[♢] the garden



A beautiful garden, great for first dates, or for strolling.

Tao 11 years ago
Yah~ I'm back!!
*rolls around*
Taemin 11 years ago

Taemin's face flushed a bright red. Had he been caught? His love for flowers had grown since his mother passed. He especially found the rare flowers to be the most beautiful of them all. "I...." he started, clearing his throat of the lump that had suddenly found it's way there. "I like them.....I don't /love/ them..." His voice was weak as he talked. "They...uh...comfort...me. I grew accustomed to having them around the house when I was younger."
Minho 11 years ago
@Taemin He laughed softly as he startled him. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he apologized. He stood beside him, studying Taemin more than the floors around them. He hummed softly, rocking on his heels. "Do you like flowers?"
Taemin 11 years ago
@Minho His fingertips gently touched the white petals of the pretty flower. His heart melted. TO be so pretty, yet alone. It reminded him of his own life. Startled, the male jumped a little, and looked up at the other. "Y-yeah~" he whispered, calming his heart rate. Laughing, he stood, and walked somewhere else. His mind was full of the sight of freshly cut shrubbery, and the pretty blooming flowers. With a sigh, he touched another flower, his fingers tracing the petal of the red rose. "Its really pretty," he whispered, words barely a whisper.
Minho 11 years ago
@Taemin Minho chuckled and watched him. He found his child antics to be adorable. He took his gaze elsewhere, looking around the garden in admiration. It was beautifully landscaped, if he did say so himself. He wondered how many different flowers the garden had. "It's really nice out here," he said as he walked over to Taemin.
Taemin 11 years ago
@Minho Taemin sighed heavily, the fresh air hitting him all at once. He let go of the others hand, and stretched. "Uwah~" he sighed, closing his eyes for a moment to take in the scent of the fresh outdoors. "Smells so good~" He forgot about the other for a few seconds, only to open his eyes and look for the other. "Here we are~" he smiled, outstretching his arms as if to say, 'look how pretty!' With a childish grin, the male quickly darted for the middle of the garden, where his favorite flower bloomed - Lapis Lazuli.
Tao 11 years ago
@Chanyeol So what u wanna do Chanyeol?
Chanyeol 11 years ago
@Tao Aw :c
Tao 11 years ago
@Chanyeol I'm bored lol
*keeps rolling*
Chanyeol 11 years ago
@Tao Wassup Tao?
Tao 11 years ago
@Chanyeol *tilts my head*
Okay then *smiles*
Chanyeol 11 years ago
@Tao Ye so o u o
I get people dizzy all the time
Tao 11 years ago
@Chanyeol I got you dizzy *puts my head down*
Chanyeol 11 years ago
@Tao Why're you sorry? /grins
Tao 11 years ago
@Chanyeol Sorry Chanyeol Hyung.
Chanyeol 11 years ago
@Tao /grins and watches you/
I'm getting dizzy just looking at you
Tao 11 years ago
@Chanyeol I told u! *rolls around more* okay, I'm so dizzy now
Chanyeol 11 years ago
@Tao /shrugs and rolls around on the grass/ It is!
Tao 11 years ago
@Chanyeol *looks up* oh hey Chanyeol! Come join me! It fun! *rolls around*
Chanyeol 11 years ago
@Tao Having fun there?
Tao 11 years ago
*runs around* Ahh so peacefull! *lays down in the grass*
Tao 11 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 3
Tao 11 years ago
Ahhhhh~ it looks so pretty!
Taemin 11 years ago
@Se7en A shocked look played on Taemin's face. Really?! Was this guy serious?! He was toying with Taemin. Right? Well, he looked like he would. But, hey, who would not fall for that face? Taemin certainly trusted it beyond his better judgment. Gulping louder, he bit his lower lip as the males hot breath hit his sensitive skin. "U-uhm," he whispered, trying his best to compose himself. Straightening himself up, he shook his head. "N-no c-clue," he stuttered, refusing the help. If he did not get it right, he would give the winning point to Se7en. And, Taemin hated losing. It was one of his "never-to-do" things. That and to never stop drinking banana milk. "I'm not scared!" he exclaimed, puffing out his cheeks a bit. His face was on fire as he tried to think of the question. The right one at least. "O-okay," he whispered in defeat, "what is the c-clue?"
Se7en 11 years ago
@Taemin "oh looky there's another one of your guesses gone, be careful or you won't get it right" Se7en chuckled leaning down whispering nti the boys ear. "Would you like a clue taemin?"
He pulled away, watching the other male carefully. "look I'm just playing around kiddo you don't have to have that scared look on your face"
Taemin 11 years ago

With widdening eyes, the male quickly hid his hands behind his back. 'Great!'he thought to himself. 'Now what?! Okay....Think! What was he going to say?' His eyes looked up to meet Se7en's and he could not keep himself from blushing like made. It was an odd experience. The pairing, he meant. Well, to be honest, yes. He did in fact find the older male oddl attractive. But, he knew better than to just fall in love at first glance. He had done that before, and swore never to do it again. A hot firey brand painted across his skin as Se7en traced his finger across his jaw. Trying to hide the tremors that were convulsing up his spine, he quickly looked around. "Are you hungry?" he asked, trying his best to guess against the male.
Se7en 11 years ago
@Taemin "Nope, you've just wasted one of your guesses tae" Se7en held up one finger looking down at the boy, a smirk gracing his lips knowing that he was making him nervous.
"you know you don't need to be nervous kiddo, I'm not a scary guy." He took a step forward running a finger across taemins jaw chuckling, se7en has always enjoyed teasing people and he had a feeling being partnered with the younger boy would be a fun experience.
Taemin 11 years ago
@Se7en The smile quickly faded as the male leaned in. Gulping loudly, he quickly tried to calm his raging nerves. "Uh....Uhm..." he whispered, his eyes darting this way and that. He could not make eye contact with the male. Chewing on his lower lip, he pointed to the nearest tree. For a split second, the young male thought it was someone else. But, it was just a tree that needed triming. "Th-that tree needs trimming?" he asked, wincing a little at his stupid question. His breath caught in his throat as he took half a step back. Another loud gulp resounded as he looked down at his twiddling thumbs. Taemin usually did not twiddle his thumbs....unless he was utterly and irrevocably nervous. And, with this male, he was all the nervous he needed to be.
Se7en 11 years ago
@Taemin Noticing the other males nervousness se7en couldn't help but smile brightly, squeezing the you gets hand softly.
"its very very pretty tae, but guess what?" he looked around dramatically leaning in closer to the boys tinted face.
"you have three guesses"
Taemin 11 years ago
@Se7en Still holding the males hand, Taemin could not help but look on ahead. His cheeks were a flame. He was so nervous, that he had to stop himself from shaking. He was holding a strangers hand, and he had no idea why. Leading Se7en into the park, Taemin took a deep breath as to calm himself. Inhaling, then exhaling, the male dropped the others hand. "Here we are!" he smiled, turning back to smile pleasingly at the male. His face still had a hint of pinkness, his attempt to hide his blushing face a complete and utter failure. He looked around, no sign of anyone. This made Taemin even more nervous. He attempted not to look back at the male, but, he could not stop himself. "So," he whispered, his hands clasped behind his back. Slowly, he rocked back and forth on his heels. "What do you think? Pretty huh?"


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HyunEunGyuKris 10 years ago
sunggyu is leaving. i have no time now cos im working alr
lostheaven 10 years ago
Jongup left~
lovelovelennie 10 years ago
Baecon is leaving... </3 see you in YMB <3
ephemerals 10 years ago
Yixing left </3
thelostpirateking 10 years ago
Ilhoon is leaving
Kim_HyoYoo 10 years ago
Tao is leaving
Lord-Orochi 11 years ago
youngjae is leaving
snowvampire101 11 years ago
Dongwoo is leaving
lovelovelennie 11 years ago
You guys I am so sorry for being so freaking inactive.
I will have to go on semi-hiatus for a bit. I will be on and off every once and a while because I am just so freaking busy. I'm really really sorry and I hope you guys understand </3
iamGCboi 11 years ago
Re-applied as Sandeul
thanks ^^
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