- room 007


room 007


minwoo [butler] [A] 11 years ago
@jongin "Certainly Sir." Minwoo answered politely, glancing over at the long black mark in the middle of the cream-patterned wall. That was going to take some time to come out... Bowing again the young butler decided it would be better to start with the easiest task - tidying up the magazines. Walking over towards the large bed, and the man who occupied it, Minwoo began quickly yet carefully straightening out the magazines into neat piles. His eyes glanced over the pictures of defiled woman littering the pages and the comical ink drawings covering their bodies. The butler tried to suppress a laugh, to no avail. The light sound left his lips as he continued to work, deciding to place the magazines on the stone mantle piece. He'd find a more suitable place to put them later.

He then started on the next task - opening the windows. Strolling over towards the double-glazed monstrosities they were both swung open to distances he thought adequate. Far enough to allow the fumes out of the room and close enough for the room to stay a nice temperature. Something he'd learnt through years of practice. The young butler then turned to walk towards the en-suite bathroom, looking for the chemical products and cloth kept beneath the sink usually locked away with a key that only the Butlers and Maids had access to. He slipped the metal item out of his jacket pocket and swiftly unlocked the wooden cupboard, swinging the door open afterwards. Grasping the required bottle of spray-able cleaning liquid and a blue square of material he rose to his feet and walked briskly back into the bedroom.

The white almost soapy fluid was squirted once, twice, three times from the nozzle before he set to work about cleaning the dirty mark off of the wall. When he saw it's reluctance to fade a frown appeared on his face. "I knew it was permanent marker..." He muttered, rubbing a little harder at the 'stain'. A soft sigh left his lips as he continued to work, knowing that his dedication would pay off sometime or other. He was right, after 5 minutes of constant scrubbing the pen ink was beginning to fade. Leaving the liquid to soak into the stain he bent down and picked up the marker pen littering the floor. So this was the culprit. Judging by the way the mark on the wall faded greatly towards the end led Minwoo to believe that the pen was empty. He lifted the corner of his white glove and drew the nip of the pen across his wrist.

Nothing. The pen was completely empty. 'Well that explains it.' He thought, placing the cap back on the pen before he chucked it into the nearby bun. 'The silly bastard over-used the pen. Guess that's where the fumes came from.' He thought, slowly standing before he began cleaning the spot again. It had to be cleaned, and perfect. Not a single thing could be blemished.
jongin [man of house] 11 years ago
While waiting for someone to tend to his call, his slim, delicate fingers began to drum lightly on the nearest magazine, creating a dull, yet pleasing sound to his ears. When the opening of the door disrupted the perfect rhythm he had going, Jongin's fingers stopped the drone,and his head twisted to see which butler had come to his aid this time. His dark bulbs scanned over the butler before him, taking in all that there was to see not only to get a knowing of who the man by memorizing his attributes, but also to catch even the most subtle of hints as to how he was fit physically, mentally, and emotionally for future reference.

"As you can see, it's a bit... Dysfunctional in here.. So I'm really not sure if I can pinpoint just one problem." Jongin carefully explained as his fingers rolled the corner of a magazine on their tender padding. His mind felt a bit hazy, and his head began to pound a bit, most certainly side effects from all of the fumes that he had been trapped in. The smell contorted and mutated the normality to his thought process, making his mental state similar to that of a drunken man who's body was still working it's hardest to keep his sobriety.

The fume induced high had been a usual part of Jongin's living, becoming something that he had used to help clean things out within his brain, even if the outcome could turn to be a deadly one. Whether it resulted in death or not, the simple odor of the markers brought complicated pleasantries to Jongin, making this way of dealing with things an alternative that was fairly high up on his venting scale. Although it might've appeared that way, he wasn't one to just sniff markers on a whim. He had to have some sort of piggyback to it, and that very thing was the magazines and drawing on them. Not only did it allow him to exert himself through making pictures, but the marker to magazine texture created what he needed to continue on with the drawings.

"So I guess just try to open the place up, and maybe organize these magazines? Oh, there's also an accident caused by a marker on that wall.." He was very monotonous when telling the butler what to do, his instructions obviously making it to the point. Even if he could've managed to get things all tidied up on his own (minus the ink markings of course) Jongin still chose not to. Great amusement came to him when he watched /other/ people do the work that was way too simple and definitely way too planned out to be real problems for them to clean up.
minwoo [butler] [A] 11 years ago
@jongin "Perfect." A wide smile split Minwoo's face as he peered at his reflection on a silver cup before placing it back on display. All of his duties had been completed to the highest standard and he was now busying himself with odd jobs around the mansion. It was still unclear to those around him as to whether or not he liked or hated his job - his position in the household. The young male would always go about his business with a variety of smiles etched onto his face, one of the things that had helped him get by in this place.

He looked about, double checking the amount of dust collecting on the recently polished and furnished table tops and the arrangements of the ornaments on said tables. Everything had to be perfect, spotless and immaculately clean. Including himself. When he was sure his work was done, Minwoo walked over to the large mirror handing on the wall in the hallway and double checked his appearance. He wore a simple black button down suit with a grey waist coat beneath the black blazer. His shoes had been polished to give just the right amount of shine and his white shirt had been neatly pressed. There wasn't a crease in sight, not a hair out of place except- "Again?" He sighed, tutting quietly as he tucked an unruly strand behind his ear, fingers brushing through his fringe after. Everything had to be perfect.

"Butler! Can I get a butler in here?!?"

The loud yell seemed urgent although what for was still unclear. He gave himself a small wink and briskly walked towards the room opening the door his fingers resting lightly on the handle. Minwoo delicately cleared his throat, closing it behind him before he bowed and gave a small smile. "How may I be of assistance Sir?" He asked politely, lacing his gloved hands together behind his back, thumbs twirling around and around each other as he awaited his reply and orders. The room smelt uncannily like a varnish of some sort and his eyes absentmindedly travelled around the room in an attempt to find the source.
jongin [man of house] 11 years ago
@minwoo [butler] A strong, repulsive smell that definitely belonged to some ink product was circulating throughout the room, the closed door letting no sort of circulation throughout the room what-so-ever. With magazines littered all around him, scattered on the bed as well as the floor, Jongin was sprawled atop the bed with a large, black permanent marker in hand. The man was currently drawing fairly vulgar things on one of the models placed on a page inside of a Playboy magazine, his distasteful markings bringing amusement to him.

He enjoyed distorting and skewing the images he found in such magazines, as well as being able to use his intuition to create an assumed inner life that was far more uglier than it appeared to be for the different models, causing him to portray the models in such a lewd way. As the marker began to run out of ink, Jongin's feeling of being entertained was depleting along with it. Things like this only amused him for so long, and when his enjoyment was over, he wanted to get rid of the mess, only so he could start on a clean slate some other day.

After putting some finishing touches on a faded that he created just for a lucky female model, Jongin loosely capped the marker. He held the pen, and jerked his wrist a few times before the object grew airborne within seconds. Maybe his toss had been a little bit too strong, but nonetheless, the marker was in the midst of spinning through the air, the cap falling off with it. It had hit the wall with a small thunk, leaving a trail of light, black ink on it's way down. Bullseye. Jongin's main intentions of throwing the marker were to mark the wall just so he could give someone the pain of having to clean it up and he had obviously succeeded in such a task. With a huff of air and a clear of the throat, Jongin opened his mouth to speak, or rather, yell.

"Butler! Can I get a butler in here?!?"


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WellyBob 10 years ago
Yuri is leaving Dx sorry for being inactive
EricaChuz 10 years ago
EricaChuz 10 years ago
hybrid 10 years ago
i give up waiting for a response. ;;
kyungsoo is leaving.
dragonite 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving.
-shira 11 years ago
Yilin is leaving, not active and too many characters *^*
WeAreBAP 11 years ago
I'm sorry but Zelo is leaving due to personal reasons :(
But it was fun!
-ster 11 years ago
lulu is leaving. orz
sorry bb
_lotus 11 years ago
Sorry Jin Mei Xin is leaving, Not active enough.
GIZIBAE 11 years ago
stephanie is leaving, not active here :(
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