Hallways and lockers



Hang with friends....


Get to your locker




Jessica 11 years ago
@Yesung /laughs and takes out my phone to make a video
Yesung 11 years ago
@Jessica arasso~

*blushed red*

*started to dance slowly*
Jessica 11 years ago
@Yesung Yah~!
/drags you back
you have to do your dare yesunggie
Yesung 11 years ago
@Jessica Aigoo~
*hides behind the locker*
Jessica 11 years ago
@Yesung What do you mean?
/laughs and waves my hands in front of you
Right here! The one and only Jessica Jung!
Do your dare~
Yesung 11 years ago
@Jessica *walks towards you and look around*

are you sure???? here??
Jessica 11 years ago
@Yesung /laughs when I see you and waves a little
Right here Yesung!!
Yesung 11 years ago
@Jessica *walks in and gallop in tomato costume*
*look around before calling Jessica*
Jessica 11 years ago
/walks around waiting for Yesung
Key 11 years ago
@Krease *rolls my eyes at the sarcasm all the while smiling slightly*
Krease(is on Hiatus again) 11 years ago
@Key You're welcome /sarcastically, while smiling

I'll try my best. /salutes
Key 11 years ago
@Krease Ugh...
*turns to you consciously picking at my hair to fix it and flicks my fringe*
Thank you for ruining my masterpiece of a do.
And it's okay.
Just watch it next time.
*crinkles my nose*
Krease(is on Hiatus again) 11 years ago
@Key /grabs my book, and walks pass, lightly ruffling your hair/

Sorry, that I bumped into you.Might wanna check if your nose is hurt.
Key 11 years ago
@Krease *sighs and pouts turning back to my locker, smiles fidgeting with the stuff inside*
Krease(is on Hiatus again) 11 years ago
@Key /turns around, and tilts my head/

Maybe. /shrugs and goes to my locker, putting books inside/
Key 11 years ago
@Krease Oh~
*accidentally hits my nose on my locker door*
Heyyyy.... Can you please watch it?
*turns to look at who bumped me*
Krease(is on Hiatus again) 11 years ago
@Key /walks by, bumping into you/
Key 11 years ago
*busies myself decorating my locker whimsically*
Yesung 11 years ago
@Yuri *fell flat and holds my tummy*

Im just kidding....

Ouch....i thought you are someone else...sorry....

*stand up and walked away in pain*

oh my, that girl is danger!
Yesung 11 years ago
@Taeyeon *look around*
i dont see any....
Yuri 11 years ago
@Yesung *jumps and elbows someone behind my back*
I know freaking judo so you better remove your hands.. c:
Taeyeon 11 years ago
@Yesung /flinches
OMO! Yesung Oppa!
/looks away
No i'm not.. The other girls seems to have many admirers..
Yesung 11 years ago
@Taeyeon Looking for something???
[post deleted by owner]
Yesung 11 years ago
@Yuri *comes from behind*

*close your eyes with my hand*
Taeyeon 11 years ago
/opens my locker
/sees nothing
Who the hell will like a nerd like me anyway -mutters-
Yuri 11 years ago
*opens my locker*
I see nothing..
*throws random stuff in*
Do Hwe Ji [A] 11 years ago
@U-Kwon O/////O Aish....
U-Kwon 11 years ago
/runs around the hallway in my underpants/


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Jejung 10 years ago
luhan left.
skycrawler93 11 years ago
Hye~ Yesung has to leave...Due to too busy in real life...Thanks for having me~
lovelovelove12 11 years ago
sorry, but IU is leaving~
skycrawler93 11 years ago
Hye...Yesung will go on hiatus until september :)
DancefloorBaby7 11 years ago
Key is leaving. Sorry.
Loner_Kei 11 years ago
Krease is leaving.
No one to really chat with.
zeriri 11 years ago
Taemin is leaving...
I have 25+ rp's ><
SoManyWords 11 years ago
Tiffany will be leaving due to busyness in real life.
Thank you and I've had a good time here.
Loner_Kei 11 years ago
Loner_Kei 11 years ago
Kris is going on hiatus (again).
No WiFi at home
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