video game store

all the newest games in stock. don't steal.
sunwoo k. [A] 4 years ago
@yibo w. in that moment, sunwoo would’ve dropped down to the floor and kissed the sidewalk that yibo was standing on. there truly was a god, and he was looking out for sunwoo. his grip on his roommate’s forearm was released and he gave him a big grin before he gestured to his blanket on the floor, coupled with open bags of gummies.

“you can sit here and eat some of my snacks. i’ll be really fast!” as sunwoo began to scurry away, he turned back one last time. “thanks again, yibo!”

fortunately, there wasn’t much people at starbucks so sunwoo could relieve himself in peace. he always did get nervous if there was another person in the bathroom with him. as he began to leave the store after finishing his business, a sudden thought came to his head. turning on his heel, he stepped into line and pulled out his wallet to make an order.

“i hope yibo likes americanos..” sunwoo muttered to himself as he made his way back to the front of the line. he /did/ take longer than expected to return, but it was for a good cause. sunwoo didn’t want to risk getting hungry after eating all of his snacks (gummies weren’t very filling) and have to get out of line again. plus, he bought yibo a bagel so that should make up for it, right?

“hi,” sunwoo greeted the other, holding the drink tray he received to his chest, “sorry for being late. i bought you stuff, though!” sitting down, he placed the paper bag and drink in front of yibo and gave him a sheepish laugh. “i don’t really know what you like so i had to guess..”
yibo w. [A] 4 years ago
@sunwoo k. sunwoo’s question is what yibo himself had wanted to ask: why was he here rather than back in their room? yibo was sure sunwoo had been fast asleep before he headed outside their shared room. was the body-shaped figure he saw under the blankets just a ruse, then?

he was also still confused on how sunwoo had escaped from the confines of their dormitory building. yibo himself had unfortunately ran into the RA on duty. he had mutely stared at the upperclassmen upon interrogation before the RA gave up and let him off with a first warning. rather than head back to his room as instructed, yibo merely walked to the other end of the hallway and exited through the fire escape stairs.

but that was a long story, and yibo didn’t want to waste his breath in sharing it. much less to his roommate.

he had nothing against sunwoo. in fact, the other male hadn’t done anything yet that would render him a terrible roommate—he always kept to his side of the room, and in some instances was quieter than yibo was. they co-existed peacefully. but they were still strangers who were placed in a cramped room together. yibo didn’t even know what sunwoo’s major was.

so when sunwoo abruptly initiated physical contact on him, yibo’s body froze all over. he had never interacted with sunwoo like this, ever. he didn’t know what to do. moreover, he could barely register the words sunwoo was continuing to sprout at him.

yibo found himself once again at a loss of words once sunwoo started to /shake/ him. casting his gaze downwards, yibo nodded silently in hopes that agreeing to whatever sunwoo wanted would make him stop. “okay,” he said under his breath, just in case the frantic male hadn’t caught his nonverbal action. “okay.”
sunwoo k. [A] 4 years ago
@yibo w. sunwoo didn’t really talk to yibo, even if they were roommates. other than the casual greetings from when the other entered and left their shared dorm, there wasn’t much conversation. as soon as sunwoo returned from classes, he would be rolled up in his blankets with his back facing the other side of the room for the rest of the day.

but they were /still/ roommates after all, he reasoned. and they do favors for each other, right?

“i’m- uh- i just needed to get something,” sunwoo pointed to the storefront, “from here. wait, what are you out here?”

in order to get the ra to keep the door unlocked for sunwoo so he could sneak out in the morning, he bribed the upperclassman with a month’s worth of coffee. did yibo do the same?

however, there was no time for wondering as the urge to pee was beginning to kill him slowly from the inside. without skipping a beat, sunwoo’s hands latched themselves around yibo’s forearm.

“nevermind. you’re not busy, right? i need you to do me a favor and stand here for like ten minutes.” sunwoo’s pupils began to shake as his roommate stayed silent. he realized he had to pull out the big guns and began putting on his best puppy eyes look. “please! please, yibo! i’ll be back as fast as i can!”
yibo w. [A] 4 years ago
@sunwoo k. yibo checked the watch snug around his wrist before glancing at the sky.

time seemed to work different in university. he always felt like things had slowed down, especially while he was in classes. but when he was in the comfort of his dorm room, fingers cranking away as he tried to defeat high level digital monsters, it was as if the hours blended into each other. he couldn't work it out.

time was having one of its slow moments again. yibo hadn't been able to fall asleep, his mind insistent on bringing him back to the past summer and... no, he didn't want to go there again. restless and desperate for a distraction, he decided to sneak outside of his residence hall once the birds began chirping and dawn peeked through the shades.

yibo had been walking up and down the neighboring streets ever since in an attempt to clear his mind. it had worked; the few who were up at this hour tended to their own business, and the morning chill brought about a moment of tranquility for him. it was also calming to watch the resident shop owners be in their element as they prepared for the brand new day.

but that peace was disturbed by the sounds of his name being uttered into the air. yibo's head shot in the direction of the voice, finding himself rendered speechless at the sight of his roommate standing near the front of what appeared to be a never-ending line. curiosity took over his motor functions as he stepped closer to sunwoo.

"what-- are you--?"
sunwoo k. [A] 4 years ago
@yibo w. glancing at his phone, sunwoo calculated the time leftover until the store opened.

2 hours, he thought to himself, and sighed as he set the device back on his blanket. in order to get his hands on animal crossing: new horizons, sunwoo had woken up at four in the morning to get to the store. thankfully, he wasn’t too late by the time he arrived at five after sneaking out of the dorms and managed to snag fifth place in line, which had grown exponentially since he had arrived.

sunwoo had basically waited his entire life for the game to come out. he had started and restarted his old animal crossing games so many times over that he basically memorized every character and each piece of dialogue that came with them. it was about time that a new game come out, and sunwoo wanted to be dedicated, even when retrieving the game itself.

in the midst of thinking about his excitement, sunwoo realized that he forgot to do an extremely vital part of his morning routine while he rushed to get ready.

he forgot to go to the bathroom.

the feeling hit him like a bag of bricks and his leg began fidgeting, thinking that somehow it’ll prevent him from peeing his own pants in the middle of line. sunwoo cursed at himself and weighed out his options. he could ask the people in front of him and behind him to keep his spot so he could run into the starbucks at the end of the street or just hold it for two hours and pray to god he wouldn’t have an accident.

however, when sunwoo glanced in front and behind him, he realized that his place in line was sandwiched between two girls. he decided that god really had it out for him and began to stand up and stretch to distract himself, and that’s when his eyes fell on a familiar figure who was walking towards his direction.

“yibo! wang yibo! come here!”


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-kachow 4 years ago
lmnhyk 4 years ago
a&r jung wooyoung please, thank you!
apfelstrudel 4 years ago
jung chaeyeon please and thank you
flourishing 4 years ago
a&r heo yoorim for me pls!
-baekby 4 years ago
hihi can i get seo soojin please?
coldbrew 4 years ago
jang yeeun please? :o
starstar_ 4 years ago
Asdhkdidj I shouldn't but—

Add and reserve Honda Hitomi for me please!
Bao-Bei 4 years ago
Hwang hyunjin pls
chikan 4 years ago
is jeong yunho available
shinyechan 4 years ago
are boys or girls more needed? i'll pick my fc based off the response lol
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