Sehun's Room

Sehun's Room

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Jongin 10 years ago
@Sehun Jongin noticed how the younger was so uncomfortable and backed away some. He liked touching people, it was a family thing. His mother and sisters were huggers and his father liked patting backs. Jongin, himself, had a thing for touching foreheads with people. "You are my favorite and my dogs are of a different story..." he muttered, leaning back against the wall of the youngers shower and watched the water drop from his hair like a waterfall. Chuckling, Jongin kept his eyes low and nodded. "Its true. People want things from me and expect them to be perfectly. You don't do that, so I'm thanking you," he stated, looking over at Sehun with dark, knowing eyes. "You did good today, though," he complimented and looked back away. Trying not to make the younger feel awkward when all he wanted was to tell the younger thanks and to hide for awhile.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Kai All could Sehun do in response is to let out a soft chuckle before hitting the other's firm shoulder. "What? Favorite Dongseang? Last time I checked dogs doesn't count as Dongsaeng, Jongin." He mused, grin spared across his face shamelessly. "But nice try Hyung" He added shortly after before returning to his last activity of getting rid of his clothes, getting off his boxer, which were the only wet fabric left on his body before returning his attention back to the other male, or more likely, being forced to look back at him due to their sudden closeness. Not that Sehun minded of course, because he usually love skinship, but when they are both , soaking water and with inches apart their faces, it doesn't feel the same, not like usual. "Ah, Sure" He blinked in surprise at the unexpected words, nevertheless smiled softly at the older one. "I'm glad, you don't need to be someone you are not, not only with me" He spoke honestly, for a minute forgetting the closeness of their bodies, until his hand accidently brush over the exposed tanned skin of the other. "Sorry" He muttered almost in whisper and excused himself to turn around to grab the shampoo. Well that was awkward.
Jongin 10 years ago
@Sehun "Maybe, is it so wrong for me to want to spend time with my favorite, Dongseang?" Jongin asked as he moved closer to Sehun under the water. He reached up and brushed his fingers through the younger's hair and leaned forward, pecking his forehead and smiled. "And, trust me - I don't see you as a baby. Is it wrong for me to want to help you though," he asked, hands moving down Sehun's chest to rest at the younger's hips lightly. His forehead was soon against the slightly shorter males and a smile was tugging at his full lips as he stared into the others warm, fuzzy brown orbs. "You know..." he trialed off quietly. "you make me feel calm. I don't have to be Kai for you, Sehun. Thanks," And so, the elder thanked the younger for something he normally felt very awkward or angry about. "It means a lot."

((Sorry, I'm an ...))
Sehun 10 years ago
@Kai Sehun's body jumped slightly out of reflex as the older's fingers slide into the waist band of his shorts, pulling down both his pants and boxer at once. Usually, Sehun would snap around to hit to other by the chest, muttering something along the lines 'I'm not a baby' or 'I can do it on my own', because Sehun hated to be treated as child. But as for this moment, he could careless, or at least hit Jongin later for this. He chuckled softly, resuming back to enjoying the cold water just as before Jongin decided to join in. "You missed me so much that you wanted to shower together?" He teased, his back still facing the other as he leaned forward to the icy-cold wall of the shower.

(Sehun was already in shower, with his clothes on, lol just pointing out^^)
Jongin 10 years ago
@Sehun Jongin watched Sehun changing and leaned up against the wall before moving up behind the younger and slipped his fingers into his waist-band and began to help him pull his boxers down. "I said I'm going to shower with you, Silly." He muttered his answer and pulled back to take his own boxers down before slipping into the Maknae's shower before he was given a "no". He let the warm water flow down his body and smiled and put his hand out for Sehun to join him. It was his shower after all, "C'mon..." he added softly.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Kai The slight voice made Sehun snap out of his own world and he started the task of getting rid of his now really soaked clothes as those felt heavy and disturbing. "Hm… What?" He asked back, raising his voice. Due to the loud stream of water Sehun couldn't hear a thing the other just said. Just as he stripped himself off his wet shirt he could hear the bathroom door being opened, something he eventually got used to since moving in with his band mates, what was privacy again? "What were you saying?" He asked again once he was sure the who-ever it was could hear him, while tossing his wet shirt aside, moving to undo his sweat-pants.
Jongin 10 years ago
@Sehun Kai rubbed at his forehead, sweat stinging at his eyes as he groaned and watched Sehun running off to his room. To shower probably. He smirked and went into Sehun's room, sitting himself on the bed he rolled around on it, getting it sweaty as well. "Sehunnie, Hyung wants to shower, too!" He shouted loudly, pulling his shirt off and fanning himself with it awkwardly, "And don't ask me why I won't use my shower, I won't tell you!" He called out again as he began to lean back and shake himself out of his sticky pants before tossing them in a small pile of clothes which he'd just made before going over and opening the bathrooms door, "Sehun-ah?" He called out lightly.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Kai It wouldn't really matter what question you would ask Sehun at this moment, because all the multi-colored haired boy could think of in this moment is that, well it's hot. The summer is just around the corner and the days are getting hotter and hotter, it doesn't even help Sehun if he slides ice-cubes down his T-shirt, it's still so hot. That one of those times Sehun keep on asking himself, why for god safe he couldn't find normal job, one that doesn't request him to dance his soul out every day from the early morning till the evening. He's sweating until his shirt is already soaked in sweat, as if he took shower with his clothes on, so that exactly what he does. They had just return home from another long day out and Sehun is already running madly, kicking his shoes somewhere in the room before jumping into the shower in his room, all clothes on. The water is cold, just like he like it and he can feel himself relaxing under it. He can with no doubt stay there all day long, if he only could.


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smeckshiduckunnir 10 years ago
Kyungsoo's leaving. ;; sorry
-aloistrancy 10 years ago
I'm leaving... sorry

NekoiKpop 10 years ago
Tao will have to be on semi hiatus till probably January >.< School will be keeping me busy.
cuddle 10 years ago
Sehun's out, sorry I wasn't very active
mariaberserk [A] 10 years ago
Chanyeo will be on hiatus from the 27th until July 24th
softhearted 10 years ago
Baekhyun will be going on hiatus till the 29th.
I'm watching you Kai
GOT7_Dorks 10 years ago
I think Xia Lu is going to be leaving since I don't even do anything on here. xD
mustache 11 years ago
Sehun ish leaving. Sorry.
GOT7_Dorks 11 years ago
awe, I got here too late. :/
BeyondInfinity 11 years ago
Just browsing~~ /Being a creep and leaving a message because..i want to >D
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