
+ the safe phrase is "I 1v1 better".
☀︎ ​Soobin [A] 1 month ago
Welcome to the mystical realm of Alveria, where you embody the essence of a faerie attending the revered Alveria Academy of Magic. As a faerie, you are deeply connected to the natural world, possessing magical abilities that resonate with the very heartbeat of the earth. Whether you command the fiery passion of flame, the tranquil embrace of water, the ethereal whispers of the wind, or the steadfast strength of the earth, your powers are a reflection of the wild and wondrous energies that flow through the realm.

At Alveria Academy, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and magical growth. Through immersive classes and hands-on training, you will learn to harness your innate talents and unlock the full potential of your faerie magic. Alongside your fellow faeries, you will form unbreakable bonds of friendship and camaraderie, united in your quest to protect the realm from the encroaching darkness.

But beware, for dark forces lurk in the shadows, seeking to corrupt the natural balance of Alveria and plunge it into chaos. From malevolent spirits to power-hungry sorcerers, adversaries of all kinds threaten the peace and harmony of your enchanted homeland.

Will you rise to the challenge, embracing your faerie heritage and standing as a guardian of light and life? Join your fellow faeries as you explore the hidden depths of enchanted forests, dance among the shimmering waters of mystical lakes, and journey across the breathtaking landscapes of Alveria. Together, let the magic of friendship and the wisdom of nature guide you on your epic quest to protect the realm and preserve its beauty for generations to come.
☀︎ ​Soobin [A] 1 month ago
This will be updated once we have settled on lore.


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cer_berus 1 month ago
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