Creatures of Equestria and Beyond

Earth Ponies - The Earth Ponies are ponies without horns or wings. They walk on the land, and magic flows out of them through their hooves. An earth pony usually has a specific magical ability. Examples of these abilities would include Pinkie Pie's pinkie sense and Applejack's strength. There's also Tree Hugger's aura ability.

Earth Ponies are responsible for much of the agriculture throughout equestria, growing much of what all other creatures eat. A large portion of the earth pony population live in farmlands and rural areas, but they do not shy away from large cities. There are many earth ponies living in places like Manehattan and Fillydelphia.

Unicorns - Unicorns are the most magical ponies of all. They can charge and hone magic using the horns on their head. All unicorns can use telekenisis to move objects with their mind. Most unicorns only have a basic understanding of magic, and the magic that they can use usually relates to the special talent represented by their cutie mark. For instance, a unicorn might have access to prestidigitation and simple magic tricks of making things look pretty or cool for fashion or magic shows. A soldier unicorn might learn attack and defense magic, and a doctor unicorn might learn healing magic.

Very rarely does a unicorn have a cutie mark that represents magical talent in itself, but it does happen. These unicorns often dedicate their lives to studying magic and becoming very powerful wizards and sorcerers.

Pegasi - The pegasi were originally part of a warrior tribe, and that can still be seen in the proud and noble nature of most pegasi that exist today. In the more peaceful equestria, most pegasi have jobs of maintaining the weather in equestria. Pegasi are also commonly employed as defenders of equestria, often taking the position of scouts on rescue teams.

Pegasus ponies are the only kinds of ponies that are able to stand on the clouds, therefore the only ponies that can live in places such as cloudsdale. 

Zebras - The Zebras are very similar to earth ponies. The only difference between them and earth ponies is that the zebras have stripes and tribal-patterns as cutie marks. Like earth ponies, they are the farmers of the land.

Some Zebras have a special abilities in brewing potions, and others are good at farming he land.

Kirin - The Kirin are very similar to unicorns. Like unicorns, many kirin have a special magical ability associated with a particular talent. Other Kirin are more powerful wizards and sorcerers. Unlike unicorns, kirin's do not have cutie marks.

Kirin are from the far east of Equestria and have more of an eartern-inspired culture. 

Deer - The deer are creatures that live in solitude. They usually try to remain hidden from other creatures. The deer do have their own cutie marks, but, unlike ponies, they are not colorful. They are the same color as the spots that would be present on the deer.

The deer move in leaps and bounds when they dash, and they are known for being the best gardeners among all of the creatures. Similar to earth ponies, they are also big in agriculture.

Moose - The moose are from the frozen north, much like the yaks. The moose live in tribes with their homes primarily being in igloos. Moose are experts of agriculture in colder climates, and they have a strong sense of community where they are from.

Yak - The yak's are a rambunctious group of creatures. They like to smash and thrash about, and they are very a very proud race. They are strong and stubborn.

Buffalo - The buffalo are a race of creatures more on the violent side. They like to stomp and are known for causing trouble for the ponies in Appleoosa. They are a tribal race, and, like they moose, they have a strong sense of community. Because of their nature to retaliate, they are often seen as savage by the ponies.

Griffons - The griffons are part eagle, part lion. Their front halves resemble an eagle, with bird-like front legs. Their back halves resemble lions with lion legs and a long tail with a tuft of fur at the end like that of a lions. Like Pegasus pony, griffons can soar through the sky with their wings, and they can stand on the clouds.

Different from the show, griffons have more of a sense of family. They don't have the same sense of community that other creatures might have, but they havea strong sense of family with the cubs respecting their parents and families living together. A griffon's community is based on the family that they are born into, meaning that there are several communities in the griffon city of Griffonstone. The lack of respect for the community as a whole is what causes conflict between griffon families.

Lions have prides, which is a family of lions, and even eagles take care of their young. So this change was made to make them more similar to their real-life animal bases.

Hippogriffs - Hippogriffs are a type of pony that are mixed with bird. Like griffons, they are half bird, which means that they have the beaks, talons, and wings of a bird. Unlike griffons, their back halves are ponies. They can soar through the sky and walk on clouds similar to griffons and pegasi. 

Hippogriffs, like kirin, are kind of pony that do not have cutie marks. Unlike most of the other races, hippogriffs are friendly and social. They are open to other creatures and are not very territorial. Rather than taking pride in themselves, they'd rather have fun and enjoy the company of others.

Changelings - The changelings used to be an evil race of creatures, but when they started feeling love instead of feeding off of it, they became good instead. Changelings are capable of changing their form to resemble any other creature. When they do so, they will take on the non-magical abilities of that creature. Especially powerful changelings are capable of changing into objects.

Dragons - Dragons are large and powerful creatures. While they are not especially magical, they are capable of breathing fire. Dragons are greedy creature and horde jewels and other treasures.

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Llewellyn_Duck 7 months ago
can I have twilight sparkle?
cherrychobani 4 years ago
vanilla sugar aka yeji left~
crust_of_summer 4 years ago
Could I please have Kim Nahyun and Jang Kiyong reserved?
Raichu 4 years ago
Can I please have bang minah
cherrychobani 4 years ago
the link for the homeroom groupings isn't loading...
cherrychobani 4 years ago
hwang yeji pls?
cherrychobani 4 years ago
how old do you have to be for this rp?
plusle 4 years ago
Ashley Choi please!
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