・❥ free pod seven.

free pod seven
A free 1:1 private session between contestants. Voices of contestants will be altered. Multiple threads are allowed per room, but please be considerate of others using the space as well. Actions are allowed, keeping in mind the other person cannot see you.
shayne: what are you wearing today *twirls ear in novella*
♡ blinded_hawk ᵐᶦⁿʰʸᵘᵏ 1 week ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ Hawk leaned back, his gaze steady and thoughtful as he considered Dove's question. "The experiment," he began, his voice a blend of reflection and candor, "was born out of curiosity, yes. I've often found myself thirsting for something deeper. Connections that transcend the superficial, relationships that challenge and nourish the soul." Hawk's hands unfolded, gesturing to the space between them. "This experiment, it's a stripping away of pretense, a deliberate step into vulnerability. It's about finding authenticity in a world that often values the facade more than the foundation." He smiled, a genuine curve of his lips that reached his eyes albeit it couldn't be seen by the other party.

"And you, Dove, with your quiet strength and the courage to reveal your true self, you remind me that such authenticity is not only possible but worth pursuing." Hawk's expression softened. "As for the love department," he continued, "it's been less about rocky paths and more about uncharted territories. I'm learning to navigate them, to understand that love is not just a destination but a journey. And perhaps, in you, I've found a fellow traveler." Dove's question had opened a door, and Hawk, with his reply, stepped through it, ready to explore whatever lay on the other side, hopefully together while didn't make himself sound too desperate for it. "What about you though? I'm sure someone like you would've had a fair share of suitors."
♡ blinded_dove ˢᵒᵒʲᵘⁿᵍ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_hawkᵐ much of the internet's slang would dub this a moment of: the woman was too stunned to speak.

the truth remains an element of surprise when playing a role in her life. as someone who has been used to giving so much of herself to a fault, dove was not prepared to play the part of a receiver. the gentleman's sincere monologue was as close to wrapping herself under her sheets after a long, mentally straining day. she could choose to sleep the exhaustion away, cry herself to rest, or scream her heart out—yet with whatever she ends with, her sheets will remain still to give her comfort. hawk embodied that at this very moment, and it took everything in the lady to not sob on television. "i wasn't expecting that," she shyly confesses, drawing in a deep breath to release a rather shaky chuckle. hints of crimson gently bloom within her cheeks, and she clasps her hands on her lap to gather her thoughts for him. "i feel like a child right now, and i hope you'll allow me to be, because it's not every day i get to hear those words from people."

dove remained silent for a few seconds, and with a sound decision finally made in her mind, she shifted to rest her body completely on the couch. "i'll let you in on a secret, how i am with everyone right now is a big difference to me outside all this," she gestures her hand in a circular motion as though she was seen by the other, "perhaps it's the mystery of it all or i've been closing myself off from the world for a long time now." a small smile graces her features, recalling the experiences that led her to become reserved in the face of the world. now that she was away from the prying eyes of those who surrounded her, the momentary anonymity served as her safety blanket in baring who she was from the core. "i'm glad to see that my efforts have not been in vain, and someone like you went out of their way to express their appreciation for the parts of me that i've always feared showing. you're a wonderful person, hawk."

"which leads me to my question," her attention focuses on the barrier that separates them, a sense of comfort and quiet curiosity looming over her head, "what led you to try the experiment, hawk? with the way you carry yourself, i'm certain most would fall head over heels for you. have things been rocky in the love department?"
♡ blinded_hawk ᵐᶦⁿʰʸᵘᵏ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ The corners of his mouth twitching upwards in a suppressed smile at her theatrics. "Lost? Never," he replied, his voice steady and assured, despite being altered. "I just know how... adventurous you can be." His eyes sparkled with mirth, reflecting the playful banter they often shared. "And as for confidence," he continued, leaning back into his chair with a casual ease, "I have plenty. In you, that is. It's the rest of the world I'm not so sure about."

"You know, Dove," he said, his tone taking on a more serious note, "it's not just about confidence. It's about knowing that no matter which room you walk into, you own it. No animal corpses needed." He chuckled at her earlier jest, then grew contemplative. "You have a presence, one that's both commanding and inviting. It's a rare combination. You bring laughter and lightness wherever you go," he observed. "It's refreshing, especially in spaces that can be as sterile and cold as this one." He gestured around the room, which despite its modern comforts, lacked a personal touch. "And getting to know you further is something I've been looking forward to."

Their conversations had always been a highlight of his day, her unexpected comments a source of constant amusement and challenge. "You have a way of catching people off-guard, in the best possible way," he said. "It keeps things interesting, keeps me on my toes." He appreciated that about her; it was a trait he found both admirable and endearing. "It's why I enjoy our exchanges so much. You're sharp, witty, and always full of surprises." He raised his glass in a silent toast to her. "To the little dove with the hulk's voice," he said, the warmth in his voice matching the affection in his eyes. "May you always come in peace, and may your laughter never cease to echo through these rooms." Dove's presence had indeed transformed the space, filling it with an energy that was palpable. And Hawk was all the better for it.
♡ blinded_dove ˢᵒᵒʲᵘⁿᵍ 1 month ago
@♡ blinded_hawkᵐ her delicate hands just pushed the door to the pod open when she was greeted by the bachelor's last statement, pursing her rosy brims to a fine line to hold herself back from laughing. with a hand still resting by the side of the slightly opened door, dove feigns ignorance and tips her head to the side as if she were searching for something. "is this the right room? i don't see any animal corpses," her rather deep, distorted voice echoes through the room, causing her to collapse in a menacing fit of laughter. "the little dove with the hulk's voice comes in peace, promise!" she then continues, still trailing with endless glee on her end as she shuts the door behind her.

when she gets to the couch, the woman crosses her leg above the other, leaning her back against one of the pillows as she takes a sip of her mango juice. "hawkeye!" her cheery voice vibrates, "why did you think i'd be lost? do you have zero confidence in me?" a cheeky grin brightens her features at the thought of him answering her cheeky questions. dove wanted to know if he was as confident as he was in chat. her days of interacting with everyone were never complete without his remarks that often caught her off-guard, and this time, she was elated to be given the chance to get to know him further.
♡ blinded_hawk ᵐᶦⁿʰʸᵘᵏ 1 month ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ The male who just entered the pod was clearly nervous, he kept fixing on his clothes despite knowing that the other wouldn't be able to see him as it was just voice only. For some reason, it felt more nerve-racking than your ordinary blind date, but also the excitement that followed in was just as overwhelming in a good way. He knew that it'd be a good way to get to know the other and who knows, maybe they could click right away. It was his first time trying this "Pod" thing and he just hoped that he'd give a good lasting impression on the other.

When the mic was handed to him by the production staff, he could see his hands were shaking. Chuckling to himself, he repeated the mantra "everything's gonna be fine." inside his head, since he definitely didn't want to make fun of himself right away. Giving a light tap to the mic, he started with "Mic test. One, two. Calling for the little Dovey to show her presence." followed by another chuckle from his end because of two things. One, was simply because of the altered voice of him was definitely sounded straight from the Alvin and The Chipmunks film and two, from how cringy the choice of his words was. "I hope the Dove find the right place and doesn't go astray though."


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optometrist [A] 1 week ago
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Application process is closed! Please look forward to season 2 of Blinded in the future.
optometrist [A] 1 month ago
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ For reservations please refer to the description. DO NOT comment for reservations or second characters. Currently accepting more male applicants!
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