Chat Room

Chat  Room

So, Dreamers! Feel free to chat here, you can spam as much as you can!


Self proclaimed king and queen spammer: Luhan  and Sunny o u o

Hyoyeon 11 years ago
Hyoyeon 11 years ago
Hyoyeon 11 years ago
Sunny 11 years ago
I Wanna Dance~!!!!!! Why you upload short version?! upload the long version damn it!!!!
Sunny 11 years ago
I Wanna Dance~!!!!!! Why you upload short version?! upload the long version damn it!!!!
Sunny 11 years ago
I Wanna Dance~!!!!!! Why you upload short version?! upload the long version damn it!!!!
Sunny 11 years ago
I Wanna Dance~!!!!!! Why you upload short version?! upload the long version damn it!!!!
Sunny 11 years ago
I Wanna Dance~!!!!!! Why you upload short version?! upload the long version damn it!!!!
Sunny 11 years ago
I Wanna Dance~!!!!!! Why you upload short version?! upload the long version damn it!!!!
Sunny 11 years ago
I Wanna Dance~!!!!!! Why you upload short version?! upload the long version damn it!!!!
Sunny 11 years ago
travel around the world with me~
Sunny 11 years ago
travel around the world with me~
Sunny 11 years ago
travel around the world with me~
Sunny 11 years ago
travel around the world with me~
Sunny 11 years ago
travel around the world with me~
Sunny 11 years ago
travel around the world with me~
Sunny 11 years ago
travel around the world with me~
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Sunny 11 years ago
Why so Serious? *smirks*
Luhan 11 years ago
@Seohyun AYO GG O u O
Luhan 11 years ago
@Seohyun AYO GG O u O


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polarlight 11 years ago
ailee is leaving.
GIZIBAE 11 years ago
Hyoyeon is leaving~ SORRY SEOBABY I'LL MISS YOU o n o
inukagmirogolovekpop 11 years ago
Sorry but Dongho is leaving because I wasn't very active here :(
sorry again :( byeeeee
--UltimateBiasKai 11 years ago
JB is leaving not very active here
DarkestSweetDreams 11 years ago
Taemin is leaving not very active here
psych0path247 11 years ago
I'm sorry, Sunny is leaving, since school will start already.
blurblue 11 years ago
sorry, yoona is leaving ><
-batman 11 years ago
t-ae is leaving ^^
Vintage_ 11 years ago
sorry but chorong is leaving
DO_Big_Eyes 11 years ago
Sorry, Nana Is Leaving.
o n o
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