→ The Beach

Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop Chaejin nodded "I see." He went back to eat as the baby kicked. Jumping slightly he placed Kiseop's hand on his belly. "He seems to like the idea of hell pie." He chuckled.
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
"Hell pie. It's really hot. I don't really know how to describe it, but demons love it." Kiseop smiled, watching Chaejin eat.

Hoon watched the kids and chuckled. Minsoo seemed like a nice guy. Hoon hoped he could get the kids to like him at least half as much as they liked their uncle. "Mh. Neh."he rubbed Minzy's belly. "They're all very protective of their umma. I can't blame them since you've been hurt so many times."
Demon Minzy 9 years ago
Minzy kissed Hoon's cheek before going over to children, who were fawning over their only uncle. Minsoo laughed softly, hugging them. Minzy walked back to Hoon. "The kids like you~" she chimed happily.
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
Chaejin smiled kissing Kiseop's cheek as he looked at his pie "what is that exactly?" He asked raising an eyebrow. He took a bite of some more of his food.
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
Hoon nodded and chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds like her alright. I don't know what I saw in her."he shook his head. "She deserves it." he held Minzy's waist, smiling. She seemed very happy, and he loved seeing her this way.

Kiseop smiled at his love and ate the bite he was offered. He didn't really eat vampire food, but it was actually pretty good. He was glad Chaejin seemed to be having a good time. He was happy for Minzy and her new husband. Poor Minseop had very fertile parents, and he was going to have two new siblings, though Kiseop wasn't so sure that he was accept his and Chaejin's child.
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
Chaejin smiled listening to everyone and when the plate was set in front of him he smelled it smiling at how great it appeared to his nostrils. "Minnie I will need a recipe for all of these~" he moaned as he started eating. "My god they taste so good!!" He looked at Kiseop offering him a bite.
Demon Minzy 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop "Cereburs' chew toy?" Minseop asked. "That annoying was your fiancee? All she does is whine and complain. Since she's in Hell, she can't die, which is unfortunate. No matter how many times Cereberus bites her head off she still keeps complaining after it grows back."

Minzy cuddled up to Hoon, smiling at him. She felt happy that her family was here. At least the ones who mattered most.
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
"Yeah. He did." Hoon chuckled. "I think we're good now though."he glanced at Minyoung and turned back to Minseop. "You have my word. I wouldn't have married her if I was going to betray her. I know how it feels since my ex fiance was psycho and cheated on me, then turned me into a vampire."he rolled his eyes, remembering that crazy woman. "You're mother sent her down there thought."he pointed at the ground.

Kiseop smiled and grabbed a plate for Chaejin, getting him a some of all the foods he could eat. He placed the food on a table and sat Chaejin down before getting his own. Minzy was a great cook, and her Hell Pie was better than Kiseop's mother's.
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
@Demon Minzy Chaejin's stomach growled when Minzy started naming off foods he could eat. "They sound amazing~ thank you." He grinned and walked over to look at everything.
Demon Minzy 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop Minseop nodded. "Nice to meet you. I'm sure Minyoung threatened you enough so I'll just ask that you take good care of my umma."

"Hm...I believe so. I had to make vampiric meals since my Hoon is here~" Minzy walked over to the table. "There's garlic noodles in blood sauce, blood martini and shrimp cocktail, and a lot of other stuff."
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
"Alright." Kiseop eyesmiled and slipped his shoes off as well. He took Chaejin's hand and entwined their fingers.

"Neh. I'm Hoon." Hoonmin eyesmiled and nodded. "It's nice to meet you."

Kiseop turned when Minzy called him. "Alright."he agreed, not wanting to seem rude. "We'll go walk afterwards then."he told Chaejin and gently led him over. "Do you have anything Chaejin can eat?"he looked at Minzy.
Demon Minzy 9 years ago
"Umma!" Minseop engulfed his mother in a hug, snuggling her. He looked at Hoon with curious eyes. "You must be my mama's new husband."

Minzy smiled at Minseop before clapping her hands together with delight. "Food time! Kiseop-ah!" she called. "I made Hell Pie. You at least have yo have some before you leave with Chaejin."
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop Chaejin smiled nodding "I would like that~" he placed his hand on Kiseop's on his belly "the baby wants to walk too~" he giggled taking his shoes off. "Ready?" He asked.
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
@Slave ChaeJin Kiseop listened to his son, not liking how he was speaking to his mate, but he chose not to say anything. Minseop was probably jealous that Kiseop was having another kid, and he would probably be a better father this time around.

"Neh, I did." Kiseop eyesmiled and and hugged back, rubbing Chaejin's baby bump lovingly. "Mh. I guess"he glanced over at the others and took his lover's hand. "Do you want to walk on the beach for a bit?"
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop Chaejin smiled at the boys. Looking at Kiseop he blushed not knowing what his mate was thinking or why he was staring. "Yeobo~ you had a moment with Minseop~" he smiled hugging Kiseop. "He seemed very happy by it too~" he pecked his lips before snuggling Kiseop's chest. "Should we go and let them have their family time?" He asked looking back up at Kiseop.
Demon Minzy 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop Minsoo happily cuddled his sister, who squealed happily. "Well Minzy always did have a good eye for character."

"If by something you mean nothing, then yes, you missed absolutely nothing," Minseop said flatly, not looking directly at Chaejin as he spoke. He looked at Kiseop. "And I don't hate you aboeji. I just slighy dislike you, but that also doesn't mean I don't love you." He sighed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, Uncle Minsoo is here. It's nice to at least have more...immediate family here." He walked off.

Woojin tsked. "Aigoo, always so grumpy." He bowed to Kiseop and Chaejin. "Don't mind Seop-Seop much. He's being a sourpuss." He followed after his mate.
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
@Demon Minzy "Nice to meet you, Minsoo-ssi." Hoonmin bowed back and eyesmiled. Minzy said we would probably get along great."

Kiseop smiled and pulled away, patting Minseop's shoulder. "I thought you hated me." he looked over at Chaejin as he came over. He smiled softly to his mate, glancing at his belly. Chaejin looked like he was ready to pop and Kiseop found it adorable.
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
@Demon Minzy Chaejin walked over to Kiseop and the couple smiling see the two hugging. Looking at minseop's mate he smiled softly and bowed. "Annyong haseyo~ I'm Chaejin." He looked at the father and son moment. "Did I miss something exciting over here?" He asked chuckling softly. It was a sweet funny sight and he was happy two see the two finally having a real father/son moment.
[post deleted by owner]
Demon Minzy 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop "You can go over if you want," Kiyoung shrugged. "Though I'm sure Minseop won't bite Kiseop's head off." She bowed. "It was nice meeting you, Chaejin-ssi." She turned and grinned. "Uncle Minsoo!"

Minyoung grinned, running over to Minsoo as well.

Minsoo hugged his niece and nephew before bowing to Hoon. "Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Minsoo, Minzy's younger and only brother."

Minseop patted Kiseop's back awkwardly. "Yah, don't get the wrong idea," he said, embarrassed.
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
@Slave ChaeJin (ah
I had to have mine taken out)
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
@Demon Minzy Hoon smiled at Minyoung, glad he seemed to accept him.
Kiseop blinked and looked at his son, surprised by the information. Minseop loved him and Chaejin? He thought his son hated them both. He would've never thought Minseop said good things about them. Moving closer, he pulled his son into a tight hug.

"I'm glad."he grinned at Minzy. "I love seeing you happy, baby."he grinned. He blinked and watched as a tall, handsome guy hugged his wife. "Annyeonghaseyo."he bowed and smiled at the man.
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop [the stitches weren't too bad. They actually fell out today so I'm happy. Lol]
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
@Demon Minzy Chaejin raised an eyebrow at the girl. "I just officially met Minseop today. He couldn't have said much since he didn't know me." He shrugged it off. "Anyways if you all wish to judge me for a past time I am fine with that. But I wish to down the road get to know Minseop and possibly become a friend not a very close one since he doesn't care much for me. But one since he is related to my soon to be husband and child." He smiled softly bowing. "I am sorry your family has endured so much. But your mother has done a beautiful job in raising bright responsible adults and young adults." He nodded before turning to look at Kiseop and then at Minzy. "Do you think I should go back over? Or is he ok?" He smiled.
Demon Minzy 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop Kiyoung huffed just slightly, looking at Chaejin. Being mommy's little princess, while not spoiled, she did have a sense of entitlement in most things. "Gomawo," she said idly. "I guess your Minseop's father's mate. We've heard a lot about you from Minseop."

"Minseop talks about you all the time~" Woojin chimed. "You can tell he really loves you a lot."

"Yah, Woojin-ah," Minseop blushed, embarrassed.

"Wae?" Woojin giggled. "Anyone can tell from listening to you that you adore your father."

Minyoung looked Hoon up and down. "Arasso, aboeji," he said, accepting Hoon just by calling him that.

Minzy giggled. "Ani. I'm fine. I'm really happy that everyone is here."

"Noona!" a male voice called.

Minzy turned and squealed. "Minsoo!!!" She held out her arms to her little brother.

Minsoo smiled brightly and walked over, engulfing her in a hug. He towered over his older sister, standing at 6ft 5in.
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
@Slave ChaeJin (ah lol
I hated the stitches
On the one that gave him trouble he cut all into my cheek it was like this huge gash, and the stitches were too tight, so they were cutting into my gums, and it caused this terrible pain for the whole week
every time something touched it, it hurt soooo freaking bad >.<)
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop [Yeah I had the same feeling! They had to cut the tooth in half and then cut some of my tissue away. So I am healing nicely but it feels weird having stitches in my mouth. Lol]
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
@Slave ChaeJin (ah that >.<
One of my teeth was really stuck in there, and the dentist had to pull on it so much, I thought he was going to break my jaw lol
I wish I was asleep for it too
I hope you recover soon~ ^^)
Demon Kiseop 9 years ago
@Demon Minzy "Annyeong, nice to meet you." Kiseop bowed lightly to his son's mate and smiled. He watched them cuddling and felt very happy that they had found each other. He was glad his son was happy.

Hoon blinked and laughed softly. "I'm not an like that." he rubbed Minzy's lower back softly. "I am young. I'm only in my twenties, since I'm a vampire turned. Your mother had the chance to kill me, and she didn't. She's done a lot for me, and I'm very grateful to her. I love her very much, and I would never hurt her in any way. We've been through a lot together, and I plan on being by her side forever. "he cleared his throat. "I know I'm not your father, and I never will be. I'm not trying to replace him, and even if you don't want to have a relationship with me, I still want to be on good terms with you and the rest of your mother's family. I've never been married before, and this..."he rubbed Minzy's belly. "...is my first child, but I want to be the best husband, father, and step-father I can possibly be. If you ever need anything, I will be more than willing to help you. I will treat you and your sibling as if you were my own, and I would love to get to know you guys. I'm so happy to get to meet you all."he ended his little speech and turned to Minzy. "Is there anything you need, yeobo? Do you want to sit down and rest?"
Slave ChaeJin 9 years ago
@Demon Kiseop [lol yes. I had one tooth to big for the socket. It was a lot of pain. I wish I had been asleep through it.]


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Cocopuff [A] 2 years ago
wow it's been 5 years since I logged on here. I miss this place~
LuCaiXi 5 years ago
may i please have donghae as a fallen angel?
KanonAndou 9 years ago
Can I ask for Zelo hybrid (demon-vampire)? Thank you.
brittini 9 years ago
applied as sulli
-minions 9 years ago
Sehun has left due to personal issues
DreamGirl 10 years ago
Applied as Hyuna
Camzsy 10 years ago
Applied as Jessica
NotSoGwiyomi 10 years ago
Applied as Taemin
-rhapsodic 10 years ago
I was wondering if ulzzang Jung MinHee could be added to the masterlist.

Thank you.~
-taeliscious 10 years ago
Applied as MeiXin
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