
sohara hinata. [A] 4 weeks ago
@choi soobin. Hinata begin to feel flustered, cheek flushing red and her gaze shifted to the her hand that was now resting on her lap as she notice the way he react by the fact she carry him into her room. Despite having such a small figure, Hinata is quite strong in carry certain stuff but of course not all man will want a girl from a brothel to flex their strength anyway.

She silently nods at his word, assuming that he was asking if she was the one that was carrying his giant frame by her own before she fake clearing , wanting to shift to another topic. She open and then close it back, try to think of the words as to why she wouldn't let him just lay there. "You lay.. you.." As she spoke up, she raised one of her hand and gesture how the brothel mans will have his head if they found him laying infront of their door. It's one of the district that they're very protective with especially when they're closing the door.

"Etto... Yakuza?" Hinata blurted out softly, her doe eyes twinkle with curiosity as she look at the man infront of her with her head tilt to the side. For some reason, she doesn't feel scare of him at all despite him getting beat up.

Realizing that he still have wound to tend, she straighten herself for a moment and slowly crawl toward him. "Gwechanna..." She take a little bit of ointment and reach to gently dab it on his busted lip, her voice was soft and gentle and she try reassure him that she meant no harm.
choi soobin. [A] 1 month ago
@sohara hinata. the woman snapping at him caused soobin's eyes to widen and he immediately closed his mouth. although he couldn't quite understand her outburst, he figured it would've been something akin to telling him to shut up. were they still in danger? he wished he'd paid more attention during the japanese courses his parents had signed him up for back in high school. it would've been beneficial, especially now that the only sign of life other than him was the japaense woman in front of him.

thankfully, however, the woman appeared to have some sense of the korean language since she started speaking to him brokenly.

she'd carried him all by herself from where he'd been beaten...soobin surely looked like a fish with his mouth agape as he stared at her in utter awe. not that her size was a bad thing in any way, soobin just wondered how a woman with her stature could lug a giant like him that far without any help.

"you...did this?" he motioned toward himself. "you saved me and brought me here?" the real question was...why did she do that? why bother risking her life when those men could've harmed her as well? nothing made sense to soobin. he had more questions than answers at this point.

not to mention, what would his parents think if they found out he'd been inside of a brothel?
sohara hinata. [A] 1 month ago
@choi soobin. Hinata pulled her hand back once she notice the stranger finally awake from his knockout. She try her best to help him up a little, her heart slightly to see him aching like this, mind wonder who could have that hurt such a beautiful man in the middle of the night but then again he might be a bad guy and that could be a reason why he got beaten up so badly.

The moment the man finally spoke, Hinata brows knitted together as he begin to speak Korean to her. The slightly small female can only stare at him full of bewilderment in her doe eyes. She couldn't understand most of his word that left his parted lips but what she knew was that the male must has been fear from his life since he was beaten almost to death.

Hearing his tone of voice suddenly become louder, she got panic immediately, leaning to clasp his mouth with both of her hand and shake her head. "Be quiet," she hissed it in Japanese then few moment later she blinked as she realized he might not understand what she was saying. "C-calm down," Hinata spoke softly, a bit timid that her Korean might sound a bit broken despite has been staying here more than a years.

Once she thought he finally silence himself, she retrieved her hand and let it settle on his lap, patting it lightly as if that could resolve his fear or whatsoever. "In brothel," she gestured as she try to explain as best as she can, slightly stumble with her language. "Fall down brothel gate," she then gesture how she carry him here and then pat her chest follow by a firm nod. "Alone. Nobody there," she thought that she could atleast ease his fear a little if she stated that she was the one carry him alone.
choi soobin. [A] 1 month ago
@sohara hinata. the next thing soobin knew, he was waking up in an unfamiliar building. upon opening his swollen eyes, he instantly caught sight of a beautiful blonde woman who appeared to be tending to his wounds and offering him comfort. "wh-wha...?" he croaked out, barely even recognizing his own voice. god, how hard did those men hit him? and what, or who, were they looking for in the first place?

he remembered one of his attackers mentioning something about him being 'the wrong guy'. unfortunately for him, soobin just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

all of his limbs ached as he fought to slowly sit up. tiny whimpers of pain left his lips when he did so, and he figured that the slightest movements would set his body on fire.

after stabilizing himself, he peered at the stranger with a curious gaze, voice a little bit stronger now. "who are you? and where am i?" the more soobin became aware, the more panic set in. what if he really /was/ the man those gang members were looking for and they showed back up here? or else, what if this woman was somehow in on their plan? it wouldn't have made a whole lot of sense that she was caring for him if that theory was correct, but soobin couldn't be too trusting.

"my parents have a search party looking for me," soobin made sure to point out, just in case the strange got any funny ideas. "they should be here any minute, i'm sure!"
sohara hinata. [A] 2 months ago
@choi soobin. It feel like tonight is a full moon, seeing the room has been lit by the moonlight always make the corner of Hinata lips curl to a soft and loving smiles though it was only for a brief moment as she exhale a breath of relief that her shift has come to an end. She pull up her beautiful luscious blonde hair and pin it with her zanzi before adjusting back her kimono nice and tight.

She stood up and peek outside, making sure the coast are clear before slowly make her way out of the brothel. It is one of Hinata habit to sneak out just to take some fresh air since she is forbid to get out from this place or else God know what will have happened to her. As she silently pry the main gate open, she is instantly been greet by the sight of a taller male that was laying lifelessly on the ground.

Hinata eyes widen, running toward the man side and crouch down, trying to check on him if he is okay. She couldn't see clearly but she can tell judging by the slight iron scent, he is injure. "D-daijobu???" She is panicking, trying to shake him awake but he doesn't budge at all. She really have no Idea what happened but she know she can't just let this stranger just lay here and be dead. Hinata turn her head around, trying to see him if anyone is trying to look for him before she use her strength the giant man up.

*Gosh so heavy* Hinata grumble in her mind, trying to drag him inside the brothel silently. After much struggle she manage to slide her wooden door open and sat him up at the corner. "Oh no..." Her lips tremble, reach to tenderly cup the beautiful man face as she finally get to see how badly he got himself beaten up.

Hinata scramble her way out of the room and grab a bucket of water and some sort of kit that can help him with the wounds before coming back and try to nurse him up. She make sure the water is warm enough before dipping the small cloth inside, twisting the water out before she turn to gently dab on his busted lips, rubbing his arm gently just incase he feel the pain.
choi soobin. [A] 2 months ago
@sohara hinata. 10:34 p.m.

soobin should've been home hours ago. surely, by now, his parents would've deployed countless cavalry to come searching for him. they tended to overreact when it came to their youngest son.

unfortunately for him, he had business to attend to that went longer than he thought it would, causing him to have to cut up and down dark alleyways in an attempt to make the journey home quicker. the shortcut all but worked in his favor, however.

soobin didn't even see the first swing coming.

with a gasp, the male collapsed to the hard concrete, gravel digging into his hands and forearms. then came the kicks: one after another, primarily targeting his abdomen and sides with relentless abandon. he shielded himself the best he could by lifting his arms up to try and block what he could.

just when it seemed like this was the end, one of his attackers finally spoke. "!" he hissed. "this is the wrong guy...why did i ever listen to you two?" and that's all soobin heard before he lost consciousness as the three masked men dashed away from the crime scene at the speed of light.


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