Business Realestate

Business Estate
Wamt to have a business in the city,
making your own money and being your
own boss? Well now you can! Just fill 
out the application, and tag your agent. 

Type Of Business:
How many Employees:
Space Needed (How many rooms)
What type of rooms: (provide picture links)
Small or large space:

Small Business start up: 900 KP
Large Business Start up: 1,500 KP

Really want to make a business 

but don't have enough money?

Go to the bank, tag an admin, 

see about getting a loan!
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046b1a71f747eee539c7 5 years ago
any wishes yo?
meringue 7 years ago
irene left.
thanks for having me.
This_is_my_username 7 years ago
Can you add and reserve park Yonghee please and thank you <3
corpsebride 7 years ago
Add and reserve Jennie Kim for me?
meringue 7 years ago
Add and reserve bae joohyun please!
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