❇ ⁞  infirmary

— about

get well soon.

ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 he didn't have the energy in him to argue. so instead, woong climbed up onto the bed, lashes fluttering slightly as he offered joohyuk a smile. why did he have to go and be weak? why did he have to show that weakness, that he was getting tired from helping? he was supposed to be able to push through, to strengthen his abilities, to make it work... directing his attention up to joohyuk once more, woong offered a small smile. "at least i got most of it. i'll try again once i gather myself, i promise."
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "Woong." Only the younger's name left Joohyuk's lips as he held his arms. His hands lingered there a moment longer as he realized how much paler he seemed to be. Of course. Of course the other using his power had to have been draining, especially to such lengths. He shifted forward, the paper covering crinkling once more beneath him before he moved to rise to his feet. His hands rose to Woong's shoulders, gently trying to urge him round to the bed. "You shouldn't be doing more. You need to rest. Please... sit down."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "but i can take that scar away. i mean, over time, i think. im pretty sure." woong's brows furrowed as he thought about it, knowing he didnt ever try to do that before. but his thoughts were interrupted as joohyuk reached out to hold him by his upper arms, gaze flicking up slowly. had he fallen? he couldnt remember feeling faint. though he was a bit pale, woong shook his head, trying to deny the light feeling. "no, no. i can do more, i should be able to help more."
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "I mean it's just my leg. I can live with a scar. They all eventually fade anyway." While he cared little about what might just be one new scar to contend with for a couple of years, his gaze was slow to drift up to meet Woong's. Joohyuk hesitated, nothing the way the other closed his eyes, only to moments later sway on his feet. The older reached out and caught the younger by his upper arms, holding him upright. "Hey, hey. I think you've done more than enough already. You look like you need to lie down."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "it looks like-- im probably gonna have to revisit this. i can close it to a scar for now, but i can look it over once a day and try to heal it up." having to pause in the middle of his sentence, woong let his eyes fall shut for just a moment, fingers slipping along the scar. another pass of his free hand solidified that the scar wouldn't open again, but woong swayed slightly on his feet, breathing a soft sigh. "i could do more. i know i could. i just have to foucs."
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "I'm sure it doesn't look great, but it doesn't feel as bad as all that." Joohyuk placed his hands on either side of himself on the bed once more and leaned back, allowing Woong the space to work. Some part of him felt guilty for having to be touched in a place that much more intimate than his bare chest. In the midst of it, however, he was unaware of the younger becoming fatigued or growing any weaker, he was just thankful that some of the discomfort was eased, at least enough that he would be able to continue practicing the next day without too much fear of the outcome. As the gash slowly healed, the edges stitched together into an off-colored scar. "You've done more than you needed to for me, Woong."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "gonna be honest, it doesnt look all that great." tsking softly, woong withdrew his hand while looking over the cut on his leg. he wouldn't admit that he was a little queasy from the sight, but instead he brought a hand to his thigh, a finger slowly tracing along the outside of the cut in hopes of relieving any pain from the surrounding area. despite feeling a little weak, woong smiled up at joohyuk before bringing his hand to the cut, the pad of his finger pressing against the edge of the gash, healing where it was touched. "dont worry about it. i'll do what i can, though, okay?"
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "Gash makes it sound so... bad. But yeah, that's it." The small squeeze from Woong earned the same gesture in return, Joohyuk's fingers gently squeezing his. Soon enough, he was shaking his head, tossing out some errant thought before he spoke it into being. Reluctantly, he let go of the other's hand and reached for the leg of his shorts to pull it up just enough to expose the length of his injury. "I mean I could live with just a bandage. You've already done so much."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "nothing else on your legs other than... that gash?" he spoke quietly, raising a brow as he glanced down to joohyuk's leg. but then his hand was caught, and he even dared to smile while looking up at the other. woong opted to give joohyuk's hand a little squeeze, trying not to think about the fact that joohyuk was shirtless. "hey, no need to thank me. i'd... help you regardless. now let's take a look at that cut on your leg..."
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "Can't say there are more. I don't feel any others." It wasn't until Woong's hand reached Joohyuk's, that he really reacted. The younger had seemingly erased his self-inflicted bruises from existence, something he hadn't thought possible. But it seemed oddly intimate in the moment with his hands so lightly running over his skin. As the other's hand reached his, he curled his fingers about Woong's hand, taking hold of it gently, the pad of his thumb brushing over the other's knuckles. "Thank you... for uhh, for helping me-- like this."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "yeah. but you're free to say no. i just saw your bruises and i didnt /want/ you to say no. i wanted to help." he spoke up quietly, this time not making eye contact. it was hard enough, not looking at joohyuk's bare chest, but as he was given the still injured arm, woong brought his attention back to what he needed to work on. once more, his hands came to pass over joohyuk's skin, starting from the shoulder and working his way down, a smile on his face when he got to joohyuk's hand once more. "there. that should be... the bruises. unless you're hiding more somewhere."
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "You said it was your assignment, right? I shouldn't stop you from that." Joohyuk watched as Woong's attention went to the notebook. He felt more like an experiment in the moment, but he couldn't complain when it had saved him at least a little suffering. He sat up a little straighter and shifted, offering his other arm to the smaller Male, at least a little. "Be my guest. I'm sure I'll feel better for it."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "well, i can give it a try anyway. so long as.. you're okay with that." when woong finished with the bruises on joohyuk's back, he stepped away once more, offering a sort of lopsided smile. heading to his notebook, he jotted down how things went thus far, making note that there seemed to be no pain or the like. heading to the arm that he hadnt yet healed, woong shrugged a shoulder lightly, gesturing to the still-bruised arm. "maybe next time i can help if this happens again. can i get your other arm?"
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "If you can't, it's fine. Without you... or the nurse, anyway, I'd have to deal with all of it for a while." Turning his head, Joohyuk watched as Woong moved around the bed to stand behind him. He glanced down, as if he could see the bruises there, but with the smaller male's hands on him, they seemed to disappear at a fast pace anyway. He looked away, his gaze directed forward instead, toward the closed curtain. "I can't exactly control where they go. Or where they went. It's just lucky for me you know what you're doing."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "i know i can heal bruises and little things. i dont know how im going to be able to handle that cut on your leg, though." murmuring softly, woong looked up at joohyuk once more, smiling softly while stepping back slightly to let him look over his arm. stepping around the bed, he peered at joohyuk's back, tsking softly before he began to pass his hands over joohyuk's back, one after another just as before, working on healing those bruises as well. "i started learning i could do this stuff early. man, you even got bruises on your back."
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "I didn't realize you could heal like this." He thought back to the pinch, assuming that the little act was a better estimation of the smaller's quirk. In reality, he knew nothing of the other's quirk. With Woong's hand on his, he glanced down, fingers flexing slightly beneath the other's. He reached... but it was too late, Woong having already pulled away from him. A soft sigh left his lips as he flexed his fingers and turned his hand over, feeling as if there really had never been a bruise at all. "That's a lot better. It doesn't hurt at all... surprisingly. You're good at what you do."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "its supposed to feel like there isnt any bruise there." tskng softly, woong shook his head a little, daring to let a little smile rest on his lips before refocusing. he even pulled a hand back, pressing his fingers a little more firm to where the bruises were. but once again, he was focused on healing the bruises. passing one hand along joohyuk's shoulder, the other followed suit slowly, making sure to help in essentially erasing the bruises from that arm first, but he was still a little hesitant as he came to joohyuk's hand, fingers lingering there for a moment before he pulled back. "how does that arm feel? do you have full range of motion? anything... hurt?"
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "Thank you." Murmuring quietly, the taller male hung his head and paid little attention to the passage of the smaller's fingers. Though much as he tried to ignore it, he felt the hint of warmth that was left in the wake of his fingers. As he glanced toward his chest, the skin had lost some of its discoloration, almost as if the bruise had just been erased, and his skin no longer felt as... tight. He let out a soft sigh of relief. "I don't feel as stiff. Or tense. Feels less like my skin's stretched too tight. Is that how it's supposed to feel?"
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "i cant imagine. they look.. pretty bad. but i wont ask about it anymore." murmuring under his breath, woong had to keep himself steady. stepping closer, woong swallowed thickly before finally reaching out once he had been given permission to help, and while almost trembling, he brushed his fingers over the other's chest. it was a gentle touch, but the second his fingers made contact with bare skin, the bruises slowly began to disappear. trying not to think about it, woong let his fingers slowly trail up over joohyuk's shoulders. pausing, woong glanced up, offering a small, nervous smile. "feel anything different so far?"
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "Fitting. They don't feel great either." Joohyuk sat up a little straighter, shoulders squared as if it might make his broad build a little more intimidating to the smaller male in front of him. He couldn't put a finger on why, but sitting like this made him feel vulnerable, particularly when all he could think of was how much he worried over the fact he had done the damage to himself. "But sure. I'll tell you how it feels. Granted, if you're putting pressure anywhere, I can almost guarantee it's probably gonna hurt."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 woong stood back a little when the other seemed to agree to what he said. with the curtain pulled shut, he stood against the fabric, waiting and watching. his eyes grew a little wide as joohyuk bared his torso to him, and it took everything within him not to gasp. the bruises werent pretty by any means, and woong felt a little guilty for having to look at all of it. but a flush crept up onto his cheeks as he cleared his throat. "right. okay. those dont look-- great. but i've dealt with bruises before. if i heal these for you... can you just tell me how it... feels? like, if it doesnt hurt when i put pressure, or anything like that?"
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 Joohyuk would have, perhaps should have, argued against staying when Woong insisted on it. Except he didn't. He reached behind his shoulders, wincing at some sudden tightness in his shoulder, and grasped at the material behind his neck. Tugging the collar of his tee over his head, he drew it off, ruffling his hair in the process. The bruises that had trailed up his arms had ventured to his shoulders, growing lighter, before disappearing part of the way down his chest. As he laid the shirt aside, he glanced up to Woong, a brow raised expectantly but with no words.
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "you cant leave..." murmuring the words that were now pretty useless, especially when woong was able to figure out just what the issue was. normally, he wouldnt be so forward and get so touchy, but with the nurse practically breathing down his neck even where she sat, he wouldnt chance it. so instead, he slowly withdrew his hands, grabbing his notebook to jot a couple things down before sliding the curtain closed. "just in case anyone comes in..." he murmured as an explanation before gesturing to joohyuk. "i... need you to take off your shirt. so i can check."
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "I can't just what?" Unaware that he had revealed the gash, Joohyuk was all the more shocked by small hands on his chest, and more so with one leaving his chest to push up the leg of his shorts. He glanced down, catching a glimpse of the raw dermis and the still reddish smears of a few droplets of blood. The taller male placed his hands at either side of himself on the bed once more, though he made no move to lie back. "More than on my arms? I mean there might be..."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "this is part of my /school work/, you cant just--" something stopped woong in his tracks. he placed both of his hands on joohyuk's chest as if to stop the older of the two from leaving, and gave him a pointed look before casting his gaze back down. leaving one hand on joohyuk's chest, woong squatted, gently pulling the fabric of his shorts up slightly to reveal the gash. with a gasp, he looked back up in shock. "and you were gonna walk away with this? no, no, no good. lay down. i need to see just how bad all of this is. are there more bruises?"
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "Listen, I just didn't come in for an interrogation, that's all." Ordinarily, Joohyuk would have just brushed off the questions as if they were nothing. For some reason, having the smaller boy ask him these things was different. He shifted uncomfortably on the bed, as if he were about to push himself off the edge. It only pushed the leg of his shorts higher, revealing the shallow gash across his thigh that had been previously concealed. "I'll just get going, and then you don't need to worry about it."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 while taking note of the bruises, woong hummed softly and set the notebook aside once he was done, thinking he had everything he needed. casting a glance back over his shoulder to see the nurse working at her desk, the boy looked back to joohyuk with a sigh. he lifted his hands, one pulling back the sleeve of one arm and the other coming close to the skin, but joohyuk's words made him stop. he raised a brow, withdrawing his hands. "what do you mean? you know you gotta tell me this stuff, right?"
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "It could be worse." Joohyuk's voice fell low, some part of him off in thought, though he wouldn't speak of just where his mind went. Instead, he just lifted his arms, twisting at the wrists a little to show off the bruises that dapples his skin otherwise. At the same time, he examined them himself, unaware of some of the marks that seemed to fall on the backs of his forearms. "It's-- you know, it's probably not that serious. If you can just patch these up, it's fine."
ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 [A] 3 years ago
@○ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 "jeez, that looks pretty bad..." woong frowned, that frown brinking on a sort of pout, as he looked over the bruises on joohyuk's arm before writing down just what he sees, making note of the shape, color, location, and size of the bruises. he tsked softly before stepping closer, using his pen to gently lift the sleeve, sighing as he noted just how far up the arm they went. but when joohyuk mentioned another thing, he raised a brow, eyes wide as he blinked a few times. "another thing? what is it?"
ᴄ ⁞ joohyuk n 。 [A] 3 years ago
@ᴅ ⁞ woong j 。 "Sounds... exhilarating." His eyes followed the path of Woong's gesture to look at the notebook left open. The thought of keeping such careful notes was beyond him, but he decided against saying as much. Besides, his own injuries were the focus of the moment and what he had come for in the first place. With a quiet groan, he ped the front of his jacket and shrugged out of it, letting it rest on the bed beside him and exposing the bruises that trailed up even higher, disappearing beneath the sleeves of his t-shirt. "I was practicing with my powers. It wasn't anything special. I bruised myself, but it's probably bad to keep practicing with this many bruises already. And... there's one other thing."


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soobinniee 3 years ago
may i reserve Choi Soobin?
e25b2ebb30a8584d7508 3 years ago
can i reserve Shin Yuna?
luciferian 3 years ago
may I have lee siyeon please
holoqueen 3 years ago
Can i reserve Bae Joohyun please?
levanter [A] 3 years ago
please remember to:
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ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ: prom night! **note: event has been extended! no set date atm
_PrimRose_ 3 years ago
Bae Suzy please ^°^
mikadzuki 3 years ago
hello, i'm sorry for going inactive but may i have my old character (jeon wonwoo) back?
pxssionfruit 3 years ago
xingqiu 3 years ago
Hirai Momo pleaseu~
florals 3 years ago
may i please reserve park chaeyoung
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