- room 002


 room 001

*make sure you ask before joining in on a plot line between roleplayers who have planned it*

luhan [slave trainee] 10 years ago
@tao All Luhan could do was look up at the master above him. At that moment there weren't many options for him, and that was actually the way he liked things. There was less decisions to make if he was simply stuck and controlled. See, Luhan was not dumb, but simple minded. He was child-like and could become easily dazed mid-sentence or such, so being led was a lot better for him than actually choosing anything himself. Hence the title of slave. He'd never had a master actually hurt him before though, and Luhan didn't know if that disappointed himself or gave relief.

Luhan didn't really know if he had common sense, but he could very well do the obedient part. It was his life to be a pet, a mere accessory. He didn't expect to be loved or pampered. What he really wasn't expecting though was the all-mighty slap that came in contact with his pale skin. The slave whimpered helplessly and scrunched his eyes shut, body shuddering with each stinging sensation that shot through him. And the spanks started to get so harsh that Luhan wouldn't be surprised if it bruised. "It.. It f-feels so good, master." He choked out, eyes fluttered as his voice faltered and failed him.
tao [house owner] [A] 10 years ago
@luhan [slave trainee] Tao looked down, aroused when noticing his position yet still amidst his sense. He didn't want to suddenly be full on aroused to the point he simply couldn't take hurting luhan. When he had gentle , it was just as gentle as he could make it, but this time he wanted to be filled with anger and malice and possibly potentially harm the tiny blonde in his grasp. There was no need to comply to his words and to feel even the slightest bit merciful. There was a need to strangle him in the covers as if he'd killed someone near and dear to Tao or he had broken an expensive vase as money was Taos largest concern.

"I don't want a good boy, I want an obedient young man who does what I say and uses common sense as well." He hissed, clenching his fingers into a fist before releasing them and leaving a large pink tinted hand print to his cheeks. A smirk tugged itself into place as Tao watched them redden and left a few more to his sensitive skin, growling in ferocity with each smack as it gradually collided harder. "Now tell me how good it feels being spanked by the richest and most loved of all masters you filthy ing little slave!" He exclaimed, letting drops of spit fly past his lips as he glared down at the boy.
luhan [slave trainee] 10 years ago
@tao Luhan's breathing hitched when he was pulled up, body almost shaking because he could feel the strength that the master had and it scared him. Unconsciously his body would cower to every touch despite his nature being submissive. It seemed with this master no matter of giving in would fully satisfy the others unique tastes. He wondered how it felt, to know what it felt like to have such power. Although the boy himself never desired such things, so he could only wonder how the latter would exercise his dominance.

"F-Find out what?" Luhan stuttered out, flustered beyond control, feet trying to prop himself up but his heels kept slipping against the expensive covers of the bed. His fear and anxiety just kept rising and rising. For a moment the slave became dazed when his head hit the headboard of the bed, his eyes scrunching closed for a mere moment before re-opening with a sharp gasp. "I-I'm sorry, please.." He almost cried out, a deep flush growing across his cheeks as he found himself exposed. "I'll be a good boy, I promise." Pure innocence was in Luhan's tone, which contrasted beautifully with his compromising position. Tears began to brim in his eyes the moment he felt himself even more bare, his body responding to the command before the boy had even processed it.
tao [house owner] [A] 10 years ago
@luhan [slave trainee] As luhan replied and calmed down a bit, Tao trailed his fingers up his lower back and pulled him up against him. He pressed his face into luhans hair and inhaled his scent. Not much of a scent, just fear. But fear aroused Tao. It was the submissive nature yet also the worrisome ones who seemed to attract such a scent. Tao being the predator could sense all of it. And luhan being the prey only looked delectable when he was scared and cowering away from the overbearing power.

"Hmmm...Looks like you just don't know. But, I intend we find out." He hissed, pressing his face closer to his as the heat from his enraged insides could be seen swarming about the smaller male. Afterwards, Tao threw him back against the headboard of the bed. He crawled forward and reached down to rip his jeans of at contact. His fingers grasped his inner thighs and pulled them apart and set them up onto his thighs as he sat in a kneeling position. "I expect you to cry... So don't do anything less." He added, pressing his fingers onto his , as he tore his boxers in half, allowing for his rounded cheeks to spill past the torn cloth.
luhan [slave trainee] 10 years ago
@tao When he heard the exclamation of the other Luhan let his body become limp. He didn't like it when people yelled, and in an odd way it triggered the submissiveness of the boy. He was used to being alone and having a master actually take interest in him was odd. This meant the boy hadn't been tamed fully and was only running off what he knew before entering the mansion. Which was that pain made him obey, and otherwise he'd just liked to be anti-social.

"A-A.. master?" The boy questioned meekly, unsure of what sort of answer was expected of him. His body shuddered under the power of the latter, eyes fluttering at the tight grip around his wrists. At the smack he squeaked, a sound which was closer to a moan than a cry of pain. He wondered how long it would take the master to realise how much of a masochist he is.
tao [house owner] [A] 10 years ago
@luhan [slave trainee] "Don't you dare bull in front of me!" Tao exclaimed, glaring down at him as he moved under his grip. It was all too ridiculous, a slave so rowdy and eager to leave the strongest and most attractive of all masters in the house, at least he thought. He did own everyone though and held the most power so this slave was to be used an thrown away. That was all he was worth, but maybe his utterly good looks could save him. Those large eyes and those pretty lips. Wouldn't it be a waste, seeing them lose their color.

"Shh... I don't wish to let you go. Do you know who I am?" He asked, his voice low and almost in a whisper as he lowered his face onto to luhans, his hands still gripped tight around his tiny wrists. Tao pulled his fingers away from luhans neck and reached down to smack his , giving it a quick squeeze under his fingers.
luhan [slave trainee] 10 years ago
@tao Luhan's expression stayed rather wide eyed under the grip of the man, mind utterly confused and his mouth opened in protest. "I-I don't. I know I'm a slave." His voice rasped out, a contrast to his usual soft tone. But it was his lack of oxygen that made him sound so. It didn't really hurt, but it was more of distressing for the slave to feel his breaths shortening. "Please let go." His voice was quiet, eyes fluttering desperately as he was sure that his face would be losing colour.

In his time at the mansion this was the first time he'd found himself caught under the grip of a master, for every other one he seemed to have encountered had not been interested in the anti-social nature that Luhan featured. A soft whine was heard as his hands were pinned, the slave twisting and turning his body in an attempt to slip out of the holds he was under, but it seemed the saying 'resistance is futile' came pretty true to that moment.
tao [house owner] [A] 10 years ago
@luhan [slave trainee] Tao glares daggers down at the boy, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Slave. That's right. That's what you are.... But you think you're something completely different." He whispered, leaning over just a bit as he watched the boy suffocate under his touch. Tao knew his actions hadnt yet killed a human being. The suffocation was prooving clearly he hadnt been touched before by anyone of a strong grip and Tao being his first would be a horrible thing. Esspecially since he held Absolutely no mercy for anyone.

Besides, it was amusing the show. He looked so delicate and so vulnerable under the power surging over him. It was just a little arousing. Tao pressed his thumb over luhans lower lip, tugging it down. His other hand collected both of his wrists and pinned them over his head, tilting his head as he eyed the boys frail body under him. "Can you get away from me?" He asked in a very sly tone of voice.
luhan [slave trainee] 10 years ago
@tao Luhan blinked slowly. Did he do something wrong? He was just doing as he was told, yet the grip on him only tightened and it made the slave confused. "I don't understand what it is you--" And the book was thrown, a frown instantly pencilling Luhan's lips.

If that wasn't enough of an upset to the boy, he was thrown against the bed, airways beginning to be blocked off by the tight grip. His breathing was wheezed, Luhan's eyes closing in not fear, but defence. Maybe if he didn't look at the master he would be so angry. "S-Slave. I'm a slave." Luhan's voice was quiet and strained, face scrunching in discomfort.
tao [house owner] [A] 10 years ago
@luhan [slave trainee] Tao continued to stare for a few seconds, his mind blurring once he noticed the boy grasp a book from the shelf. This out of all acts seemed all too ridiculous to Tao. He was pushing him up against the rigid shelf probably leaving a few bruises and squeezing the back of his neck. How could he react this way?

Quickly he took the book from his fingers and threw it up against the wall. He gripped just as tight as he could around his neck and threw him down onto the bed. Looming over him, Tao pressed his fingers over the boys throat, slowly taking the time to feel his unusually smooth skin. "What the do you think of yourself... Hm?" He asked.
luhan [slave trainee] 10 years ago
@tao Luhan whimpered when the grip only tightened, mind swirling as he continued to reach, but found himself getting nowhere. When he was determined to get something, he was not going give up easily. The slave was childish like that. But he just didn't understand why the master wouldn't let him take the novel. It wasn't like anyone else wanted it.

If Luhan could have nodded, he would have. "I want my book." He repeated before a sharp squeak escaped his lips, eyes a little wider than usual in a slight fright. He wasn't expecting that. The grip was rough, although Luhan remained unaffected by it, surprisingly. Gazing at the titles he could see in his position against the bookshelf he awkwardly reached to his side to pull out one of the novels, The Crucible.
tao [house owner] [A] 10 years ago
@luhan [slave trainee] Tao tightened his grip as suddenly the mere action turned into a battle of strength. This boy was going to be a pain in the If he cared for a damned book over his life. Tao was never a reader, he rarely ever cared to read the signs on door for the mere fact that he simply didn't give a what others had to write about. His reading was resigned to informational instead of leisure.

Tao looked behind him, and pointed at the book. "Oh, you want a book do you?" He asked, grasping his shirt as he threw him up against the book shelf. "Tell me, which one?" He added, warping his fingers around the back of luhans petite neck only to pull his head upward toward to force him to gaze at the many books on the shelf only there to collect dust.
luhan [slave trainee] 10 years ago
@tao Luhan just sat silently. Although he was odd, he wasn't stupid. He knew his place and he wouldn't push what he'd done any further. If he was lucky he'd just get a smack to the and be told to run off like he normally would be when caught searching for novels. Although Luhan had never found himself in this masters presence, so perhaps things would be turned a little differently.

And he was right. The command was heard but Luhan cried desperately when the book was pulled from him, the slave about to move to pick up the discarded novel, but the hand in his hair beat him to it. Although that didn't stop the boy. Even under the grip of this master he let his hair pull painfully as he tried to reach for the book that was obviously too far for his arm length. "I want my book."
tao [house owner] [A] 10 years ago
@luhan [slave trainee] Tao blinked a bit as he looked at he boys face, obviously noticing the fear in his voice and expression. This was the usual. Everyone feared him yet still disobeyed him. What was he doing in the middle of the night, entwined in a book as If it didn't matter what the upper level would say. The boy was a filthy slave, and Tao was not to look at his face for the mere fact that his power would be lost and eventually it would fade. What kind of bull was they boy pulling immediately putting on a mask of fear as If attempting to fool Tao; the master, the king of all these people.

"Luhan. Get up." He ordered, reaching over to grasp the book from the boys hand only to toss it aside. "You don't belong to anyone hm?" He asked, running his fingers through his hair only to grasp the strands firmly in the palm of his hand.
kyungsoo 11 years ago
@tao Eye turning downcast to the ground Kyungsoo picked up the discarded book, whining softly before he was confident that he had found where he was up to. Cuddling the novel to his chest he moved to kneel on front of the other, his head tilting slightly at the man.

There was always a part of Kyungsoo that wanted to be caught, that wanted to have the pleasure of being punished. He was almost like a child in away, wanting to test his boundaries and try and be a little rebellious, but then at the same time there was a part of him that just wanted to stay the anti-social little boy who would sit in the corner of the room. But the thing was he could get so lonely, all the masters went for the perky and over the top cute ones, leaving Kyungsoo to seek refuge in any book he could find. At the obvious hostile nature of the man's voice he shivered, holding the book closer to him he couldn't help but stutter even though he wasn't even scared. "K - Kyungsoo."
tao [house owner] [A] 11 years ago
@kyungsoo [slave] Tao looked down at him, paying close attention to his body falling to the ground. He wasn't exactly angered, but more annoyed that this slave had the ability to sleep and he didn't. The bed seemed to be exceeding in comfort than his own and him being a slave knew better than to occupy himself in one so luxurious. Who did he think he was?

"What's your name?" Tao asked, crouching down momentarily only to be face to face with the slave. He knew this would evoke some fear, but usually it was all in his voice. The anger could be felt, often resonating in the ears of the small slaves. This was what he fed off of and this was what kept him wide awake and loving it.
kyungsoo 11 years ago
@tao Kyungsoo had never been a heavy sleeper, but he sure was an avid dreamer, his subconscious mind never missing a detail with his fantasies. Despite his cute and almost constantly dumbfounded appearance there was quite a tainted mind in the slave, hiding some of the darkest fantasies possible. Pain. That was all he cared about. It reminded him that he was alive, and he couldn't help but crave it every minute of the day. In his sleep he was just dreaming about how to get more of a high off this euphoric anguish.

Whimpering lightly in his sleep -which although sounded like a whimper of pain was the polar opposite- Kyungsoo let his body turn, which only resulted in the slave toppling off the small rounded bed, book sliding across the floor with him. Crying out at the fact that he'd lost his page he crawled across the ground on all fours. Although he stopped when he was met with the sight of feet in front of him, the boy looking up with wide eyes at the looming master, his body suddenly becoming frozen in its spot.
tao [house owner] [A] 11 years ago
@kyungsoo [slave] It was late and Tao was amongst the few in said mansion unable to sleep. Insomnia wasn't a possibility since Tao was a deep sleeper, but the day before was hectic and put a bit of a toll on his chest. The many bills needed to be paid and the many errands to run were too much for the certain day. Many Unsatisfied consumers called back and others to file complaints for unpaid bills or bills being too much so lawyers were called as well to file cases. it was all too overwhlimg.
The anger that had raged in Taos veins seemed to blister the inside of his body and the thouhts in his head continued to irritate him.

Tao climbed out of his bed and without having to wake up any of his slaves, he took a quick walk through the corridors and eventually found one open. The light was still dimmed down, but if the others were closed, why was this one open. Either one of his maids would need to be punished in the morning or he would eventually find some rebel in said room.
Walking inside, the tall male looked around for a moment before eyeing a small body laying on the bed. This room was usually free, but dust covered it as most of the residents rarely visited. They all hated to read.
Why was this young male here and who's slave was he?
kyungsoo 11 years ago
@tao Kyungsoo had wandered aimlessly the most of the day, his mind blank at he walked. He was pretty sure that he had passed the same rooms multiple times already yet that didn't stop the soft padding of his feet, the slave merely enjoying to walk around. Even if he didn't know if he had the exact authority to do so. Although books took up the most of his time, Kyungsoo had recently finished the most of his collection, and he didn't want to think about the prospect of finishing them all.

So in time he started to search for books of any kind. And eventually he found something to purchase his attention upon. The bedroom was extravagant, just like every other room in the mansion. He'd never been in this room before, so he curiously inspected every nook and cranny of the room, fingers trailing over expensive and dustless furnishings. Kyungsoo's heart skipped a beat when he saw the bookcase. It was filled to the brim with different novels and the boy almost jumped in happiness as he glanced upon the spines until a title found his interest. 'I Kill'. It was bold, just how the slave liked things.

Before he had realised Kyungsoo was engulfed in his reading, body comfortably splayed out on the plush mattress of the bed. But as he continued to read the slave found it harder and harder to concentrate on the words before him. Blinking a few times he to his side, dropping the novel in front of him as a slight fatigue took over his body, the boy letting his eyes flutter closed as he drifted off, thoughts not on the fact that he could get caught.


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WellyBob 10 years ago
Yuri is leaving Dx sorry for being inactive
EricaChuz 10 years ago
EricaChuz 10 years ago
hybrid 10 years ago
i give up waiting for a response. ;;
kyungsoo is leaving.
dragonite 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving.
-shira 11 years ago
Yilin is leaving, not active and too many characters *^*
WeAreBAP 11 years ago
I'm sorry but Zelo is leaving due to personal reasons :(
But it was fun!
-ster 11 years ago
lulu is leaving. orz
sorry bb
_lotus 11 years ago
Sorry Jin Mei Xin is leaving, Not active enough.
GIZIBAE 11 years ago
stephanie is leaving, not active here :(
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