Character Form


This roleplay contains different types of characters so the plot progresses. Their powers, weapon of choice, and name are for you to pick but their personality must follow a certain guideline - we don't want a evil king suddenly sweet and loveable. These characters also have a number beside them. It's based on a scale 1 through 10. This is how active the character/roleplayer needs to be. 

10. Athena King / Queen (Both spots still open) : Since mutants have come to be and the world has fallen apart after mass hysteria swept the planet... a stricter dictatorship has taken a hold on whatever cities remain, including the newly founded Athena. Athena is the capital of the world in a some ways - as it is the only place where any kind of laws are established and are enforced. The king and queen sit pretty in Athena - bossing around their guards, assassins, and soldiers in any way they please. They do want any threat to their government as they rebuild what they consider the greatest country in the world. The only country in the world. They remove any threats, any power houses, rebels, gangs, and unbinding citizens. The king and queen are cruel and unforgiving expect to each other. Even their children are not spared. Their dream is to see a world where mutants of different classes are divided and the 'lower' beings, including the powerless humans, are all taken care of.

08. The 10 Royal Assassins (10 spots open) : These are brain washed, extremely powerful, mutants who work for the king and queen. They can't remember who they are, what happened to them, or even why they are doing this. All they know is that there is a large group of super powered mutants, working together and turning their back on the crown. They are rebels - nothing more and nothing less.  

08. The Rebels Warriors aka, The Super mutants ( 14 spots left : Knomjean ) : These are the super powered mutants, the ones running from the government. Most come from poor backgrounds. Some are 'pure breed' mutants, or mutants who have only breed within their own race, while others are mutts. Either way, these group of kids are oddly powerful - most are unable to control themselves. They all have been taken in to the Rebellion as soon as the rebellion figured out that their powers were enhanced - almost all of them where taken in at young ages. It wasn't until they aged that the government learned of them which is where we are at now in the plot. In some ways, some kids are brain washed into thinking the Rebellion is the only good in the world. 

10. The Rebellion Leader (One spot open) A boy born from nothing. He is a pure breed who once, was a assassin for the King and Queen, not that he lets anyone know this. He was brain washed and taking down everyone and anyone who he was told to without any real reason. But one day...he was able to break free from the spell. Since that day, with his knowledge about the King and Queen's plan, he has been trying to get anyone and everyone to join with him. But many people are too scared - and too weak. Hundreds of mutants have been taken care of already. He has a burning desire to take down Athena - using anyone he has to in the process. Many people trust him, love him, and worship him. He took in the warriors, raised them, and brain washed the ones he could. He hasn't told anyone, that, in the end, once the government has fallen...he plans to take down anyone and everyone who is a pure breed even though he is one himself. He seems warm hearted and kind. 

All other types of characters are welcomed. Anything to normal maids, princesses (2), princes (2), to rebellion fighters, low grade doctors, horse keepers, anything and everything. These are just necessary, highly active characters. However, just because your character isn't described above, doesn't mean they aren't important. How important they are, well that's up to you and how many relationships you make. 

Credits for layout: Urban 




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Lithiumion 10 years ago
I'd like to be Nicole Jung from KARA,
Name: Nicole
Age: 22

1) Honest, not someone to lie about something important.
2) Cunning, very sly and sneaky.
3) Loyalty, loyal to the cause she is fighting for or for the people she cares for.

1) Short Tempered, easily set off.
2) Impulsive, very quick to do things without thinking of what will happen.
3) Insubordinate, if she feels that the choice made by the leader is wrong she will act on her own opinions.

Role: Rebellion Fighter (Dawnstar)
Social Status: 0
Etopia 10 years ago
I'd like to be Lee Chaerin from 2NE1.
Name: CL
Age: 22

1. Bends Fire and due to this does not get hurt by fire does hurt eventhough it doesn't do harm.
2. Martial Arts expert and due to this is amazingly good at hand to hand combat.
3. Sword weilding expert and due to this knows how to use them against people very well (this includes daggers too~)

1. Does not trust too easily
2. Follows her morals and heart too much when it comes to her own opinions or decisions.
3. Will blindly follow anything the king or queen says even if it is not right or not to her liking.

Role: One of the ten royal assassins.
Social status: (not sure where I fall in)
rollingflower 10 years ago
Hey can you reserve BTS V for me please?
Skye_511 10 years ago
Can you reserve Hyuna from 4minute please?
lexkagamine 10 years ago
And how much health do we have to start with?
lexkagamine 10 years ago
What does it mean by role?
Skye_511 10 years ago
Hi! Is it okay if I want to apply as a co-admin?
WalkingPhoenix [A] 10 years ago
-will reserve and record after work around 5 pm gmt time
comicsans 10 years ago
Could you please reserve Jongin for me? I'll have an application in soon! ( although, I'm not sure of a faceclaim, yet. )
smokenation 10 years ago
can you reserve Bomi?
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