₆ training

Training grounds
coded by yxgurt
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Hearing San's comment, he was going to say that it's the same as alcohol but he wouldnt want to let the other be angry for now. The movement of the need makes him frowns slightly but the pain isn't as great, making him calm down slightly after the sudden movements. 'Guess it's not doing well.. ', he thought to himself before hearing the intro. "I have not watched this before. "

He has been always on the run, after he sneak in and took a new persona in Nie, he has been working hard all day to hide his identity, there Is no time for entertainment for him.
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ San bit another piece of bun as he shook his head. "Other one are not delicious," commented San while his eyes watched Xu's movement, his eyes partially took few glance to his chest when he can sense that the needle was moving a bit in slightly. "Hm, I want to watch Batman." San hummed happily as he cursored to the batman poster and clicked it on. Now, the film loaded and the intro came.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ He hums and takes another bite before he follows San out, he sat down on the couch that he was resting on just now and looked at the television when he saw that it was loading. "What film do you want to watch? " he hums and finishes up the red bean bun. "Would you ever want to try other flavours? "
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ "Only red bean," answered San. Once Xu took a bun, San walked to the living room, sitting on the couch, and switched on the television. He had not watched any show or film lately. He placed the plate on the coffee table in front of him and looked at Xu as the television was loading. "Let's watch a film!" said San, trying to revert the alcohol topic.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ He laughed and playfully put both his hands up, "okok that was just a joke" he chuckles, playfully showing that he surrender and wouldnt bribe San. "Ah~ that is because you don't know the beauty of alcohol! " he hums and takes a red bean bun and took a little bite. "Mmm it's warm, do you eat other flavours too? "
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ San stopped in middle of eating his buns when Xu said he wanted to bribe him with buns so he can have some alcohol. San side-eyed him before he continued to munch a bun. "No reason." San said before he placed the rest of the buns onto a plate. He held the plate in front of Xu. "Want some? It's better than alcohol. "
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ He leaned against the wall while he looked at San, of course, he knew that San's father wouldn't mind, he would even drink with him. "Why not? Just curious you know". He hums and continues to sip onto his water while looking at San having the buns. "Maybe I should bribe you with more red bean buns in exchange for alcohol~" he jokingly said.
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ San just stood in between Xu and the fridge. He did not move a bit until he saw Xu drank a glass of plain water. "I know my father would not mind you to drink alcohol but not me," said San. San shook his head and went to his buns. "No, I don't drink much."
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Nie Xu blinks and laughed softly seeing San reaction. "Does beer affect the healing status?",he laughs and looked at San standing in between the fridge and himself, "then I'll get something else to drink, not alcohol, I'll have that later then" he turned to grab a cup of water and drinks from it, finding it a little plain. "Mmm.. I'll treat this plain water as wine then, both are transparent. Do you drink often? "
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ San furrows his eyebrows when he listens to his explanation and watches his movement, gasping upon hearing the word of beer. "What? No! I just healed you." says San and slips himself in-between Xu and the fridge, knowing there are cans of beer inside there.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Seeing the water boiling, he then turn off the fire, knowing that the buns are warm enough, ensure that the cover is on so that the heat will stay inside. He blinks and turned to look at San, "Just thought I can check on the buns. It's warm now. I'm sure you can eat it. " he smiles then walks towards the fridge. "Ah it's a little warm, time for some beer"
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ Once San gets into his room, he immediately takes his time to clean himself through. He washes his hair down to his toe. He does not quite listen to what Xu says because he does not get to see Xu wakes up and goes to the kitchen. After 30 minutes of showering, San walks out from his room, wearing his dark blue silk pyjamas with a small towel to dry his hair that he hangs around his neck. Then, he sees Xu in the kitchen. "Hey, aren't you supposed to have a rest?" San says when he gets behind Xu.
[post deleted by owner]
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Nie Xu looked at San and nods, medical things, he did learn very little from San's family to heal himself whenever he is in pain. He got up and walked slowly to where San's book it, he was looking at it but he doesn't understand, maybe he could ask San when he is back. "I will check on your buns!" He walked to the kitchen and sat down near the stove, ensuring that the bun is still soft but warm.
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ Once Xu is covered with the blanket, San went to the table where he put the red bean buns plastic. He opened the plastic and it only revealed the cold buns which made San slightly pouted. "Hm?" San turned around and looked at Xu. He shook his head and held the plastic with his hand. "It's plant medical homework. I don't think combat relates to that," San said before he went to the kitchen, setting up a pot of water to boil them up and steamed the buns back. "I'm going to shower!" San said as he went up stairs to his room to clean himself up.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Nie Xu looked at the blanket and back at San. He knew that this could last him a few days or lesser, but San who is new to these, he did a great job. He could definitely get up and start drinking more but he knew San will be upset so he shouldn't make him upset for now. "Homework? Do you need my help? If you are talking about combat I can help" he gently rub his own chest, as though he is telling the nails not to act up while he looked at San.
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ For few minutes, San focused his energy and power towards the stubborn needles inside Xu's body. His eyes captured the smile on Xu's face which he gradually slowed down the power. It would last him for few days, San thought in his mind. San smiled as he rubbed Xu's chest. "You're welcome. Now get some rest. I have homework to do," San said as he stood up and covered Xu's body with a blanket provided beside the couch.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Nie Xu let out a weak laugh and playfully put his hand over his lips, showing a little zip action. He then closed his eyes and focuses on letting San's power to prevent the needles from leaking the poison into the body. He knew that once the poison will leak into the bloodstream, he will die within a week, hence it's Nie's family who was able to block the poison in time, to allow him to survive as a normal person instead of a dying man. He opened his eyes after a while and looked at San with a weak smile. "You are really like your parents, your healing powers are getting better. Thank you, San."
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ San calmed himself down and focused on Xu. "Stop babbling, could you?" He placed his hand on top of Xu's chest and his eyes lit brighter than before. San exhaled softly before he began to channel his power. San's power focused on the needles specifically, preventing them to leak the poison into the blood and the heart.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Nie Xu groaned slightly and immediately hold onto his chest. He followed San to the couch and lie down there. The pain was rather intense and cold sweat started to appear on his forehead. "San.. painkillers. Or knock my neck and let me sleep first." He closes his eyes shut, trying to channel the little healing powers that he has but at the same time, it was not enough. He knew it has been a while since he came here. The longer he delays the treatment, his condition will get worst. "I wouldn't die. Don't worry."
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ [] it's fine c:

As they were entering into San's house, his parents were not there. Maybe they were busying with their work because lately, due to the previous war, his parents got called a lot than usual. San stopped his walk when Xu gripped onto him, he turned his head back and looked at him with his now bright emerald eyes. Oh, yeah . "Let's get you onto the couch instead, brother," San said with concerned in his soft voice after he placed his red bun beans plastic on the nearby table. He assisted him to the couch, taking a pillow and placed just right beside the couch arm.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ () so sorry had a really long day at work and overslept this morning>< Thank you for waiting for me!!

Nie Xu was going to finish off his can but he blinked when San grabbed his hand and threw the nearly finished can away. He laughed and shook his head slightly. "Young Man, you don't know the joy of drinking." he laughed softly before following San into the house, he looked at the front and was going to walk to the usual room when he felt his vision got blurry and a loud white noise was heard, his body is indeed at the worst stage when his senses are finally affected. He gripped onto San as he stable himself. ".. this is worst than before," he mumbles weakly, he closes his eyes telling his body to hold on a little more before he got up. "Lets go in."
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ As they are about to arrive in front of San's house, San stopped his walk and Xu's by holding his arm. The rumbles of his red bean buns; plastic can be heard when he took the can away. "Just stop drinking for tonight," San said before he poured the beer on the ground just at the right of the walking path. "Beer isn't taste good though, why would you drink them?" he crumpled the can and held it before he tugged Xu to come inside his house once he unlocked the door.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Hearing the hmph from San, makes him smirk, knowing that he is right. He looked at the other with a smile and shake his head, "bearable." He mumbles as he continued to walk towards San's place, opening another can and continue to drink. "Rather sleep because of alcohol than sleep for life. "
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ He hummed when he thought back of what Xu said. San would definitely ear red bean buns if he is in Xu's condition. "Hmph," San turned his face to the other side while eating his bun. He sulked lightly, but he extended his arm to pat Xu's back gently. His eyes lighted up slightly when he touched Xu's back. "Let's go home faster," San said.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ "Life is all about enjoying the things that you like to do. Nice drinks, nice food." He laughed and chug down another can before throwing it aside. "I bet if you are like me, you will be eating Red bean buns all day." He looked at the other and laughed loudly, before it becomes painful in his chest, making him put his hand over it. "What do you mean by, taking advantage of your power?"
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ "Tsk," San made a sound of disapproval as he ate his second bun. "An old man and apparently an alcoholic too," San commented before he munched his bun, knowing that every session that Xu had with him, he always drank alcohol. Either it is beer or wine. San playfully side-eyed Xu, "or are you actually taking advantage of my power?"
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Nie Xu laughed and looks at San, shaking his head. "Each nail in me is at least 5 years old. So 7 nails mean 35. So I'm actually an old man." He laughed and shakes his head once again before he walked along with San, following him to the house. "So I'm 40 years older than you." He let out a scoff before drinking more of his beer, finishing the can immediately. "I should have bought more to bring here, so whenever I have treatment I can drink"
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@兵∙nie xu ᵃ San rolled his eyes when the male said the same thing about being moving on with his life. He stopped the energy for a bit when Xu got a little better. He took his bun as he munched a piece that he bit. "You sound like you are an ancient man, but you are just five years older than me," San said before he started to walk towards his house.
兵∙nie xu ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ He stood still and closes his eyes as he felt the healing energy slowly coming into his body. He took in a deep breath before opening his eyes and looked at San, laughing softly. "Thanks. Maybe its an indicator that an old man like me should move on with life soon". He shakes his head slightly and drink more from the can. "At least, I can survive and drink all the different beers and wines in the world." He laughed loudly once again before looking at San, eating his bun. "I remembered you always like to eat this when you are younger too."


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Kim4Shim 2 years ago
hello~ huni~
ImmortalShizun 2 years ago
Sorry Zee is taking his leave. My muse has downed lately
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 2 years ago
Lee Taemin pls pls
TaeKook 2 years ago
Can I join
HaoTaro 3 years ago
Hey luv. I'm gonna take my leave. My roleplay muse is honestly completely gone. I really lived being here. Everyone was wonderful!!! But life just has me too busy to be on rpr. I love youuu. Good luck!
Angelic_tears 3 years ago
*plops down* hello~ can I request for a character reservation?
vanitas 3 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
↳ ☁ ɢᴜsᴜ ʟᴀɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 5
 ▸ β - 1
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 3
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☼ ʟᴀɴʟɪɴɢ ᴊɪɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 0
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☘ ǫɪɴɢʜᴇ ɴɪᴇ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 2
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 6
 ▸ Half-blood - 2
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ❆ ʏᴜɴᴍᴇɴɢ ᴊɪᴀɴɢ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 3
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 8
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ✦ ǫɪsʜᴀɴ ᴡᴇɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 2
 ▸ β - 4
 ▸ ⍵ - 4

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 4
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 1

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 12
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
** in need of more lanling jin pack members!
spearminty 3 years ago
i did not realize caps lock was on oops
a-anyway can i get eric sohn as a nie omega *dabs*
huniverse [A] 3 years ago
pls add and reserve yibo :DDDDDD
ashflower 3 years ago
Please add and reserve Lee Jaehwan as Jin Jaehwan?
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