- room 003


room 003


zelo 11 years ago
@tao Zelo shivers and quickly lays back down, he whispers to himself, "Y-yes master T-Tao." Oh glob, Zelo isn't used to such rudeness. Usually people are nice to him
Right now Tao is reminding him of his abusive brother, who loved to touch him and scream at him. He shivers at the memorie and at the reality right now. He looks at the other shirtless handsome man. His heart beats speed grows faster and faster the more closer the older one gets,
He doesn't say another word and cutely fumble with thumbs as he closes his eyes tightly, not knowing what the other might do.
tao [house owner] [A] 11 years ago
@zelo [slave] In silence, Tao walked toward him, head down with hair covering his eyes. The anger was evident for awhile, but it seemed to grow to a higher extent when the young man freely spoke to him. "you must speak. Lay back down!" he ordered, clenching his fists as he comtinued toward the boy. This was often the more normal side of Tao which meant he wasn't in as bad of a mood as he often is. He wished to arise fear from his subjects, esspecially since this one was one of his.
" you're my slave.. Zelo." he spoke, almost near the blonde boy with a heart thumping madly in his chest.
zelo 11 years ago
@tao As soon as the older one walks in angrily and slams the door, Zelo flinched and looked at him. He shakes in fear as he hears him muttering to himself and leaving dents on the door. Zelo can be innocent at times and doesn't seem to like this guy. He sends off a bad vide. He shivers and once he turns around he quickly sits up and bows, "Is something wrong?"
This guy seemed awfully familiar but he's not sure of his name. Maybe talked about him? He's not sure.
It's at the tip of his tongue but he can't quite put a finger on it.
"You seem a bit stressed." He added.
tao [house owner] [A] 11 years ago
@zelo [slave] Tao blinks as he angrily paces the hall, eyes glaring down at the carpet covering the ground. He couldn't believe it, the house profit essentially was going down. One young woman had just left with a reason of his mistake. Tao could never make mistakes, it was all a shame, a life he never wished to live. The embarrassment in the thought that he was all perfect, why would something so ridiculous happen to him?
After a few several steps in the hall, ZiTao kicked open the door of a random room and barged in, slamming it afterwards. Keeping his arms and head resting on the door, Tao sighed and started toward speaking to himself. "Embarrassment... Shame. Who created such things?!" He exclaimed, slamming his fist against the door, leaving a small indention.
Clearly he hadn't noticed the presence in this room and as a result, literally tore his shirt off before turning around to notice a young slave freely laying on his million dollar property. Without a master, shamelessly he lay there with no shirt, but of course Tao would soon have his way with him. If not, it would play a bad note to his life's melodious tune.
zelo 11 years ago
Zelo innocently walks into the room looking around to see if anyone is inside. Empty. He smiles and calmly walks in. He soflty takes off his shirt and stretches as he flops onto the bed and stares at the ceiling.


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WellyBob 10 years ago
Yuri is leaving Dx sorry for being inactive
EricaChuz 10 years ago
EricaChuz 10 years ago
hybrid 10 years ago
i give up waiting for a response. ;;
kyungsoo is leaving.
dragonite 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving.
-shira 11 years ago
Yilin is leaving, not active and too many characters *^*
WeAreBAP 11 years ago
I'm sorry but Zelo is leaving due to personal reasons :(
But it was fun!
-ster 11 years ago
lulu is leaving. orz
sorry bb
_lotus 11 years ago
Sorry Jin Mei Xin is leaving, Not active enough.
GIZIBAE 11 years ago
stephanie is leaving, not active here :(
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