
The Pretty Cafe
About the Room
A family owned florist shop.

Current Employees
Lee Hi
© Made by #HYFR Layout Gallery.
Lee Hi 8 years ago
@Zelo (S'okay.)

Hayi tried her best not to let her smile fall. She was off the clock now and was only working over time, because this man walked in her door. Sighing, tilted her head back, closed her eyes and breathed out slowly. "Okay. I guess we can head over there." She said as she went back to the fridge to put the flowers back. "Although I don't know why this can't wait until tomorrow." She whispered under her breathe. Closing the door, she went behind the counter to log off the cash register. "Let me close down the shop, then we can go." She'll count the money for today when she gets back. Hopefully this trip wouldn't be long. After she closed down, she turned off the lights, keys in hand and walked to the man. "Let's go."
Zelo [A] 8 years ago
@Lee Hi (Sorry for being gone for so long)

"I got time if you wanna go over and see it now." He always had the keys since he was always the one who locked up. "I'm not very good with flowers so whatever you think is best." Zelo tilts his head staring at a pink flower. It looked simple but all the petals made it look complex. The numerous petals reminded him of his fluffy pet at home. He still needed a name for his recently bought pup. Maybe he'd name the pup something cute. His eyes look over her, maybe that would fit.
Lee Hi 8 years ago
@Zelo "A cafe, huh." Relief filled her. Flowers for cafes were easy to pick out and if the owner liked the first batch, then there's a good chance there would be a steady flow business from one buyer, since flowers didn't last passed a week and a half before needing to be replaced. "I have just the thing." She went to the refrigerator across the shop and opened the door to pull out white lilies and tulips in a variety of colors. "Lilies and tulips look best in cafes. They create a subtle bright and cheerful atmosphere and are appealing to look at." She grabbed two bouquets with the flowers, before going back to the man. "I can't say I've ever been to Pretty Cafe, so I'd like to visit to get the flowers right. Without seeing it first I'd have to say these would probably be the best choice of flowers. If you decide to go with us, then I can put in a bulk order and have them shipped once a week."
Zelo [A] 8 years ago
@Lee Hi "What would you recommend? Need something for my work. Manager thinks some flowers will help sales. It's a cafe." Zelo looks around at the flowers on display. "Have you ever been in the café? Pretty Café. It's pretty far from here but..." He shrugs waiting to hear what she'd say. He just wanted to figure out a way to lure her out of the shop. Being a florist he figured that this was perfect. Despite his height he tended to blend into the background in the right crowd. And it was always the right crowd when women were involved.

(Sorry it's so short)
Lee Hi 8 years ago
@Zelo Thirty minutes left. Just thirty minutes, then she could close down the shop. Hayi was about ready to drop and call it a day. There were four brides with their wedding planners in the shop today asking to look at her arrangements. Some of them they liked. Some they didn't. Odd request were made that she had to follow through with or they wouldn't get the sell. Weddings were a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because a lot of money came in and the shop desperately needed it. A curse, because Hayi is the only employee. Her grandmother works in the garden and handles the finances. Other than that she's the one that has to make large order of bouquets and center pieces. The shop unfortunately didn't have enough money to pay another person to work there. Sighing, Hayi rested her head on the counter, eyes closed and stress seeping out of her with each exhale. If only she had a stress reliever right about now.

She must have fell asleep at the counter, because the bell above the door startled her when it rang. An incredibly tall man walked through the door, and she had to stop herself from groaning at having to deal with another person-she glanced at the clock behind her-five minutes before the shop closed. Wow the day must have taken a lot out of her to sleep that long while working. Good thing she had a wake up call. "We close up in five minutes sir." She said as she grabbed the keys and walked to the door to lock it and click the open sign off. After this last customer she was free for the night. Yay. "Is there anything specific you're looking for?" She asked as she went back to the counter.


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silvermist1116 8 years ago
Lee Hi and Jinhoo left.
brittini 8 years ago
Can you reserve Nagito please ?
Biribiribibi 8 years ago
Hi can you reserve Kim Jinhee please
flamestorm 8 years ago
Hello there?
Could you add and reserve got7 youngjae and twice momo?
Thank you
sonathea 8 years ago
Can you please add SHINee's Taemin and my second character will be Krystal.
silvermist1116 8 years ago
Is it mandatory to have two accounts? Like part of the rp to make it fun?
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