` Break Room

[ break room ]

You only recieve so many breaks per day and your bosses are kind enough to give them to you. Use them effectively and don't doze off in here. Please, refill the coffee pot, clean up before leaving, and don't take anyone else's foo that was left in the refridgerator.

Trash pickup is on Friday afternoons. Any food left out will be thrown away.


Jong-hyun 11 years ago
@CEO Bom He nods nervously. Never working in an office environment before, he always thought a CEO would be an old man with pot belly or a middle aged woman with sharp facial features and a permanent frown on her face.

He never thought his CEO would be so... Attractive. He carefully roams his eyes down to her legs. He stops himself before the CEO noticed and fired him.

"I am Lee Jonghyun, please take care of me," he bows.
CEO Bom [A] 11 years ago
@Jong-hyun Bom's eyes shifted as she noticed the door opening. She quickly peered over her shoulder and smiled, noticing one of the new employees stepping inside.

She opened to speak, but he quickly mumbled something and began to walk out. "Wait!" She set down the coffee pot and sent a warm smile his way. "No need to leave on my account."

She grabbed a packet of sugar and opened it. "You're one of the new employees, correct?"
Jong-hyun 11 years ago
@CEO Bom Jonghyun is panicking inside. He is lost on his way finding where the break room is. He lets out a relieved sigh when he saw a door with a sign that says "Break Room". He pushes the door happily. Not fully aware that there's someone else in the room, he starts singing to himself.

His singing abruptly stops when he looks up and finding that CEO Park is also in the room with him. He clears his throat nervously and bows to the CEO.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice that... I'll go back later," he said before gives Bom another bow and makes his way to the door.
CEO Bom [A] 11 years ago
Bom let out a tired sigh as she pushed the door open to the break room. Luckily the room was cleared out and she could be alone. Her heels clicked against the ground as she walked to the counter to prepare for herself a cup of coffee. As she grabbed the coffee pot, she stepped out of her heels and smiled as she felt, for one of the first times this week, relaxed.

She began to lightly hum to herself as she started pouring the dark brown, almost black coffee into her cup, then let her eyes search the counter for the creamer and sugar. "Ah, there it is..." she murmured to herself.


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yeahitsyou 11 years ago
Applied as Lee Jonghyun. Sorry it , guys T T
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