- room 004


room 004


yuri [woman of house] 11 years ago
@sungjong [slave] Yuri stared at the letter. There was no point in trying to read it because she can't. She hated how weak she was right now. She handed the letter back to the slave, "Read it to me," Yuri grumbled and snuggled in bed, closing her eyes. The faint memory of inviting a friend over was coming back to her. But she still couldn't remember. It was definitely a boy. Maybe to 'play' with her. She shuddered at the thought, she just wasn't in the mood.
sungjong [slave] 11 years ago
@yuri [woman of house] Sungjong turned to Mrs. Yuri. "I don't know mam, you never told me his name you just told me that a very important guest was coming and that I was to get the cleaning done and whatever else you told me." As he was about to walk away he said. "and don't worry mam he won't be here for at least another two hours and oh before I forget his slave dropped this letter off." Hands Mrs. Yuri the letter and asks if there is anything else she wants him to do.
yuri [woman of house] 11 years ago
@sungjong [slave] The headache slowed down her reaction time and before she knew it, the flask was taken away from her. A slight whimper slipped out of her. He gave her no time to react. As soon as her senses came back to her, Yuri turned her head towards the slave. "Wh-what-" she had to clear first after that croaky reply. "What guest?" With her current state, she could not remember for the life of her who the guest was. Yuri didn't really know if she should let them see her like this; she looked like a mess. But first, she needed to know who actually is coming to witness her hangover.
sungjong [slave] 11 years ago
@yuri [woman of house] Just as Yuri was about to drink from the bottle, Sunjong walked in and asked her why she was drinking some more. He went to the light and turned it off and told her she needed to get some rest or she would not be in a good condition for the guest that would be coming to talk to her later. He put her under the sheets and waited for her to dismiss him to finish the rest of the chores that needed to be done for this SPECIAL guest.
yuri [woman of house] 11 years ago
Yuri laid in bed, just staring at the ceiling. There simply was nothing else better to do but admire the stupid bright, white light above her. Her head was pounding from a hungover, courtesy of two bottles of alcohol from the night before. The light only intensified the headache but she could not be bothered to turn it off. Maybe if she stared at it, it would somehow turn itself off.
After a long silence, Yuri finally had enough and kicked her foot in frustration which wasn't a very good idea. Her head ached some more and she decided the only way to numb the pain is to drink more alcohol. She reached out for her small 'emergency' flask hidden under her skirt. "God, I'm so bored," she said before taking a swig.


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WellyBob 10 years ago
Yuri is leaving Dx sorry for being inactive
EricaChuz 10 years ago
EricaChuz 10 years ago
hybrid 10 years ago
i give up waiting for a response. ;;
kyungsoo is leaving.
dragonite 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving.
-shira 11 years ago
Yilin is leaving, not active and too many characters *^*
WeAreBAP 11 years ago
I'm sorry but Zelo is leaving due to personal reasons :(
But it was fun!
-ster 11 years ago
lulu is leaving. orz
sorry bb
_lotus 11 years ago
Sorry Jin Mei Xin is leaving, Not active enough.
GIZIBAE 11 years ago
stephanie is leaving, not active here :(
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