galaxy-like vacuum) his head shot up, his eyes wandering in search of its source.
"No, I'm not" he answered, gulping down the urge to say something more sarcastic - he wasn't in the mood to straighten things out once they were understood falsely.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV1] AoiHara "Hello, are you a bot?" He asked the next new player that came, and hadn't fallen victim to the masses of bodies that by now flooded the space. The botting program had glitched as some point, now respawning as dead bodies, and yet the boss monster with his equally deadly minions still lurked around. He assumed this new spawn was an actual character, and placed a quickly timed mirror shield to protect them from the attack once the large wolf-like creature spotted them. They had a few minutes to answer him, or move in a 'not-so-bot' manner.
[post deleted by owner]
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV75]Roy Wang Yuan The Mini Boss was a level 86, and it had already killed 10 avatar-bots, leaving the space bloodied and flooded with corpses when the GM hadn't bothered to block the program. Funnily enough, when they died, their simply logged out, and a new level one was created and killed upon sight.

He watched their habits, the way they stood around -spamming free gold when no such thing existed. The bodies cluttered the spawning point so much, that it was almost funny at the way the bodies piled up. One electrical storm bolt from the large beast and the were could in one beat.

He cursed, though, when what he believed to be an actual player had spawned. Luckily, they seemed higher than the fallen former. "Are you a bot?" He asked anyone who seemed unlike the default characters that came in.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV1] Caesar The large wolf-like beast had teleported to another spot of the dark, void, allowing it to still be seen as the small island wasn't enough to allow it to go far. He watched one of the new players come into the spot right then, and while he remained invisible was not far from the new player, OR the bot he'd been seeking to dispose of.

Really, he could have ip banned and blocked the program, but he was itching to troll. "Are you a bot?" He asked him, just in case.
[post deleted by owner]
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
Oh how in a mischievous mood he was in, wanting to unleash a high level spawn in the spawning point and watch it kill the little newbletts. However, IM knew that as a GM, it was his duty to protect the newcomers in their world, and uphold order. His brow twitched beneath the bill of his black cap, and he scowled at the series of bots that had rezzed. So it was starting already? The botting, huh? Someone thought they could get around them so easily huh?

So he did it, figuring that no other newcomers would come around to this place. And this was how he'd unleashed one of the shadow dungeon mini bosses to scour the area and kill of the bots. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/61/b2/96/61b29660a52f730f54fda0efc9185e93.jpg As Thoriatem had spawned, it'd also spawned its minions, shadow knights to hunt down all that was there. If any innocent players became harmed in the meantime, he'd be sure to revive them and transport them to the nearest town as quickly as possible.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV1] Son Seungwan Healer. He wondered how she would manage, or cover her weak defenses if she was alone and without others to party with. He simply nodded, though, and gave her a small smile. "I'm IM. No one special, but if you ever want tips or need help, just use the 'Call GM' button. Alright?" He bowed his head in greeting to her, being an odd quiet guy, yet also a willing helper to others.

"Would you like some practice in leveling?"
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV75] Jung Taekwoon The relentless beast didn't cease in its charge, and had even tried whipping the warrior with its length, heavy tail when he'd dodged out of the way. Like a bull teased by the matador, it kicked its legs in frustration and prepared to attack again. It's steps were could, and the creature braced itself on his strong legs when the weight of his blade came down onto his head. The skull bone was the hardest, sturdiest part of its body and the only thing that bore the toughest armor like its egg shell. It was why it tended to keep its head down, using the bone to charge and act as a shield to attacks. The scales on the rest of its body were strong, but not nearly and impenetrable as its heavy skull bone.

The best was able to easily deflect the attack, and whipped its tail again to quickly counter attack once the deflection had hopefully staggered its enemy.

IM, on the other hand, watched the battle, and thought it to be brilliant. He was far too much of a lazy, guy to keep up with any kind of physical combat. If he had to choose, long range, or magic would have been for him.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV1] Cho Kyuhyun Usually the way newbies fight monsters was the simple roll of the dice in areas such as fields and dungeons, 1 meaning their failure while each other dice roll gave them a point based on that number.. For now, the creature hissed and arched defensively once the new player readied himself to attack. It didn't make the first move, but now that the player was close to its space, was alert and aware of his threat and intrusion.

IM simply waited it out, whenever he was ready. How would GaemKyu go about this? He was forced to be the aggressor in this situation with a non-aggressive monster within his level range, but at the same time. There was a risk. Would he be fast enough for the monster's swift attacks and agile high dodge? If he died, it was game over.
[LV1] Chrysaria 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun "C-Class? O-Oh um...healer...it just seems like something that would fit my personality more." Wendy responded quietly looking downwards, fiddling with her fingers. "I'm Wendy, by the way.." She said as she had realized that she had not done so yet, making her feel like a rude person. "And you are...?"

Wendy has always been the type of person who would want to help other people. She was never the type to fight at the front lines or engage in combat where she would get hurt. She hated when people got hurt, especially when she had the chance to help them but never took it.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV1] Son Seungwan There wouldn't be, but her quiet gratitude in itself told him a lot about the new comer's personality, thus bringing him to linger for a while longer. There was no harm in the gum, but he did nothing to reassure her that it was safe. She hadn't seemed to hesitate.

"So what class are you going for?" IM asked her, pushing her hands into her pockets while he rocked from heel to toe.
[LV75] Leo 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun His body trembled, not out of fear but more to excitement he felt once he saw the next monster being summoned in front of him. Even though it was just a game but the adrenaline rush wave sent to his brain was something he missed to feel. But that moment of retreating himself back into real life memory caused him to lose his focus that's why when the monster attack he had to jumped back to avoid getting injured though it did give him some damaged. "Tch." Leo gritted his teeth as he grip his sword. His eyes scanned the monster, trying to spot some kind of weak spot it has but as he expected this one didn't bear something that eyecatching to show the weakspot. As the monster charged ahead once more, he didn't have much choice but to roll to the side before using his agility to jump and deal a powerful slash on its skull bone; waiting for it to give some kind of hint that he did hit the weakspot.
[LV1] GaemKyu 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun He stared at the creature and tilted his head. What he learned from many other games was that some things were misleading. Because he was just beginning and was honestly a little rusty in gaming, taking on the simplest of creatures can put a little damage on you, usually not enough to kill you. But it was a small creature and he had a dagger ready with some simple armor covering him.

He slightly shrugged and said with a small smile, "Pretty sure. One way to find out though." He got himself ready for the practice battle.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV1] Park Jimin As usual, IM was there at the starting point where new players finished their registration and character creation, and that's where he found a puffy looking guy who may have been the same height that he was.

"Hey, welcome." He said casually to the new player with the tip of his chin in greeting.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV1] Cho Kyuhyun Real world. IM couldn't remember what the real world was like. Even working on the development team require him to be on the computer and logged in at his gaming rig. He was disconnected from reality. He thought patiently in considering a low leveled monster to summon. Why not the monster from the tutorial, Rattish - http://www.brittmartin.com/Resources/GiantRats.jpg.

He summoned one of the spawns, and while the creature skittered about, drooling and foaming at its mouth form the rabid corruption, it was a non-aggressive monster created for simplicity -until attacked. Characters were given basic armor upon their creation, which included cloth armor and a simple dagger. The tutorial would offer more. "Do you think you take it?" He asked him. The creature would reach GaemKyu's knees when it's on all fours, and his waist if it stood on its hind legs.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV75] Jung Taekwoon He enjoyed it; the drive. Some players wanted a casual experience, to kill a little, or do much of nothing. Some just wanted to make friends and completely rely on the story lines and sub quests for becoming stronger. This guy, IM thought, seemed like he'd make a good fit for a Top Guild Leader. He nodded simply, and didn't hold back the next spawn summoning. This time, he summoned another egg. Upon its sudden appearance, however, the hard armored shell cracked and shattered, and a red scaled -reptile-like monster emerged from it. It's body was muscular and toned, yet fit and slender for stealth, resembling the structure of a T Rex in the way that it had a heavy set of legs and a long, thick tail that thrashed to break away the rest of the shell. It's arms were small, tucked against its torso for balance, and it had a large set of jaws that appeared to be able to break and crush anything.

The beast was aggressive and stretched out to roar. While it wasn't massive and was barely taller than Leo's height, it was quick and bounded at him with the swiftness of a raptor. Long horns flared from its head, attached to the ivory colored skull bone that layered on top. The monster lowered its head, and used the bone like a shield to charge ahead.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@Jung Soojung Evil, he'd decided, but at least she was unique within her own colors. "Control. Remind me to not pair anyone with you as much as possible," IM said with the scrunch of his nose, and lifted a hand to wave to her. He hadn't even bothered teleporting her BACK to the place that he was in, and instantly shifted away to who knew where.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@Bae Joohyun When it came to person-to-person interaction, one could never expect how a person would react. You were bound to run into people of all shades, sizes and mentalities, and newbies were no different. At least in this world, they all looked real, not formed through computer generated graphics. In a sense, they 'were' real. The injuries felt and became real enough, and the way the characters moved were all using rapid eye movement and direct connection with the person's mental control -brain connected to the game itself as if they were controlling their dreams and acting upon them in real time.

It was why IM didn't react much when she gave him such the look and took the gum. He simply had to welcome her, and move on. It was his job. With the aura and effects off, he appeared to be, at the most, a seasoned player wearing cash shop fashionable clothing. No wings, no glow, and no fanfare. "You're welcome." Was all he said, giving her a two- salute and going invisible as he tended to be in the area.
[LV1] Chrysaria 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun Feeling herself enter the virtual reality world, she scanned her surroundings and turned around taking in every single object that came into view. Looking down at herself, she realized that her true self became somewhat a reality. Having the same features just with a few touches of magic and sparkle. She heard someone call her name as she turned around and smiled softly at him.

"Thank you so much!" She replied quietly, not wanting to make too much of a scene. Looking at the piece of gum that he had offered her, she took and equipped it seeing that there would be no harm to it. . . or at least, she hoped so.
[LV1] GaemKyu 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun "Cool," Kyuhyun said with a nod. "Double-bladed pole arms are also very cool." He nodded once again after hearing the advice. He was glad to be receiving such great information at the very beginning of everything. He was keeping a little note in his head that he'd have to write that down somewhere, if he could. Maybe in a memo.

"I'm okay at it, but practice comes slim when you're busy out in the real world," he replied. "Trying out some stuff would be great. It'd be nice to get a few pointers too."
[LV75] Leo 8 years ago
@Im Changkyun After the egg vanished, Leo looked at his hand and frown. Of course it would feel different from what his body accustomed to since in the game everything depends on his own statistic; the tougher he get the more he could damaged any monster coming his way. He felt a bit lucky now he started ahead in term of level but that doesn't mean he could just slack off, in fact he could use this as a new form of exercise even though it's just within the game. He turned to the GM and nodded "Of course." A small smirk apparent of Leo's face as he returned to his fighting stance once more, feeling a bit more excited "Isn't it just natural for wanting tougher enemy after you destroyed one? Wanting to get better." His eyes focused as he tried to coordinate all his senses so he'd ready for anything coming his way.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@[LV1] Cho Kyuhyun He held it in the back of his mind; pole arms. "You have time to test it out. If you're ever curious about how a high leveled Warrior would move, look for a man named Leo. He's pretty skilled and sharp." IM's low voice guided him thoughtfully. He too enjoyed designing large two-handed weapons, scythes being his personal favorite.

"Think you have the hang of using weapons? Want to try out some things for a few easy points?" He offered him, tipping his head from one side to see if the newbie was interested. He liked teaching, and found it easier to do so than leaving it up to the programmed NPCs.
[GM] IM [A] 8 years ago
@Jung Soojung Being Korean, he had to snort at the use of senpai, but nodded slowly instead. He understood what she meant after all. "Alright. Did you have a pupil in mind? Or do you want a newbie at random?" He asked, shifting his weight from one side to the other.

IM supposed he could relate, as he'd decided to be a GM to help others. He was, however, picky when it came to take others under his wing.


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LaysChips 7 years ago
I'm sorry but Moonbin will be taking his leave.
AsianJunkie16 8 years ago
Wang Yuan will be leaving but I really happened to like this rp.
AriaEl 8 years ago
Wendy shall be taking her leave. Thank you for letting me stay.
strangers_again 8 years ago
Sorry, things are getting busy again and I need to be on hiatus xP
jerlinnnnnn [A] 8 years ago
sorry, i am a terrible co-admin ;;
but i'll be taking my leave now, thanks for the stay!
oh_my_jin 8 years ago
Can you add and reserve Asuma Kousuke ^^/?
LaysChips 8 years ago
please do put moonbin (mbn) on a hiatus o/
rosequartz- 8 years ago
a&r mark lee of nct u please thank you<3
LaysChips 8 years ago
please do add and reserve Moon Bin aka... Moonbin- of Astro!
jerlinnnnnn [A] 8 years ago
[ MasterList Update] ----------------------------------
Aoi Hara
Woo Jiho
Kim Jonghyun
Lee Taemin
Park Jinyoung
Lee Jooheon
Yoon Dowoon
Kim Jongin
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