

christopher bang. [A] 3 hours ago
@ahn hyejin. chris snorted softly. "i'm living it up as a single man, don't worry. i've acquired lots of gigs and opportunities to open for a few lesser-known bands in australia. my music has been keeping me fairly busy, but that doesn't mean i wouldn't appreciate the company of a good friend from time to time. and who knows? maybe you'd even enjoy some of my pieces! i can't remember if i've ever played guitar or piano for you yet. the time back at the villas was kind of a blur."
"i'll note that up here," he smiled, tapping the side of his head with his index finger. hyejin had no idea what lengths chris would go to for her...and that wasn't something he'd necessarily admit to on his own. most likely, it would need to be coaxed out of him. again, he wanted to keep a fine line between remaining friends and becoming, well.../more/. unless, of course, hyejin hinted at crossing that line.
"she's right! i honestly wouldn't be surprised if she beat us all on her own, fellas," he laughed, sliding under the net and coming to stand next to his teammates. none of them appeared outstandingly athletic, but hey, the game was just for fun, right?
ahn hyejin. [A] 3 weeks ago
@christopher bang. The small dramatics from Chris had Hyejin stifle a laugh followed by a playful eye roll on her part. She definitely found him more charming for having a good sense of humor and being playful.
"Oh my..then in that case. I'd happily visit you more often after this vacation ends ~ and I had no clue you got lonely as a single man, figured you be living it up yknow?" She stated as her hands lingered along his lower back to place sunscreen there while they spoke to each other, she hummed in content at their cute innocent moment before she simply smiles. "I'm a sassy gal but a er for romance handsome alpha." She clarifies only to avert her attention back to the conversation at hand.
Once Chris asks how to split teams as Hyejin stands up with his help, she reaches up to fix her hair thats in a ponytail while the men spoke.
One guy stating 'We will take the hot chick and you can go to the other team' Hyejin quirked a brow at how he referred her as before she started to walk towards the court with an obvious attitude in her words as she did so "hot chick has a bad temper boys and a name. Prepared to get your whooped." Was all Hyejin said as she approached the volleyball court, glancing to the other members taking notice that it was all men and she squinted slightly why she was the only girl.
christopher bang. [A] 1 month ago
@ahn hyejin. "hey!" he gasped, clutching his chest as if her words offended him. "i wouldn't ask you to cook or clean or anything while you're there, unless we did so together. i honestly would appreciate the company more than you know, hyej. it's lonely being a single guy sometimes."chris pointed out, now playfully wiping at a fake tear near the corner of his eye.
a grin flashed across his features. "if i was a woman, i'd be throwing myself at me, too. not to brag, but...i'm decently attractive. i'm sure you've noticed." he snickered with eyes full of mirth before he stuck his tongue out at her.
"something more romantic? tsk, tsk. you woke up in bed with a charming alpha. what's more romantic than that, pretty little elf?" sure, they weren't dating, but that didn't mean they couldn't mess around together a bit, did it? unless, that's what hyejin wanted. "well, no...but-" chris mumbled. the wolf wasn't opposed to the idea of them being a thing; he just didn't want how they acted around one another to change...like, what if they had a bad experience that crushed their relationship altogether?
just as chris was enjoying the feeling of the elf's hand all over his arms, a few obnoxious boys broke his peace. "uh, well, i suppose we could play a game or two." after standing up, he extended a hand out to hyejin to pull her from her chair and walked side by side with her until they reached the sand volleyball court.
"how are we splitting up teams here?"
ahn hyejin. [A] 1 month ago
@christopher bang. "Oh..stay at your place in Australia? How charming of you ~ Letting little ole me hang out at your place for free unless you'll ask me to cook and such."
She playfully responds back while the wind slightly blew her hair as she gleefully smiles in return.
She loved how cheeky Chris was easily able to play along with her slight sassy behavior.
His comment about her being naughty earns a brief snort laugh from her as she rolls her eyes.
"Right...so naughty~ Can't help myself sometimes you know?"
She blinks at the boop to her nose before perking up when she gets a quick kiss, the action alone sending waves along her frame. The color of her eyes shifting within a second to a lavender blueish tint before she chuckles.
"Mhm this morning ~ But I wanted something a bit more romantic ~ Plus we aren't entirely together, you dork." She mentions, which is true. They never clarified what their entire situation is, so she reaches over for the sunscreen. Pouring some in her hand before she casually starts to spread it over Chris's broad shoulders and arms.
As Hyejin focuses on doing that, a few guys walk up to them with dorky grins, looking like frat boys.
'Hey! Do you guys want to play volleyball? We need an extra female and male' they questioned, Hyejin glancing to them before then to Chris.
"What do you say? Would you like to play volleyball...?" She also asks, curious to what he would say.
christopher bang. [A] 1 month ago
@ahn hyejin. "you're more than welcome to come and visit anytime, hyej. you wouldn't even have to pay for a hotel, either. i'd be happy to let you stay at my place." chris offered as he set up his own chair next to hers and plopped down in it, momentarily staring out at the ocean and taking in the calming effect of the waves. "i think you'd enjoy australia a lot, actually. besides, i'm there. what more could you want?" he teased, now looking back to her and playfully waggling his brows behind his sunglasses.
"wow, not even hiding it." chris shook his head. "tsk, see, i knew it! you're so naughty."
after she beckoned him closer, the wolf leaned in to listen to what she had to say. her words had his mouth falling open in surprise. "oh..." he gaped like a fish. "if there weren't so many people around, i'd say to go for it; you could have me any way you'd like. right now, though, i think we'll have to keep things pg."
he reached over and booped the tip of her nose with his fingertip before stealing a quick kiss from those pretty brims and pulling back with a lopsided grin.
"you had your chance this morning, silly girl. or have you forgotten that, hm?"
ahn hyejin. [A] 1 month ago
@christopher bang. She can't help but find Chris wonderful to listen to, he is definitely someone she can get lost in having nothing but simple or deep conversations with despite their location etc.
With him it always felt...smooth and comfortable. She loved it wholeheartedly.
Her lips kept a loving smile as he spoke about Australia and the way he glees, and shows a handsome smile in return.
"Maybe one day I should visit Australia. It looks like a beautiful place in photos and such. But I can respect a homebody, nothing beats the comfort of your own safe space." She adds before she curiously tries to read his expression when he answers her question.
She leans back into the beach chair, while curiously tilting her head off to the side before playfully rolling her eyes and laughing at his cheeky commentary.
"Oh yes ~ I would love nothing more than to get my petite hands all over your toned physique and biceps ~" A small sparkle can be seen within Hwasa's eyes as she holds up a finger to call Chris to come closer to her face while she mischievously grins.
"Come here protective wolf ~ I'd like to get a taste of your lovely lips. Maybe even...ask you to let me.." she playfully scans him up and down before innocently smiling.
"Devour you...~?"
She is sure to whisper just enough for him to hear as she twiddles her toes in the sand happily, her brown eyes taking a brief glance to the individuals in the water playing and enjoying themselves, partially wanting to also do the same thing.
christopher bang. [A] 2 months ago
@ahn hyejin. "mhmmm, plus, a lot of tourists come here, so i'm not surprised everyone is taking advantage of the nice days to explore or just relax on the sand. australia has beautiful beaches, too, but there's just something about being away from home that makes beaches in other countries more appealing. maybe it's because at home, i can go to those all of the time versus the ones here."
chris helped her to set up their stuff on the sand, propping up the chairs and laying out the blankets for them to lounge on. "i would say a bit of both...i love coming to the beach to surf and just listen to the waves, but i can't deny the ual tension between me and staying inside my house, heh." he explained, offering a quiet chuckle to accompany his words.
her next question threw him off guard. did he really change that much when other men were around? surely not. chris never thought of himself as a jealous person. yet, when it came to hyejin...he supposed he shouldn't be all too surprised that he acted differently as soon as guys paid extra attention to the elf, whether it be by touching or too long of a stare. "worried? um...i'm not sure why i'd be worried," he shyly uttered, shifting his gaze away. "it's just a wolf thing. we're very protective when it comes to people we care about." okay, that was only half the truth. wolves /were/ vigilant with their loved ones, but the way chris growled and raged internally at only minor threats, it was much more than that. his behavior was borderline 'that's my woman, my mate. don't touch her'.
"even though i know this is an excuse to get your hands on my muscles, i /suppose/ you can put my sunscreen on for me." he teased while grinning widely. "in return, though, i'm doing yours."
ahn hyejin. [A] 2 months ago
@christopher bang. Hyejin heard his commentary but decided to simply nod her head and not request any further explanation. She noticed that Christopher once in awhile said things came across as protective and she didn't feel the need to comment on it because she found it to be sweet.
While she got back on her proper footing but now in Chris's hold, she glanced up to him with a timid smile before slowly nodding her head.
"I guess the beach is a hot spot lately....but the weather has been nice so I can see why its popular lately." Her brown irises follow his gesture to a more quiet spot as she agrees, following him happily before setting everything down onto the sand before carefully sitting down before while she curves her lips upward into a gleeful smile to Christopher.
"So Christopher...do you come to the beach often or prefer being a homebody? I also notice your tone changes...when other men are around. Are you worried...?" She has been meaning to ask that question for awhile now, not in a teasing manner either.
"Its okay if you are protective, Christopher. I think its sweet....and makes you ten times more respectable. I appreciate it ~ would you like me to put sunscreen on you?" She offers while raising her hands up and does a small wiggle finger gesture.
christopher bang. [A] 2 months ago
@ahn hyejin. "huh, well...i don't think you need to be going to places like that." chris grumbled quietly, choosing not to elaborate on the comment too much. he didn't want to make her uncomfortable with his reasoning.
sure, they might be seeing lots of mostly bodies at /this/ beach, but it was different when it came to /her/ mostly body.
the wolf followed his friend outside, maneuvering around multiple people going this way and that, in and out. slightly annoyed with everyone crashing into him, he was about to tell hyejin to be careful and watch her step, but before he could even get the words out, she was already stumbling into someone else and tumbling forward. "hyej-" chris started, reaching his arms out, only to stop and growl under his breath as soon as he noticed another man holding her up. "it's fine; i've got her," his words were like venom as he tugged her against his body while they continued their walk out onto the sand.
"i didn't expect so many to be so rude and careless here. that guy should've watched where he was going instead of plowing you over," he grunted, eyes scanning for the perfect spot for them to set up their towels and leave their bags. off to the right, chris noticed very few people near the water and nodded in that direction.
"seems like a good place there. c'mon."
ahn hyejin. [A] 3 months ago
@christopher bang. She quirked a brow at his explanation, finding his response adorable and humorous before chuckling.
“Hey, I don’t blame you for attending a beach for that ~ I have never been to a beach before but they look fun.” She comments with a small smile.
The poke to her side earning a giddy laugh before she merely hums in the embrace.
But as the elevator stops and the other people exit, Hyejin starts to talk again.
“I am perfectly covered enough for the beach…we are going to the beach after all. Which means we will see a lot of and you know…? I-“ her words are cut off as her voice hitches when Chris leans in and the words he spoke in that deep y tone had her knees weak but not enough to show.
She breathed slowly before following him out after regaining her composure, with the sound of her clearing .
“Such a tease…” she mumbles from behind him, happily walking close to Chris before rolling her eyes in a sassy manner.
They finally reached the beach after a few minutes of walking outside the resort, taking a look around the beach was definitely crowded but it brought a smile to her face.
Skipping along, she hollered at Chris to follow excitedly.
“Come on handsome! Lets go~” she was too busy glancing over her shoulder that she clumsily bumped into another guy and tripped over her footing.
“Oh -“ she states before noticing he is holding onto her, immediately shaking her head and politely apologizing.
“Sorry..my bad.” She stated before shuffling back to Chris’s side with an eye smile.
“Where shall we lay out?”
christopher bang. [A] 3 months ago
@ahn hyejin. "it wasn't like i went to hook up or ogle women, hyej. it's the best place to get an all-over tan...and sometimes those beaches have the best waves or aren't as occupied as all of the other beaches, y'know?" he defended himself, expression turning rather sheepish. "but honestly, you're pretty close to being right now, silly." with a little poke to her side, chris flashed a playful grin. "that bikini covers about as much as my pinky finger would."
as soon as he felt the woman's arms around him and warm body press up against him, he visibly relaxed, yet still remained hyperaware of the wandering eyes around them.
thankfully, the ride didn't last long, and mostly everyone shuffled out once the elevator doors slid open. chris, however, paused for just a brief moment when hyejin's roaming hands dipped a bit too low on his torso and spun around to face her once it was just the two of them left in the elevator. after slowly leaning in, his lips ghosted over her earlobe and his voice dropped an octave. "careful where you put those hands, pretty little elf." he warned, then stepped away and made his exit out into the lobby.
ahn hyejin. [A] 3 months ago
@christopher bang. Her brow quirks at his admittance of attending beaches, she didn’t take him to be the type.
“Oh? I have never been to one…I’d prefer only to see my body and the person I’m with. Thats about it.” She comments while she watches Christopher finally step into the elevator though she is finding herself stepping off to the corner as she hears the noise that left his lips and caught on to him blocking her frame as best as he could. Hyejin mentally coos at the males behavior, figuring she should reward him for his loving duties.
With that on her mind, she moves her arms as best as she can to wrap around Christophers waist from behind whilst still holding the objects.
She brings her soft lips to press a tender smooch on the back of Christophers shoulder before simply resting her head against that spot.
“Hmm~ I am excited to see the beach. Especially since I’m going with you. I’d love to see you surf on the waves and simply enjoy yourself..” With that being said, the sound of the elevator noise notifying they reached the floor goes off, the hug was brief but she slowly pulls away from Christopher but not without her hands splaying along his lower abdomen in an almost seductive manner while she frowns softly. Wishing the elevator took longer.
christopher bang. [A] 3 months ago
@ahn hyejin. "huh? oh, no...i've been to quite a few beaches. unfortunately for me, there are mostly old, wrinkly men sprawled out on towels or walking along the shore instead of attractive women." he shivered at the mere thought, but quickly regained his composure when the elevator doors opened.
despite the guys in the elevator keeping their partners tucked in close against their sides, chris spotted them stealing not-so-hidden glances at hyejin. with a grunt, he followed her inside and basically shielded her body with his own, nudging her close to the back corner.
"i'm mostly excited about spending time with you, but yeah...i love the beach. surfing is probably my favorite part about it. i'm fairly good at it, if i do say so myself." he hummed. "what about you? are /you/ excited for the beach, pretty little elf?"
ahn hyejin. [A] 3 months ago
@christopher bang. Hyejin noticed Christophers expression at her entrance, she mentally chuckled but kept her calm demeanor. She quietly thanked him for grabbing some of the items while she followed close behind on their way out.
She took a moment to step a little back and admire his backside view, noting his strong back and shoulders while she hummed in enjoyment to herself.
“Mhmm~ Not a beach. But would you not attend if it wasn’t?” She questioned curiously, wondering what he meant by that. Her brown eyes hinting at a playful behavior. She leaned over to nudge Christopher before the elevator opens, there were a few boys and girls in the elevator already. Hyejin took the first step, offering a small smile to the strangers while she stands to the side. Awaiting for Christopher to join, she could tell eyes were lingering from the other individuals in the elevator as she is basically but she ignored the looks.
She turned her head to Christopher, looking up at him slightly with a charming smile before reaching over to tug him inside the elevator.
“Come on in handsome. We can’t wait all day for you~ are you excited for the beach? Do you like to surf?”
christopher bang. [A] 3 months ago
@ahn hyejin. despite chris’s seated position, he nearly collapsed as soon as hyejin emerged from the bathroom, dressed in little to nothing. okay, sure, he’d been expecting a bikini of some sort, but only in his wildest dreams would he have conjured up the image of her wearing something like /that/. (he wasn’t complaining, though, of course).
“er, uh…” he intelligently started, only to clear his throat and glance away with reddened cheeks. “yeah, let’s…let’s uh- we can go.”
after making sure his room key was somewhere safe, he took some of the items from her so she wouldn’t have to carry them and hurried out the door. god, if he had to stare for one split second more, they both wouldn’t make it out of the hotel.
“is this a beach and i just didn’t get the memo?” chris nervously joked as he pressed the button for the lobby with his elbow and stepped back to wait for the elevator to ascend.
ahn hyejin. [A] 4 months ago
@christopher bang. Hyejin took a moment to pat her flushed cheeks as if to get some sense back into her mind, staring at herself in the mirror as she sighs and whispers to herself.
“Ugh it was tempting… .” She mutters before deciding to finally change.
She fixed up her hair into a high ponytail with her bangs out, her bathing suit being more on the revealing side as the top was designed to criss cross over her s while the bottoms covered her private area but are very cheeky like a thong that showed her entire rear end basically.
Finishing up quickly, she could hear Christopher say he is done, looking at herself one more time in the mirror as she decided to add a approving nod before stepping out of the bathroom with a small smile.
“Ready? I’m ready ~” she strolled over to slip on her sandals, grabbing sunscreen and a couple towels before walking over to Christopher with a grin. Still feeling this odd tension pull towards him but she was trying hard not to show it.
“S-shall we…?” She asks finally, trying not to gawk at his revealed upper body, keeping her brown eyes on his while nervously fiddling with the towels in hand.
christopher bang. [A] 4 months ago
@ahn hyejin. christopher blinked twice in confusion at the turn of events. had he completely misread the situation? had hyejin just been messing with him this entire time?
letting out a quiet sigh as he pushed himself up to a sitting position, chris peered over at the now-closed bathroom door before running a hand through his messy locks. "well, i guess the beach it is then, huh?" he murmured and then swung his legs over the side of the bed so he could fully stand up. after stretching out his back, chris walked over to his suitcase and sifted through it for a pair of swimming trunks. figuring he had a few minutes before the elf emerged from the bathroom, he changed into the trunks and grabbed his sunglasses and flip-flops.
"i'm ready!" he announced, perching himself on the edge of the mattress as he waited.
ahn hyejin. [A] 5 months ago
@christopher bang. She couldn’t help but chuckle at Chris’s words about keeping an eye on her.
Hyejin lightly scrunched her nose as part of her response before shrugging.
“Lets go to the beach yeah? I came here to soak up the sun after all~” she stated happily, her brown eyes glistening with joy before she bit down on her inner cheek.
“Uhm…n-nothing. Lets get ready for the beach, yeah?” She was trying not to be a flustered fool in front of him, her mind did go somewhere else briefly during the kiss but she wasn’t one to ask for more- despite what her body wanted.
Slowly slipping off the male, Hyejin made her way to the bathroom, being sure to grab a bikini suit on her way and shutting the door behind her.
“I’ll be out in a little ~” she stated from the bathroom teasingly with a chuckle being heard.
christopher bang. [A] 6 months ago
@ahn hyejin. "nervous? please. don't be nervous around me, sweetheart. i'm still the same silly guy from back then." he murmured, eyes softening as he spoke. "well, i won't be offended if you ever want to dip. i'm not holding you hostage or anything, obviously. although, i'm not going to say no to laying out on the beach next to such a beautiful woman, heh. gotta keep those gross men away from you." the wolf teased. hyejin wasn't his, yet he'd always felt the need to keep a close eye on her...to protect her. perhaps that was precisely why those few months away from her felt like decades.
the kiss felt like everything he'd imagined, if not better. chris just honestly couldn't believe he'd waited this long to do it. while he surged forward to continue, that soft utterance of his name had him pausing with just mere centimeters between their mouths. "yes, hyej? do you want me to stop?" he spoke just as softly, words nearly being kissed onto her lips. "or do you want more, pretty little elf?"
ahn hyejin. [A] 7 months ago
@christopher bang. She emitted a soft laugh at Chris’s words, finding his quirky behavior to be rather relaxing. Chris always had a natural way of flirting in a subtle manner while he spoke. Hyejin would catch it once in awhile, as her brown orbs eyed the wolf under her, she gently pressed her lips together in a thought. The compliment about Hyejin has her rolling her eyes playfully, “oh stop it. You are making me nervous now.. if anyones hard to resist its you.”
“Boring ? I find you to be entertaining and good company. I am more of a homebody anyway so I have zero complaints but maybe. We should go to the beach or something? Get a tan, sprawl out half to lay on a beach chair etc.” she suggested before her eyes widen as she felt the firm grip at her nape, the pull towards Chris having her heart race. She knew what is to come- she fluttered her eyes in the moment before she felt the younger males soft lips against her own but the kiss is passionate. A faint squeal could be heard from Hyejin as she molds her own lips against Chris’s, getting lost in the kiss while her hands splay out upon his chest.
She felt her heartbeat rapidly in the moment, she parted her lips a bit so she could whisper his name in a soft tender tone.
christopher bang. [A] 7 months ago
@ahn hyejin. a low grunt sounded as those teasing fingers wandered across his bare chest. "i knew it; you can't fool me, beautiful. honestly, i would've been more than bummed if you didn't want it." he held his breath, gaze darkening ever so slightly from the kiss to his neck as he eyed the woman on top of him suspiciously. "a free pass, as in, i was going to let you go without making a move, but now...that pass flew right out of the window. you're extremely hard to resist, hyej. you always have been." even back when they'd just been friends at the villas, chris couldn't deny the attraction he had toward the woman. everything about her was wonderful. "no, i don't want you to leave. i just wasn't sure if you were interested in hanging around with boring, old me all day...especially when you spent last night with me, too. but, ah, extra handsome in the morning, hm? that's a new one." with a smirk, he reached out and carefully, but firmly grasped the side of her neck, fingers splayed over her pale skin and drew her forward so he could slot their mouths together, lips hungrily claiming her own pair.
ahn hyejin. [A] 8 months ago
@christopher bang. Hyejin’s lips curved into a mischievous smirk as she slowly leaned down while taking her finger to glide over Christophers chest in a teasing manner.
She decided to be honest at the commentary beforehand as she responded in a whisper. “I did want the kiss, you aren’t wrong there wolfie.”
Hyejin couldn’t help but inwardly chuckle at Christophers words of a pass as she could feel his body tense at her movements. She brought her face down to his neck and softly planted a kiss there before sitting up once again with a cheeky expression.
“A free pass..? What does that mean? Also- my friends aren’t worried about me. They are off on dates with their men and I am here with a man…so I think I’m okay? Unless you’d like for me to leave…then I can do that but I will admit I feel rather comfortable right here, in this moment. I think you’d also like to know that you are extra handsome in the morning.” She complimented as she brought a hand to lightly pat his chest before moving her head down to the other side of his neck and planted a soft kiss upon his skin once again happily.
christopher bang. [A] 8 months ago
@ahn hyejin. he squinted his eyes at her. "uh huh, sure you didn't. you know it's perfectly fine if you want to kiss me, right? we'd be even then, actually." chris didn't elaborate much, but he figured she'd know what he was implying.
both brows raised as soon as she blatantly straddled his hips. "i was going to give you a free pass. why are you trying to rile me up now?" he might be able to control himself at the moment, but if his wolf started to take over, hyejin might regret her words. "because i can't promise that i won't kiss you again...and more." chris lightly cleared his throat. "your friends are probably going to wonder where you've been, hyej." truth be told, he didn't particularly want her to go so soon, but he also didn't want two angry women storming his hotel room and skinning him alive for 'kidnapping' their friend.
ahn hyejin. [A] 8 months ago
@christopher bang. She couldn’t help but bite down on her lower lip as she listened to Chris . She found herself to squint her eyes in a stern manner before shaking her head.
“I…didn’t want it that bad…” she murmured softly while she tried to play it off, but also part of her didn’t remember what happened last night.
But once Chris moved off of her she found him to be a little bit of a head, so she sat up and carefully crawled on top of him to straddle his waist so she can look down at him with a stern expression.
“Fight me, then.” She challenged as she brought her arms to cross over her chest, giving off a sign of determination.
She was mentally trying to figure out why he would say she can leave and he wouldn’t stop her but also wanted to know what he meant by fighting her. Her curiosity got the best of her and lead to her bold move.
christopher bang. [A] 8 months ago
@ahn hyejin. "that's what i thought," he winked once she pulled away, a smug expression on his face. "you wanted that so bad, didn't you? i'm happy i waited until now to kiss you because you wouldn't have remembered any of it last night." even though chris had been tempted to give in and kiss her when she was drunk because she hadn't made it very easy to resist her. "that kinda sounds like a personal problem, hyej. i was only teasing you...just like you were teasing me about snoring. besides, what makes you think that i'm going to let you walk outta here without a fight?" chris laughed softly as he shifted to give her space, landing with a quiet 'oof' once he landed on his back on the mattress before resting comfortably with his arms behind his head. "i'm kidding... if you really want to leave, i won't stop you."
ahn hyejin. [A] 8 months ago
@christopher bang. Hyejin quirked a brow at Christopher’s playful suggestions and mannerism, thinking of a response to say wasn’t quick enough because before she knows it she is soon squeezing her eyes shut as she is so easily flipped over and now lying on her back upon the mattress.
“H-hey..” she started to speak before her pupils widen as she watched Chris lean closer to her face, now met with his lips upon hers. The moment is sweet but it sparked something in Hyejin when she felt the softness of his lips, she parted her lips to soon mold them against his for a more deeper kiss. The heat upon her cheeks can be felt, as she knew she is now blushing with a red hue, her eyes soon fluttering open as she parts away with a small exhale.
“Devious…how do you expect me to go on with my day when you say stuff like you’ll blow my mind and you kissed me…” her words are playful but now she felt flustered and couldn’t keep eye contact on Chris because he was on her, close to her, and definitely fighting back an arousal from it all.
christopher bang. [A] 8 months ago
@ahn hyejin. "mm, i'm not sure i believe you, but fine...i'm sorry for keeping you awake, princess." he chuckled quietly, thumb rubbing along the side of her hand. "are you not friendly with me? i thought we were like two peas in a pod." chris said with a playful pout. "i mean, i might kiss you. not sure if i want to be cruel and blow your mind this early in the morning. although, you were the one aching for a kiss last night, you know." his brows wiggled in a suggestive manner. "and i wasn't even trying to be flirtatious... i guess that means you're more weak for me than i thought. it's cute, honestly."
"actually, i think i changed my mind." with one swift motion, the wolf had hyejin pinned underneath him, yet another cheesy grin spread across his features. "sorry not sorry, pretty little elf. just have to make sure that you're not going to run away from me. especially if i do this..." chris trailed off, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side and sealing the gap between their lips. despite it being just a gentle, soft press of their mouths together, there was no denying the warmth that quickly spread from head to toe.
ahn hyejin. [A] 8 months ago
@christopher bang. Hyejin was mentally trying to calm down from the close proximity of the two. She was definitely going to be embarrassed if Chris brought up how her heart rate was basically shooting threw the roof at this point. He was being too charming while she was trying to be the tough little elf demeanor that she kept up with.
As she felt the squish to her slim frame, she emitted a low squeal before huffing out a breath of air, playfully glaring at Chris in return.
“Mhm…you did snore…” she side glanced briefly away as to keep up her teasing manner before she glanced down to witness Chris taking her hand in his, her body tensing up slightly before speaking softly.
Something about Chris’s actions of being calm, sweet, and putting up with her ‘sassy’ girl act despite Hyejin being a loving individual on the inside made it hard for her to keep the sassiness present and immediately melts on the inside.
“I guess…its not an issue..but I only let people I’m friendly with hug me so close, dork. You are now hugging me, holding my hand. What next? You going to swoon me with a knight in shining armor kiss? Listen here wolfie- I am not going to fall for your flirtatious mannerisms~ okay?”
She kept her playful glare on him but deep within she is rather nervous as she could feel her body start to shake at the overwhelming feeling of emotions at being flustered in the moment.
christopher bang. [A] 8 months ago
@ahn hyejin. chris flashed her a small, tired smile. "okay, fine. why are you trying to scoot away from me? you slept next to me all night and suddenly now there's an issue?" he teased while giving her frame a warm squeeze. "yeah, i actually slept pretty well, thank you. i'm not used to having a partner to sleep with, so it was definitely a nice change for me."
"i snored, really...? are you sure about that, or are you just messing with me, pretty little elf?" he inquired in disbelief. "i've never been told that i snore."
one arm slipped away from her body, but only so he could reach and grab her hand instead, lacing their fingers together. "indeed, i am. is that an issue for you, ma'am?" he grinned, feeling much more awake now that they've been conversing a bit.
ahn hyejin. [A] 8 months ago
@christopher bang. Hyejin was attempting to slid off the mattress but soon squeaked when she felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around her and pull her down against Christophers chest. Her heart rate increased slightly at the close proximity while she splayed the palms of her hands upon his chest, raising her head slightly up to meet his gaze with her own while she shows an expression of surprise.
“I- er what…? M-morning..” She is flustered. Not normally a lady that expresses this side she was too caught off guard by the action to withhold her confident sarcastic demeanor. She soon clears before mumbling lowly in response as she regains her sense of mind.
“Not escaping, just scooting away wolf man. But hopefully you slept well? “ she questioned curiously as she tilts her head slightly to the side that caused for bangs to shift a bit while she rose a eye brow.
“You kept snoring all night. I thought I was going to need ear plugs-“ Hyejin teased naturally with a smirk obvious upon her face while she brought a finger to lightly tap Christophers chest.
“Sir- you are hugging me.”


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