// About

The hotel itself boasts three floors of exquisite gothic taste, suited especially for a quirky gathering
of monsters and species of all shapes and sizes. Despite its Victorian-esque glamour and delightfully
antiquated looks, the hotel is of course fitted with all the latest technologies - we're not monsters! wait... 

Surrounding the hotel is the remants of an old village - some swear they can still hear the echoes of the
damned, doomed to forever linger, longing to cross over to the other side. While the history of this village
remains sketchy at most, perhaps you might be able to uncover its secrets for yourself. 

While we encourage you to explore the beauty of what lies on the outskirts beyond the
village, we do caution that you please do so with great care. We would not want you to become
lost - who knows what might happen, after all? Still, if that does not deter your inner explorer, then be
our guest, butwe do suggest you don't bother the mountain trolls - they're pesky buggers!

Nonetheless, we welcome you warmly and wish you to enjoy yourselves thoroughly, from indulging
in your wildest fantasies to living somewhat more peacefully - your new life starts here with us!
Remember, the limit lies only with your imaginations. 


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