You really should do the titles


San [A] 6 months ago
@Yeosang [surprise]
San [A] 9 months ago
@Yeosang San's brows drew together as he looked at the other again and just shook his head. He doubted it would anger this captor of his if he simply chose not to eat. He wasn't sure why the others were making such a big deal about it. Sure, it could cause other problems, considering how weak and sore he was at the moment, but it wasn't really affecting anything else. To be blunt, it was actually all the questions that were drawing reactions out of him. He didn't look after the vampire as he left the room, just deciding to ignore any other comments the other may have made. He was tempted to just go back to sleep at this point and, if he died, at least he'd be out of their hair.

He glanced up as he sensed someone else coming in and then looked away almost immediately, eyes closing. San opened them though when the other mentioned the bed and decided to cooperate and just move to the bed without a word, sitting there with his knees to his chest. Same position, just a different spot. "Is this better," he questioned, glancing at the other with a slight tilt of his head, "I'll be all right. You guys don't have to keep coming and checking on me. I don't think I'll be hungry for a while..."
Yeosang [A] 9 months ago
@San "I'm not concerned with whether your emotions affect others, I am telling you they affect me" He clarified before letting out another breath and crossing his arms. It was plain as day that he was going to get nowhere with the other, which would mean exhausting his control over Wooyoung, which would result in a dip in their supplies. Wooyoung wouldn't be happy, but he could control that at least... Seonghwa even less so. There was little he could do without pushing his full control onto the other, and that hardly seemed like a good use of his ability either. Without knowing how the other would act and what else would happen, Yeosang was going to need to make sure he was there to contain either San or Wooyoung. With another huff of air Yeosang turned away from the other heading back to the door to leave

"I suppose I shall take it upon myself to control your captor so you don't wind up dead. When punishment comes for the actions I chose to take..." He paused in his words glancing over his shoulder. "I hope you can take the guilt" With one final look over he opened the door and stepped out, not bothering to close it as he started to walk away. "He won't drink Seonghwa. I will attend to Wooyoung, go and fuss over him all you want." He muttered, without even a glance towards the other vampire who stepped to the side and into the open doorway moments after.

-~- Seonghwa -~-
After watching Yeosang head down the hallway for a moment he turned his attention back to San, expression concerned, but also decorated with a soft smile as he stepped in and closed the door once more. "Ok, I won't pressure you... but least move somewhere more comfortable. I promise everything is clean... I bought the bedding just the other day... so..." He nodded his head towards the bed in the corner before motioning with his hand.
San [A] 9 months ago
@Yeosang When the other mentioned drinking from him, San was finally looking at him again, unsure of what expression he was wearing. "For one, controlling my emotions isn't a problem. Mine don't usually affect those around me," he answered, voice monotone. He paused, letting the other speak before squinting some at the mention of everyone being safe. He kept quiet for a few moments longer, using some form of energy to really sort through his thoughts and decide on what he wanted to say and how to say it.

"'Safe' is subjective, something I've learned the hard way," he admitted, "I don't always know what the turn out is. I used to think that it depended on how much I drank or how well I knew a person but that's never been it. I can never tell just what will happen. Even when I haven't been affected by emotions, I've been affected by memories. Things that people think are deep-rooted, forgotten... It's not always immediate either, although it'd be nice if it were." San sighed and looked away again, "It's also best if I don't drink from someone I have to be in close proximity with... The further I am away from my source the better. Too much blood from someone too close and it starts to feel like I become that person. It's not fun at all."

He wasn't sure if any of this information mattered but, at this point, he couldn't say he was bothering with questioning anymore if it were a good idea. San didn't know much about his abilities and sharing what he did know wouldn't clear up too much confusion, clearly. Even this other vampire was questioning just what the side effects could be. In fact, just the thought of drinking from a vampire actually made San even more uneasy than usual. There was no telling how much he'd be able to see, or how far back he'd be able to see in their lives, let alone how much and how strongly he'd be able to feel. It didn't help that vampires all tended to have their own powers. Considering he'd never experienced another vampire's blood in his system, there was no telling what fact the other individual's powers could play.
Yeosang [A] 9 months ago
@San Yeosang let out a breath as he watched the other, listening carefully to the words and pulling back away slightly the spikes of emotion from the memories wafted over him. It wasn't overwhelming yet, he was still in control, but if San continued allowing his emotions to flare in such an uncontrolled manner they were at risk of Yeosang's own flaring as well. With another deep breath, Yeosang channelled a calming emotion as he had earlier with Wooyoung and allowed it to focus around San to get control over the emotions

"For someone slightly empathic you have little control of yourself, I would ask you to control your emotions but I get the feeling you cannot, nor that you have been trained in doing so" He muttered, with no real malice in the words as he slowly stepped further. "If I am right, in any understanding of your abilities, which I may not be... You should be safe to drink from me" He started, tilting his head slightly. "I don't have emotions of my own to influence your ability and therefore there should be no triggering effect" He continued, a slight, thoughtful, frown appearing on his features a moment before vanishing.

"Or you shall be triggered by your own emotions and see only the images your own mind holds... So, nothing that is not already within you and something you have already experienced." He paused once more and elt out another soft huff of breath. "Or I am understanding it completely wrong and we may both have a problem as both of our abilities are triggered and Seonghwa needs to step in to control both of us until we have calmed down. No matter the outcome, there is no fear to have in this place. You cannot escape, you cannot harm... everyone else is safe."
San [A] 9 months ago
@Yeosang San was honestly much too tired for this but if it made the other leave him alone, he'd just answer the questions. It'd go by faster it seemed if he just answered them. Besides, if questions helped the other figure it out, then so be it, because San sure enough didn't know what his abilities were called. San never made the effort to intentionally use his abilities so he wasn't even sure how deep down the rabbit hole they could take him. What he'd had to deal with, the ride he'd unwillingly been taken on on more than one occasion was more than enough to steer him away from wanting to use them.

"I'd say it's me," he answered simply, "I feel what they feel. I see what they see. I drink, it's intense. I get too close, even more intense. Bad things happen." San visibly shuddered as the memories tried to rush back, shaking his head before dropping it back against the wall and closing his eyes. "I don't know how it all works. I've never tried figuring it out. I drink enough to keep me fed for some time and I don't go out into the world right after I've fed. I can sense and feel things and see things without drinking but, if I drink, it's sharper, it's intense and I have no control over any of it. I've never had vampire blood so I couldn't tell you. I don't think anyone wants to know what kind of trouble or danger that could cause."

That was by far the most San had spoken since he'd gotten there, he was sure. Trying to sort through things he'd pressed far down under the surface was wearing for him. It didn't help that he was used to being around people, just his family really, that already knew the gist of his abilities.
Yeosang [A] 9 months ago
@San Yeosang watched the other carefully, it was always interesting to him to see how people expressed, or hids their emotions. Within only a few minutes, Yeosang could normally read a person well enough to understand their expressions and mannerisms. Despite having almost no humanizing factors himself this skill made Yeosang very useful over the years. Reading Wooyoung easily, and being able to influence the others moods had kept him alive in the early days. Until Wooyoung had learnt just what Yeosang could do, through an accident, the young Vampire had kept what he was doing close to his chest. He figured, watching San's expressions carfully, that the new captive was debating doing much the same.

"If its a 'dietry' requirement" he said the words with justa hunt of sass to it. "then I suggest you simply explain what that is." He raised one eyebrow at the other before turning away and thinking over it more. Empathy, Possession and Telepathy had similarities but were fundamentally very different. He figured on of his abilities could be considered possession in his ability to control another through their emotions, but it was far from true possession. He could only make words sound good. And he certainly had no connection with Telepathy, not that he'd tried. So what could manifest in away that could have it called as such.

Truthfully, Yeosang loved to figure things out, be it people or puzzles. A riddle was an enjoyment for him, not that you'd ever know. So this whole situation actually managed to pull a smile to the vampire's face. He may not have felt the emotion of joy, still focused on the being on the floor near him. He let himself consider it some more, working through all the options. If he was to be given questions he would solve the problem. "An interesting triplet of possible ability types there, and I can gather it comes from your ingestion of blood to trigger this ability, given your lack of interest in feeding despite the injuries."

After another short pause, Yeosang settled on his questions. "Is the possession on you, or your Victim?" he started with. an interesting start, but it's answer could answer many others. "Does the Empathic side effect their emotions, or your own? and... Does it work on Vampire blood? Let's start with those three, see if that solves this riddle for me."
San [A] 9 months ago
@Yeosang He wasn't in the mood for a fight, or the questions if he were to be honest with himself. He'd heard the other out but, simultaneously, he couldn't deny that it could be a double-edged sword to actually answer him. San didn't have a clue what these people wanted from him, aside from the hunter that wanted him dead. The idea of it all finally ending was growing more and more tempting by the minute, especially if he was still going to be blamed for something that had happened many years before, and something that he hadn't had control of at all at the time.

He didn't look at the other when he finally decided to speak, staring off into some void on the other side of the holding room. "Some consider it empathic... I've also been told it's possession or telepathy," he gave a slight shrug of his shoulders, "I don't know what it is and I can't always be sure of the outcome." He wasn't sure how much information he could or should give. San really was at a crossroad here. He could tell them everything and chance them knowing enough to kill him in the blink of an eye or turn him into a weapon. There was still that possibility that he could be freed if he just played his cards right and cooperated. A less likely outcome but he didn't know anything about them really. There was no telling how it could go either way.

"I can't just drink from any source. If I don't get it myself, I don't drink it. It's caused more than enough trouble for me in the past trying that," San finally glanced over at the other, "So, I'll drink at some point but I can't do it now, even if I wanted to." He hesitated, sitting up more with his back pressed more against the wall, as he asked in an even softer tone than before, "Anymore questions...?"
Wooyoung [A] 10 months ago
@San Yeosang hated that he'd been asked to do this. It was strange to him that San was so against feeding, but it also made some level of sense. He'd been through a lot already today, and Yeosang could kind of understand a feeling of aprehension could make his stomach turn. But he got the feeling there was more to it that. Unlike Seonghwa, Yeosang had little issue in being forward with the people around him. Strangers or otherwise. While Seonghwa waited for people to become comfortable enough to come to him. Yeosang wasted no time in just demanding the information he needed.

" Seonghwa seems convinced you're an empath, but you're not " It wasn't a question, nor ment as one, but a declaration on Yeosang's part on where this conversation was going. He allowed himself to open up and accept San's emotions. He seemed schooled in controlling them outwardly but there was nothing he couldn't discover about someones emotion's, unless they were also an empath. So he focused, he would function as a lie detector and find out more information so he would be able to find the right way to help. " So if its not empathic, it's similar... and tied to you drinking blood? " He stopped, pausing just a moment before continuing. " It's not your entrapment here that makes you feel you will vomit up the blood, it's the blood itself " Another pause.

This was new to Yeosang, a vampire afraid of consuming blood, an ability caused by drinking, or enhanced by it. An ability that concerned a vampire to a state of non-consumption. This would be hard to counter. He would need to consider the correct way to handle this. if it had been empathic he could have simply controlled the emotion the other felt, but this went further. " Tell me what your ability is that has you so apprehensive of feeding. We don't have the time or resources for us to wait for you to almost die. Trust me when I tell you that if you have an ability influenced by feeding you don't want to push it so far Wooyoung begins feeding you. especially not if it's connected in anyway to emotions. "
San [A] 1 year ago
@Yeosang San wasn't sure he'd gotten the other vampire's name before but he had it now. He wasn't trying to ask anyone's name. He was sure he'd learn them with however long he'd be... well, wherever he currently was. Listening to the other speak, even with how curt it was, San wasn't sure how the other expected him to respond. He went ahead and finally stretched out his legs, tempted to just lay on the floor at his point but not wanting to all the same.

"I'm still not interested in feeding," he answered, stretching and feeling different parts of his body silently come into proper alignment again before resting again, "I'm just going to tell you what I believe I either intentionally or unintentionally told him: I'll most likely vomit if I feed right now and, despite a nap, that feeling still hasn't changed. It'll dissipate soon enough and I should be able to feed then."

His eyes had closed for a moment, body still admittedly quite weak, but he opened them once he'd finished speaking himself, sparing a glance at the other before finding a blank spot on the floor to stare at. He understood why they were adamant about getting him to feed but, simultaneously, it wouldn't be an easy task and it would most likely only make matters worst should he force himself to feed.
Yeosang [A] 1 year ago
@San Seonghwa had taken his time to come out after attending to the other male. Yeosang assumed it hadn't exactly gone according to whatever plan they thought it would, but at least they'd managed to stop Wooyoung from doing anything completely irreversible. At least that was until Seonghwa updated him about the whole situation. Another empath to some degree, and one that refused to drink blood. The only way Yeosang could really handle the constant emotions that wrapped around his figure was to drink considerably more than he really needed to. Blocking things out all the time was exhausting to him and he barely had the energy to deal with reality sometimes.

He'd promised Seonghwa that he would do what he could to help, but even as he moved near the room waiting for the other to surface from his dreams the emotions were wrapping around him. He focused as much as he could on the sleeping figure behind the door he was standing at, just watching and waiting for a sign to move into the room. He didn't wait all that long surprisingly before he felt that all too familiar feeling of despair reach him. The first really rational feeling he'd felt from the other. As far as Yeosang could tell San was not an empath, he was something else.

Still, he opened the door and moved in, closing it behind him and keeping some distance as he look at the others form on the floor. He imagined that his legs were likely numb from sleeping in that position and leaning on his tailbone for however long he'd rested, but that was not his concern. He simply stared at the other for a moment before letting out a breath. "Seonghwa told me you refused to feed" He muttered finally turning away. "I am here to make sure you do"
San [A] 1 year ago
@Seonghwa San woke with a jolt, a hard one that led him to groan in discomfort with how weak and yet heavy his body felt all at the same time. He wasn't used to dreaming but it felt like he had. There was no way the small amount of blood he'd had earlier had been enough to trigger anything. That was usually the only way he dreamed was from seeing and very deeply experiencing someone else's, typically after he'd had a blood bag. If he had more than one in a day, from more than one donor, there was no telling who's dream he'd tap into. There were other more pressing concerns at the moment though.

He had to remember where he was.

There was a lot swimming through his head for some reason but it soon cleared. There was a glass of water near him and it took him a moment but he eventually allowed himself to drink it, gulping it down almost in one go. San's head felt clearer and he was beginning to remember where he was. He just sighed, unsure of how to feel or even think in that moment. He ended up hugging his knees again, not bothering to get up. The young vampire couldn't help wondering what he was supposed to do, if anything at all. Aside from him not even really knowing where he was, he didn't see a point in trying to escape, figuring he wouldn't get that far anyway. That left him just sitting there, mind going blank. All he could do was waste his time, staring at the walls and either waiting for death or release at some point, and neither seemed like they'd be coming anytime soon.
Seonghwa [A] 1 year ago
@San Seonghwa shook his head a little as he noticed that the other had seemingly slipped off to sleep sitting in what looked rather uncomfortable. He wanted to move the younger boy and allow him to rest in a more comfortable position, but perhaps that wasn't going to be the best option for right now. He let out another sigh and turned heading over to the bed to fetch the blanket from it. He moved over carefully wrapping it around the young vampire before getting a glass of water ready for the other. He admitted that he wasn't sure how long the other may sleep but he didn't intend on interrupting at all. Once he was sure everything was ready for the vampire to wake up he set about cleaning the room as quietly as possible. He didn't want to risk the other waking but he couldn't rightly leave this much blood on the floor.

He liked to be clean and neat to some degree, he knew it was going to be difficult considering everything, but he was still determined to at least clean the blood from the floor before it could soak in and stain the ground any further than his encounter with Wooyoung months earlier. He constantly turned to check on the sleeping vampire as he cleaned and made sure to remove all silver that he could find, ignoring the burning of his fingers as he moved them around. Mostly just waiting for the other to wake once more
San [A] 1 year ago
@Seonghwa San accepted the silence that fell between them, his body almost immediately going into a resting state. When he heard the other's voice, he opened his eyes a little. The idea of the other touching him when his mind was way too open didn't feel like a good idea but he also has a feeling he wouldn't be able to stay steady enough to move anywhere unless it was just to stretch out on the floor. He curled up more and shook his head, "Just... Maybe just a blanket. I'll be fine here." He doubted the other would understand. San really wasn't trying to be rude but he also couldn't be entirely comfortable around this vampire.

"Water helps ease my stomach," he eventually answered, speaking softly and not looking at the other. His body was beginning to give out. He was fighting it but he was quickly losing that battle. San's body stayed still, arms still hugging his knees to his chest and his head resting on his knees. The young vampire was out cold that quickly, body heavy but seemingly frozen in place.
Seonghwa [A] 1 year ago
@San Seonghwa could see the other slowly fading and he guessed that made some sense. It was worrying to him that he still hadn't consumed the blood and that he was saying that he wouldn't now. At least he said he would try, but he would likely need to send Yeosang in to take advantage of his powers. If San was influenced by emotions in some way then the best thing for him would be Yeosang, but he also wasn't sure that was the best idea. Yeosang was balanced, almost emotionless on his own, and he was rather good and projecting any emotion he wished onto the people around him, but another empath could easily be overwhelmed, and Seonghwa didn't know the extent of either of their abilities if he was being honest with himself. He barely understood his own, he simply knew that he wanted to help San in some way. He wanted the other the have a chance to see that Wooyoung was perhaps not as bad as he thought.

A part of his mind reminded him that meddling in the threads he saw weaving through the world was always messy. He could be sure of connections between people but not what was causing them. Love, Hate, Passion, Fear. They were all possibilities, they were all things he'd witnessed before. Even just families could be connected with vibrant strings. Seonghwa had made that mistake before. The thread that connected San and Wooyoung was about as red as fresh blood being spilled. It was ironic really, that their connection would be represented in vibrant red, but all connections he saw were in various shades of the colour. From white through pink and into deep maroons. A bright striking red meant there was a strong connection, a tie that had them bound by something. Was it simply the hatred that Wooyoung felt? He hoped not, he really didn't think it was that simple. That was why he could only hope that San was an answer to something for the young hunter.

"You need to rest" He finally settled on, standing and taking the glass to wash it out. Yeosang was bound to be annoyed to know the blood had been wasted, but Seonghwa figured he could deal with that. He turned his attention back to San and offered him a smile. "There is a bed... Can you make it or shall I carry you?" He questioned, completely comfortable with the idea of moving the younger vampire if it was needed. Damn his own comfort if he could offer San something. "Then you can rest and I will simply move you and lay you down. Is there anything you enjoy consuming, aside form blood?" He added, head tilting slightly. Perhaps he could get San something to feel a little better, a little more normal. Anything that could help ease his stomach to help him to ingest blood. "Or anything to make you feel... more comfortable?"
San [A] 1 year ago
@Seonghwa Part of San was glad that Seonghwa was handling most of the conversation by himself. His energy seemed to be fading that much more the more effort he put into talking. He was ready to sleep, although there was a chance it would be more like he’d blacked out. He wasn’t sure when he’d closed his eyes but he opened them almost immediately when the other moved closer to him.

For someone that could sense emotion, worry could be sickening. San’s powers didn’t work like a typical empath. He couldn’t control them or have any effect on them. It was quite the opposite. Thankfully, he couldn’t feel every emotion but it was just as bittersweet to feel the strongest emotion someone was carrying. If it was strong enough, like that hate he felt earlier that rolled off of the Hunter in heavy waves, he could and most likely would feel sick to his stomach. Worry or sadness could do the same thing. Thankfully, if someone was just in a more positive emotion, such as joy or hope, it made his chest feel lighter. It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows though just because someone else felt that way. Having his own emotions swayed by those around him as tiring either way because it clouded his own mind. Negative emotions just added the motions of something akin to a stomachache. Too close contact with someone and he’d take on the emotions. He actually shuddered as he reminded himself of such fact, suddenly kind of repulsed at the thought of drinking anything at the moment.

“I know next to nothing about humans so I can’t pretend I’ll be able to see whatever it is you see in him. I don’t know how long you’ve been around him and if that’s just swayed your opinion of him,” he trailed off for a moment, eyes closed again now, “I know nothing about any of you. I doubt he’ll be willing to hear anything I have to say, especially if it’s against the image of me he has in his head. I’m just a prisoner here, biding my time. If I die here, that’s all there is to it.” He rested his head atop his knees, eyes still closed as he then muttered quietly, “I doubt you need me for you to be able to show him what it means to have a heart.”

He opened his eyes again at the mention of drinking, closing his eyes again right after. San wasn’t sure how to answer but figured being truthful, at least to some degree would help, “I can’t have anything right now anyway. Believe it or not, I may actually vomit it back up… Maybe I can try later.” It wasn’t a lie but it wasn’t the entire truth either. San couldn’t drink it and he’d actually vomited before in… well, it wasn’t exactly a similar situation but emotionally and physically there were many commonalities. How it happened would be something he couldn’t explain, especially since he was born vampire but, then again, having a sensitivity to silver to the extent he had it wasn’t all that common either. It just felt as though attempting to drink at another time might actually work. There was nothing that could be done about it right now and he wasn’t all that interested in trying either.
Seonghwa [A] 1 year ago
@San The words San spoke made Seonghwa raise an eyebrow slightly. Was San an empath as well? There was a part of him that wanted this curiosity instantly cured but he'd never much enjoyed just asking people about their abilities. He either waited for them to come to him with it or let his own mind deduce it until he was certain he understood the extent of the powers. True empaths were rare, At least true empaths like Yeosang. San seemed different but obviously, there was some empathic ability that he held if he could feel the hatred within Wooyoung. He let out a breath and carefully moved to sit with the other, keeping some distance between them and doing his best to control his emotions in case they risked overwhelming San as Yeosang had complained his had done in the past, He was now consciously aware of how he felt and what he thought of to ensure a slightly easier time for Yeosang, he could do the same for San.

"If you can feel his hatred and his anger... try to look beyond it" He responded, a soft smile crossing his features despite forcing his emotions to stay neutral. He didn't exactly want to get into what he had learned about Wooyoung in recent days, but he also felt he offered San something, maybe enough that he would attempt to take his words as truth. "I am sure you know enough about humans to be able to understand this difference" He started, keeping his eyes direct forward, at the wall across the room where the door out was situated. How easy it would be to do what San said. To just get up and walk out, to leave him behind and do nothing but watch him suffer. He could request Wooyoung's blood, let himself be controlled through it all, and wait for the end to come. "Wooyoung wasn't born as humans are" He continued letting out a breath. "These hunters, the ones that Wooyoung grew with... They started to try other methods to target vampires. They intended on using our needs against us. Humans that were bred simply to have toxic blood. Wooyoung is a 'failure' his blood is not toxic to us, but his being was made in a lab, and his mind was twisted by stories and hatred before he had a chance to learn anything more. Wooyoung knows nothing but hatred and anger. It was not my place to tell this, but... nor does it excuse the things that he has done, and likely will do" He stopped once more and let out a breath. "But I believe that he can be saved if only we can show him something more than hatred if he can understand that we are not all that different from him. Some of us were created as well, and some have had their minds turned to darkness from a young age. There is always more to life than the darkness we feel, forced or not."

The more Seonghwa heard from the other the more he just wanted to give him a hug. He wished that he could offer a safe and loving space for San, Wooyoung and Yeosang. If only a place could exist like that for them. No matter what happened, if Yeosang, San and himself were to leave the safe house that Wooyoung occupied, within weeks they would be targeted once more. Hunters may be fewer in numbers now, but they were still out in force and still trying to get rid of vampires for good. Most vampires now were so ingrained into society that Seonghwa really wasn't sure why they still needed to die. There were a few different blood banks around where they offered blood to vampires, vampires that paid for it as well. It was the same as anything else. Then some families offered themselves for feeding to vampires, making sure to cycle through members as much as possible to ensure that the vampire was not hurting them. There was a mutual agreement, trade, commerce... It made no sense why they weren't allowed to live just as humans were. Perhaps they needed to out themselves, to tell the world just who the vampires were, then they could be held accountable if they did lash out, maybe he had just spent too much time dreaming of a time where he could relax and enjoy the world for once.

"You tell me not to worry" Seonghwa continued, only once he was sure that San had finished talking. "But that's not something that I can do. I have learnt to school my emotions to some degree recently... apparently, my worry is suffocating" He let out a short huff, allowing a moment of emotion to wash over him at the way Yeosang had worded such a thing before he focused once more. He knew well how he made Yeosang feel, the young vampire had been more than happy to allow Seonghwa to feel how he felt. "Out of all the vampires I have met, recently, I am the oldest I know. I feel something of a need to worry about you, younger lot. The world is very different now from when I was young and struggling with much of this stuff. Hunters were often easy to find and even easier to remove, we didn't face the same threats, we certainly didn't face what you are facing. I'm glad you will continue to survive through this, I will continue to be by your side, to offer you healing, blood, and a shoulder or ear, whichever you need. While I also worry about Wooyoung, I know that Yeosang can control him and make sure he's alright, unless you lash out and attack him, then I may need to offer my services. But think on what I have said, look deeper than what he forces onto you, look beyond his words, question them..." He trailed off once more, eyes falling on the glass before finally looking back to San. "And please tell me what I can get you that you will actually consume. Do you need the person to tell you that it was consensual? Would you rather take from me? It's important that you drink"
San [A] 1 year ago
@Seonghwa [] And will do. ;w;
San [A] 1 year ago
@Seonghwa Hearing the other so boldly say that the Hunter didn't want him dead just didn't make sense to him. "With enough hate in him to make my stomach turn, I doubt that," he uttered the words quietly, his words monotone as there was nothing for him to even feel about the statement or even about the way this Wooyoung felt toward him. Again, it came with who he was and with what his history was. It wasn't anything new to him. "I can't say I know many humans so I don't know what you're basing that off of," San didn't want to speak, he was tired but he figured the least he could do was entertain the conversation. The other was clearly trying to help. Trying being the keyword in the whole matter. He couldn't sense any particular emotions rolling off of the other that made him worry. In fact, all he could feel from the other vampire was concern. It didn't necessarily make him feel better but at least he didn't have to worry about being too weak to fend off some sort of attack from the other, not that he'd be able to, considering what the other had done to him earlier.

San wasn't worried in the slightest about it being taken by force. To be more accurate, that wasn't at the top of his list for hesitating to drink the blood. Again, he wasn't sure if he should bother mentioning that. He'd learned the hard way that humans could be just as good as vampires when it came to masking their emotions and inner desires and thoughts. One drop of their blood and he could enter a world much different than what any given human would dare show others. He couldn't tell if this was a safe space or not but he also wasn't in much of a place to deny the drink if he wanted some sort of his logical, coherent mind back. He hesitated still but managed to take a small sip, not feeling anything, but also unsure if he wanted to risk it by drinking any more than that. The thought was giving him that nauseous feeling and he just set the glass back down.

"I don't have a reason to lie. I am okay," he finally spoke up, curling in on himself again up against the wall, even his knees hugged to his chest. "My life has been me just pushing on for years, what feels like most of my life so I won't make this out to be anything different. I'm just in a place I'd rather not be but not much else has changed," San admitted. Sure, with the family he'd been staying with, he didn't have to worry about silver driving into his skin as torture but he wouldn't say that he couldn't periodically feel hate and disgust roll off of them. He knew that, even if they tried not to, a good amount of them blamed him for what happened to his nuclear family. Amusingly enough, he knew that his immediate family wouldn't have blamed him for it. Hell, he'd even asked them not to fight on his behalf but they had been just as angry with the Hunters for trapping him in such a scheme, especially when he was still a young and impressionable vampire. He could still recall all of their conversations as if they had happened just the day before rather than decades prior. He blamed himself for their deaths but, at the same time, it was more so that he wished he still had them. At the crux of it, it was the Hunter that caused their deaths, everything stemmed from her. Even so, he knew it was his lashing out after drinking from her that made matters worse. It was just a circle. A circle of death and circumstances out of everyone's control. There was no telling that her choice would actually bring about her death and there was no telling that drinking from her would cause him to rampage as he did.

"I live because my family died to keep me alive," he spoke softly, eyes closed, "Performing is the only freedom I have. Everywhere else is a cage. So... don't worry too much about my well-being. Surviving is all I know how to do."
Seonghwa [A] 1 year ago
@San Seonghwa sighed and shook his head. He knew this was coming in some fashion and it had nothing to do with abilities, no more than those anyone could learn over time. It made sense really. Yeosang hadn't believed him at first either, and from what Seonghwa knew San was younger again. He'd been around far too long not to notice the small things in people, maybe it was the connections he could form between them, maybe it was just years of watching people and waiting for time to end for himself, whatever it was, he noticed them. Wooyoung was no different. Headstrong and full of rage, he was also intelligent and full of emotion, not just rage. He was taught to ignore those other things, the desire to understand reason, and to offer compassion. It was rare that Wooyoung showed in a traditional sense that he cared, but Seonghwa was getting used to noticing it. With the rage that Wooyoung had felt before he left if he wanted San dead that would have been the moment.

Perhaps that was why his blade struck San's neck, he could easily have done enough damage to kill the young male with that position, but Seonghwa had noticed as he pulled the blade free that he was inches from hitting anything that would have made the blow fatal. Even if he had pushed in that moment the worse San would get from it was a sore throat and a wicked scar. He didn't think he could explain that to San, not now, not after the displace he had been greeted by. It would take time before San could notice those little things. So Seonghwa decided he would skip through the information, get it out there and quickly change the subject once more. "He does not want you dead" He stated simply, reaching to get the abandoned glass once more holding it out to San. "I don't believe he wants you dead either. The side of him that you have seen was raised to be like this. There is a chance that he can be saved, that he can stop feeling such rage over events that barely affected him. Wooyoung... You will come to learn, is not a normal human" He added nodding towards the glass.

"If you are worried about its origins, this comes from a lovely couple that I know" He continued, quickly leaving behind the conversation on Wooyoung to focus on something else entirely. Sure San would survive with the state he was in now, but Seonghwa couldn't bare to witness it. Years spent watching people, weakened from blood loss and injury he had caused, their faces contorted in fear, sadness and anger. Watching those moments, the moments where they understood. At the time the expressions had brought him joy, but now the images burn into his mind and fill him with enough guilt to make himself sick, a strange sensation for a vampire. For some time, he had avoided consuming blood, avoided taking by force. The same thing he assumed San had also decided. To not take from an unwilling donor as some sense of recompense. "This one itself I believe comes from the wife. Lovely thing she is. Her family has helped mine for a long time, and now her, her sister, and their husbands offer blood to Yeosang and I while we stay here. This is from just this morning. You don't need to worry about us taking it by force"

He was sure, to many vampires, offering such words could be considered insane. All vampires took by force at some point. There wasn't a vampire he knew that didn't at least once. But he understood those who acted out of need rather than a desire it was often a different case afterwards. The idea of taking from someone against their will could bring back haunting memories. Seonghwa did his by desire and he still struggled with facing the demons in his nightmares. Namely himself. "I know you will be fine, if I wanted to leave I would have. But I don't wish to leave. I want to see you drink, I want to know you are ok, not just... won't die" He muttered the last two words with his fingers forming quotations around them to show he was using San's own words. "It may not seem it, but I care for your wellbeing, as I cared for Yeosangs, as I care for Wooyongs. There is a difference between being ok and not being ok. You don't need to lie to me"

((If you ever want to know something someone is seeing for San's power, lemme know))
San [A] 1 year ago
@Seonghwa His silver eyes were glued to the other. San didn’t have a clue what he wanted or expected out of these three strangers. The vampire didn’t consider a Hunter specifically targeting him with that situation from many years ago, namely because it seemed it had become nothing but a story of legend, albeit twisted into many forms. The Hunters had their retaliation by stealing his family away from him. The only people he’d ever felt remorse for hurting were those that lived in the city that had become his prey by circumstance. The Hunters he’d killed and attacked during the whole fallout were a different story. He couldn’t say he felt as bad about them since they’d attacked unprovoked. All that being said, he wasn’t sure if death was what he really wanted for himself. It wouldn’t change much except his fans missing him but they would surely move on at some point. Even if it hurt for a bit, they wouldn’t and couldn’t just stop their lives for him and he would expect or ask them to do so either.

“There’s nothing I can do for a Hunter,” his voice was still shaky. Thankfully, silver didn’t burn his insides or his throat probably would have been done for. It typically only affected his skin and the healing process of it, nothing internal really. “I don’t know what you three want from me,” he was polite enough to take the glass but he wouldn’t drink it. It wasn’t about him being given bad blood. He knew from experience what it meant to drink from a, well, unwilling donor, bag or not. There was no telling what this glass would do to him and he couldn’t say he wanted to find out, especially not with his current circumstances.

“Once he kills me, his fun would be all over and done with, right,” he was no longer looking at the other, having set the glass down by now as well. “He just wants me dead. What else is there for me to do,” the question was rhetorical. His body was still incredibly weak but he didn’t feel tired or anything of the sort now. He just was aware as to how much strength he lacked and it was most likely just from the lack of feeding, not that being overwhelmed by his powers was any help. The good thing was that it seemed the Hunter was far enough or calm enough, whichever it was at the moment, that he couldn’t get nauseous from the abundance of hatred in him.

He kept a safe enough distance from his current family he resided with so that no one knew his connections anymore and there was a chance they’d try to look for him, or they’d opt for mourning first. He wasn’t sure but this is where he was, unsure of how long it would last. “You don’t have to babysit me. I won’t die, especially since you healed me. You can go be with him, too, if you want,” San just felt the other was worried he was going to runaway. Where would he even go? He doesn’t have a clue where they actually are and it wasn’t like he was able to look around as he was being brought back, carried to be exact.
Seonghwa [A] 1 year ago
@San "I wouldn't have allowed you to be restrained with silver... or for him to use a silver blade" Seonghwa retaliated at once. He understood the words coming from San. Understood why he would question it, and why he would feel the need to point out just how stupid the situation was. Yes, Seonghwa had been a vital part of San being captured, he'd also been the one to restrain the other while Yeosang had done what he could to keep Wooyoung in a state where he would not just rush the male while he could do nothing. Seonghwa needed the time to make sure San would not be subjected beyond means when Wooyoung was unable to gain anything from the other. If he had remained unable to react to anything it would have only made Wooyoung angrier. A part of Seonghwa hoped that after a moment San would be the one able to repair Wooyoung. Perhaps it was foolish to think that possible, but he could see the moments where rational won out in Wooyoung.

All of them were beings created from circumstances beyond their control. For San, Yeosang and himself, they'd been born into situations they could barely hope to control. He'd been there before, in the darkness of insatiable hunger, with nothing but a desire to rip out people's throats, the feel the relief that drinking from a living person brought him. He'd faced what it meant to realise the things he had done, to understand the destructive force he had brought on people. He'd been in that darkness too, the darkness of just being a monster, of thinking he could be nothing more. He didn't know San's entire story, but he knew of the family, he knew a lot of the details. He was glad that San had someone who cared for him. He dared not think back to his own family, or what the war between hunter and vampire was in his time. It was over, he had grown, and he had not repented. But he hoped that he would, he hoped that through San and Wooyoung perhaps they could all repent.

He knew little of Yeosang's story. The vampire kept to himself rarely interacting with anyone outside even with himself and Wooyoung. He figured it has to do with his power, and he doesn't dare question it. Knowing that Yeosang feels and can manipulate emotions is enough for Seonghwa to understand. It's much easier for him to avoid the overwhelming presence of his power so long as he doesn't touch anything, but Yeosang's was always around him. And he was starting to think that San's was as well. The bright silver of the young vampire's eye made it somewhat clear that some part of his power was activating. This was one thing that Seonghwa did not know about San. He had no idea what the powers of the younger were. With a soft sigh, he stepped away from San again and grabbed the abandoned blood bag, moving over to get two glasses, making sure that San could see him the whole time.

"I cannot say that Wooyoung doesn't want to hurt you" He muttered, pausing to carefully open the bag, pouring the blood into the glasses that he had prepared, still cautious to make sure San could see where it was coming from and that he was adding nothing to it. "But he does not wish to kill you" He continued as he poured. "While I don't agree with his choice, I think you are the only person who can help him" He finished, tossing the bag aside and bringing both glasses over, taking a small sip from both before holding one out to San. "He's angry now, and you should be as well, I dare not take that from you, you've both been hurt by things beyond your control. He cannot understand the things we have been through either, just as we cannot understand the things that he has. I have learnt a little... but you both could use some healing. Please don't take his words and actions to heart. He simply acts as he thinks he needs to. I can help... I can take away the physical pain if you wish it... Please... help him"
San [A] 1 year ago
@Seonghwa His eyes were now set silver, entirely. It wasn’t from hunger but emotion this time around. It wasn’t entirely fear as San saw it. Although he was still considerably young for a vampire, he’d dealt with enough that death didn’t exactly scare him. Once upon a time, he’d been made to hide while his family was slaughtered, all because these Hunters wanted retribution when they had launched an attack first. Death was feeble to him, whether mortal or immortal. Everyone may not necessarily meet their end, immortals specifically, but eventually they did in one way or another. Being dead inside, akin to a zombie, still counted. He’d seen it in other vampires he knew, even the side of his family that had taken him in after everything. Dead wasn’t just a state of physical being but of mental and emotional as well.

Who was this vampire? How would he know the blood was safe? Just because a Hunter gave it to him? None of them knew San’s condition and he wasn’t sure if it was something worth telling them. Any of them. “And what if it’s not,” his voice was strained, weak, “Will you take responsibility?” It wasn’t as snarky a comment as it sounded. It wasn’t meant to be either. San could potentially become something out of their control with where…whomever the blood came from.

He was still as the other tried to continue healing him, clearing out his mind and forcing out anything that tried to come from the physical contact. The lack of blood on top of the injuries he’d sustained were causing his control over his own abilities to weaken. San’s powers amplified in the worst ways when his guard was down and he didn’t have the energy to keep those walls up at the moment. He was seeing glimpses of things he couldn’t quite make out, and was sure he didn’t want to clear up, each time the stranger touched him. He coiled away once the other was done, knowing he couldn’t hide but wanting to all the same.

San could feel the eyes on him but he didn’t say anything. The weakness to silver he couldn’t deny though. It was obvious, at least in his opinion. “It wouldn’t have mattered if you’d known, would it,” he asked, straightforward, although he wasn’t looking at the other, “I doubt your Hunter friend would have changed anything he did aside from dragging out how much I was being hurt. Wouldn’t have been any fun for him though if he’d just killed me so quickly though, I guess.” San quieted down and set the bag down, wrapping his arms around himself.
Seonghwa [A] 1 year ago
@San Seonghwa let out a breath as the other seemed to refuse the blood bag. In a way he could understand it, they'd hardly been nice to him thus far, he doubted he'd trust it either, but the knew that his own healing wasn't going to be enough to keep the other alive if Wooyoung decided to visit once more. Yeosang would help keep him calm for now, but they both knew if Wooyoung decided something he would order it so and then neither of them really could do anything about it. For now, he needed to focus on what he could, on helping San as best as possible. So he set the other's wrist down, making note of the fact he had not healed in a way that he should, even with the use of his abilities, before reaching to the other's neck, focusing his healing on that instead.

"I understand you don't trust us. I don't blame you" He started, eyes staying open this time as he looked over the others form trying to see what other damage there might have been. Just how in need of blood was San at his point. He made sure to check every part he could see, both with his eyes and with his abilities, checking all the internal connections that made up a functioning humanoid. "I swear to you that blood is safe" He continued, finally turning his attention back to the other's face, trying to read any expression he could from the young vampire. Seonghwa hated what they had done, what he had allowed himself to do.

Slowly he pulled his hands back once more, letting himself look at the mark left behind from where San had been stabbed, a small frown crossing his features as he thought on this a moment before his attention returned to the other's wrist, lifting it carefully once more to look at the damage. Silver hurt them all, that's why Wooyong had them restrained in silver. He'd been in much the same situation before, yet his own wrists were free of markings, Yeosang's as well. Both of them were perfect as their curse dictated they should be. No residual marks. Yes, not having fed and being in a weakened state would make it harder to heal, but his own ability shouldn't have been affected by San's regenerative ability, no matter how hungry the vampire was.

"You're..." He stopped a moment and looked at San again, frowning a little in thought before shaking his head. "You're essentially allergic to silver aren't you?" he questioned reaching the only conclusion his mind could. It was rare, Seonghwa had heard of only one other vampire in his history and slightly before it, that had suffered such adverse effects to the metal. Marks that remained on the skin, no matter how much healing was brought to it. A constant reminder. Seonghwa felt sick to his stomach. He'd done this, he'd been the one to both capture, and restrain San. The burns to the tops of his fingers hardly repentance now that he knew the truth. "I am so sorry San, I didn't know"
San [A] 1 year ago
@Wooyoung There was a lot that could be said. Answers that would probably make the Hunter in front of him question more than he’d like to. He’d heard the stories, the mix or rumors and the truth the bubbled up among the mortals but he never bothered to set any of it straight. The truth was that they had set him on his killing spree. That one Hunter he’d initially killed was the start of it all and she’d only been killed because she had tried to kill him. His system wasn’t used to blood straight from the source and, although hers wasn’t toxic, it might have well been considered as such. The blind rage he’d had flowing through him because of her had numbed all of his senses, namely his logic and coherence. Even to this day, all he can remember is his family encouraging him to drink from her for the sake of his healing and then the world passing by in a flurry of rage and pain and depression. He was but a shell when his family found him and he still couldn’t recall where he was found at the end of it all.

The steady sound of his blood dripping onto the floor again brought him back. The Hunter was clearly having a battle of something going on within him but he didn’t question it, not that he really had a chance to anyway as the blade slid into his throat. His hands shook as he raised them to draw out the dagger, fingers covering the wound as the blade hit the floor. Part of him was fine with dying there but none of the stabbing nor the chains would be enough to actually kill him, put him on the brink of for sure though, especially considering he hadn’t fed in a while. That was another reason he was so susceptible to his current injuries; his body just wasn’t currently in its best state, leaving him vulnerable, especially to being hurt with all the silver.

The instant his restraints were off, he curled in on himself. Not wanting to be near anyone or touched by anyone for that matter. The young vampire had unconsciously clutched at the blood he’d been given, thankfully much too weak at the moment to actually burst the bag. The contact made him shudder. He was sick to his stomach which wasn’t a common occurrence. There was too much he was feeling in the room all at once. The back and forth of everything had given him a sense of motion sickness. Funny enough, he couldn’t even vomit if he wanted to. He didn’t eat anything solid enough for something to form and he hadn’t even had blood. On top of that, it wasn’t as though his gut produced the acid needed anymore to breakdown foods for nutrients so vomiting acid wouldn’t be a thing either. That didn’t deter the utter nausea weighing in his gut.

As the other healed him, San could already tell he wouldn’t heal properly, just as he hadn’t with the scars under his tattoos. He wasn’t healthy enough and the amount of silver was more than enough to scar him. He stared at the blood bag as it was brought to his attention again, trying to figure out just what to do with it. This Hunter’s words had reminded him why he was so picky about the blood he drank and just why he wouldn’t be partaking in this strange bag. San set it aside and stared off into the distance as this apparent vampire did what he had to do. San wasn’t going to drink the blood not knowing where it came from. If he died from a mix of starvation and torture, everyone would win, wouldn’t they?
Wooyoung [A] 1 year ago
@San The hunter that was killed? That was how little the action had been to San? Wooyoung knew that a lot of his thoughts and ideas were warped by the people who raised him. Of course, they were. He'd tried to look objectively at first, listened to the stories but debated the finer details. He'd noticed certain areas of stories that were missing details while others held more. Obviously, the attacks they made on the vampires were always limited in detail, a simple excursion to assess a vampiric threat to protect the people, the vampire attacks on them, however. Wooyoung visibly cringed just thinking about the detail he was told in those stories. At first it had been easy to see those differences, to see that perhaps the stories were told in a way to paint vampires as the threat, but the more he was told, the darker the stories got the harder it was for him to listen to that voice of logic in his mind. Eventually, he'd silenced it completely, he'd learnt just how dangerous they were. He'd learnt about Shadow. About the demon that stalked the night. How could they be the ones at fault when a being like that was walking about freely?

The being that was now restrained in front of him, so casually talking about horrible acts that he had committed. He supposed it made some sense. Vampires had a lot more time to come to terms with the things that they did, they weren't raised on horror stories, and they weren't bred just to be a weapon against the vampires. They were working on natural instinct. Wooyoung could understand that bit, he was running on instinct too. But not instinct that was born into him, an instinct that was trained, that was learnt. He was made into the person he was, San, maybe not. At least that's what Seonghwa had been trying to tell him all this time. It took a moment for him to realise that a lot of the initial anger he had felt upon San's words was fading. He instantly stepped back and scanned the room. "Stop controlling my emotions" He called out before turning back to San, pushing the logical words from his mind as he focused once more.

"Yes, I mean that night" He started, gripping the chains once more to press them further into the other's skin trying to bring back his initial anger. "That night, and every other night you spent terrorizing the town, Shadow" He continued, glaring at the vampire before him, feeling his anger returning but aware that he was still being held back. This was the problem with having vampires around you. "You caused the town to live in fear while you just ran around killing anything that you came across. Did you think someone would not come to punish you for those actions? Did you think you would not be punished for the damage you caused to my family? To all the innocent people you killed, To all the people who still live in fear of stories of you. Did you think you could happily live in the light when your shadow is the very thing everyone fears? Did you think I would not come for you?"

It was momentary, but enough, a second of anger flared in his system once again, able to break free of the weak control Yeosang was put over him to try and keep him even through this. The moment of rage was enough to draw his reaction. He lifted his blade once more, driving it deep into the side of the other's throat, forgetting his plan for a moment and wanting nothing more than to end the other's life. Within a second he felt a calm wash over his form, he saw Seonghwa between himself and San, Yeosang at his side. Seonghwa was well within reach to stop any movement he could make and thanks to Yeosang bathing the room in a calming emotion he didn't feel the need to stay any more. He sighed and his heel heading for the door. "Fix him" He muttered before leaving, hearing the footsteps of Yeosang moving behind him.


Seonghwa waited until Wooyoung and Yeosang left before he turned to look at San, an apologetic smile on his face for a moment before he moved away fetching a few bags of blood before coming back, careful eyes glancing over the door a moment before focusing back on San. "I'm going to remove the restraints. I suggest you don't flee." He muttered, letting out a breath to calm himself before making quick work of the silver, ignoring the pain it caused him to handle it. He placed one of the blood bags into San's hand and lifted it to his mouth before pulling the blade from his skin.

"I'm going to..." He trailed off a moment before sighing softly. How was he supposed to convince San that he was going to help him after everything he'd done? He knew capturing the other had been somewhat against his will, but he also knew that he was doing nothing to allow the other to flee. If San made to move Seonghwa would stop him before he could, and that would make it difficult to feed the young vampire. "I can heal" He continued, taking the worst of San's wrists in his hands, letting his eyes close and channelling healing energy into San to mend the damage caused by the silver. "Drink, please"
San [A] 1 year ago
@Wooyoung The contact from the blade was enough to cause the burning sensation in his skin again. His eyes fell closed but he said nothing. Torture was just something that came with who he was. It had partly to do with what happened in the past but there were a decent amount of Hunters now that didn't even know who he was, let alone that would go to these lengths because of that, whether or not they knew the whole story. Regardless, he'd managed to avoid a lot of Hunters over the years but they were always adamant about torturing him just for him being a vampire.

He relaxed a little as his body was allowed to rest to a degree. He could hear his own blood against the floor. It seemed loud now that there wasn't pain overriding his senses. Confusion riddled the vampire's features upon hearing the Hunter's remark. [I never quite thought of a year fml I would imagine it was probably before Wooyoung was born? Lol] Even if San wasn't sure what year it had all happened or how long ago it was now at this point, he figured he knew what his kidnapper was referring to, considering it was the only major event that had happened in his life. "I'm assuming you're referring to the Hunter that was killed," he questioned, doubting the other even knew the whole story. He wasn't sure what the Hunters had turned the story into amongst themselves but, at the end of the day, he knew they didn't actually care about the accuracy of the story. All that mattered was that vampires were always wrong and they didn't deserve to exist, even the ones that hadn't had a choice in the matter and were either forced to change or were born into the life.
Wooyoung [A] 1 year ago
@San Wooyoung didn't like the attitude coming from San, and he made it known as he flicked the blade around in his hand pressing the fine point of it against the other's neck, just enough to pierce the flesh. It wasn't enough to cause any lasting problems, just a pinprick in the grand scheme of things, but he relished in knowing that the silver was going to be the bigger for the vampire. He was already aware that San had some weakness in the element, more than Seonghwa or Yeosang had presented. It had hurt them, yes, but he hadn't enjoyed the same pleasure as he was ripping from San. Maybe it was just the fact it was San he was doing it to, but he liked to think he was rather good at reading people and San was such a pretty book to read.

He had seen the pained expression, he noticed the clenching of his fists, but above all, he noticed the refusal of any exclamation of the pain he was in. He could hear the somewhat steady drip of San's blood hitting the floor, sped up slightly as the other clenched his fist, it was rhythmic, like a metronome keeping his throughs and mind focused on the now but also relaxed enough that he would act too rashly. With a breath, he pulled the blade back once more and set his face into a weak smile that was many shades of fake. "Well, let's see how much you care about what you do" He muttered, his other hand releasing the shackle to take a step back, limiting the risk of more brash actions from happening.

"Tell me what you remember from (insert year he attacked here because... I dunno lol)" He raised an eyebrow as he asked the question, curious if it was even something San had ever looked back on and felt... well anything about. Even if San felt proud about it Wooyoung would have been surprised that it registered to the vampire. He'd heard the stories, been told them as he grew up, fear the return of this 'shadow' when he was young, which slowly turned from fear to burning hatred. He'd make the thing of his nightmares suffer. He had to. He had to beat everything that threatened to bring him down, and 'Shadow' was the largest.
San [A] 1 year ago
@Wooyoung "I've had no reason to lie. Why would I bother doing so," he questioned in return, tone somewhat unamused. This wasn't the first time he'd ended up in a situation like this, albeit not to this extreme. He wasn't all that hard to capture if it was done right. Humans were easy to evade or escape from what he'd experienced and, considering most didn't know his abilities which made things easier as well. He still had a lot to learn about his abilities himself anyway. San just hoped that he could get out of this sometime soon, didn't matter how soon, just at some point. Part of him felt like he owned Hunters something but the continuous game of trying to take him down just also seemed overplayed considering how he'd done his best to avoid any and all of them whenever he could. He was never looking for trouble.

The vampire made no noise but his eyes shut in pain for a moment as the cuffs were moved and burned him even more. When he finally got himself to open his eyes again, his brows pulled together at the nickname. Not even his family used it with him. He'd only ever heard fans use it. "Again, I have no reason to lie. All I know is that you're a Hunter, considering everyone else leaves me alone. Aside from that, I haven't got a clue." Balling up his hands into fists didn't help the blood dripping from his wrists but it didn't do him any harm either. It just helped him mentally redirect the pain.
Wooyoung [A] 1 year ago
@San Wooyoung actually laughed at the response he got. He was aware, very aware, of the condition the other was already in. He'd used silver in the past, he knew well what it did to Vampires and was aware that this was an extreme reaction but still he didn't care, he wouldn't care. The only thing that mattered was that he didn't die just yet. Yeosang was nearby, he'd be able to step in if it got to a point where he needed to give him time to heal. He meant every word he had spoken. He was going to ruin San's life until he was too old to do so anymore and then he'd kill him. Even that didn't feel like it was long enough in his eyes, but he had no other options. There was no one else who felt as strongly as he did, they wouldn't continue his plan, only put San out of his misery. It was best that the last thing the other saw was his own aged and still bitter face as his life ebbed away.

"Thats funny" He muttered as his laughter died down, stepping closer to the other twirling a small silvered blade in his hand as he looked over the restrained male. Glad he had been smart enough to keep him somewhere it didn't matter about the blood loss. "Because... I don't see anyone else here about to ruin your life, I don't see anyone else targeting you to take you down..." He narrowed his eyes slightly, sure the other hunters likely wanted him dead as well, but they weren't doing anything about it, and it wasn't like he was that hard to find. "... So... It seems you're starting off this brilliant relationship with lies, how rude of you"

He grinned to himself, stepping right up to the other, letting his eyes trail over where he was restrained looking at the way the silver bit into his skin, feeling absolutely nothing as he did so, nothing but pride in knowing he was causing pain, knowing he had something over the vampire. With a grin, he gripped one of the chains and shifted them along the others wrist as much as he could just to see the reaction. "So... Sannie..." He almost spat the name out with as much malice as he could muster. "Let's see how much longer you spend lying to me... Do you know who I am?"


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