~Front Office

New students must report here to get there classes ~




Lee Hi 11 years ago
(anyone here?)


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lostheaven 11 years ago
Hay guys this is kai~
Im leaving this site so that means i will be deactivating
I had so much fun here and i have to tell I had so much fun here!
so much memories even though i only talked to two or three people!
good luck!
oh and if u wanna get this rp active add some famouse tags to the tag section!
good luck all of u!
Dumpling 11 years ago
Zelo is leaving..
Dumpling 11 years ago
oh i forgot to put the password!
its teddy bear! :D
deceitful 11 years ago
may i reserve krystal
lostheaven 11 years ago
Can u add kai and reserve it for me?
Im on phone i cant apply now~
I'll apply tonight~
EricaChuz 11 years ago
Can you reserve Tao for me
I gotta get back to work
EricaChuz 11 years ago
I wanna work in the clinic
The doctor of the school c=
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