Name Tags

Below are explanations for tags that you may find beside your name!
Any further queries about these tags can be posted below.

[x] - Strikes

Each strike is given when your character has been inactive for 7 days, 14 days and 21 days respectively, or if you have broken any of the rules. As stated in the rules, three strikes and you'll be kicked from the roleplay.
For the sake of fairness, you are given 4 days after you earn the third strike to clear at least one of them. A warning will be given each time you earn a strike. To clear strikes, you must spend 20 points for each strike. A quick way to earn points is to get into combat rp with other players! Check the description of any combat room to see how points are awarded.

[SH] - Semi-Hiatus
If you are busy and think that you will need some extra time to reply, comment below to state that you will be on semi-hiatus! Do try to include a date when your semi-hiatus ends, the maximum being 2 monthsBeing on semi-hiatus means that you have two weeks of inactivity before you earn each strike.

People on semi-hiatus:

-Jhin - date unspecified

- Zed - date unspecified

[H] -Hiatus
If you are unable to return to the site to reply at all, comment below to state that you will be on hiatus. Do try to include a date when your hiatus ends, the maximum being 3 months. However, special arrangements can be made if you urgently need a longer hiatus. Being on hiatus means that your inactivity will be ignored until the end of the period.

People on hiatus:

-Sona - until 23rd October



For more questions visit the FAQ page or ask the admins!

Jinx [A] 7 years ago
Sorry for the wait, I'll be updating the room soon ^-^ my computer's been down for quite some time, i'll be getting it fixed~~


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colazero 6 years ago
sorry for leaving, i seriously loved this place and hoped i would've had more time and muse to keep this rp active ;-; cries legit tears
- Zed
vibana 7 years ago
sona dipped.
vibana 7 years ago
hiiiii, kindly put sona in a 1 month hiatus bcs school is really stressful right now, there's a lot of stuffs due this month. orz. tyyy
moosical 7 years ago
bless you for this askdjf can you a&r ahri for me please?
vibana 7 years ago
scre ams.
is this place still active jbcs
colazero 7 years ago
hello, is this place still active?
Sooyoung 8 years ago
Champion Name: Caitlyn
Time Zone: +8
Race: Human
Faction: Piltover
Password: kha'ziggs
usb-type-c 8 years ago
First of all-- holy crap I've finally found a league rp here ;;
Champion Name: Nami
Time-zone: GMT +8
Race: Marai
Faction: Guardian's Sea
Password: kha'ziggs
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