Health and Damages


Each player will start with a maximum of 4000 health. 

getting in fights will lower your HP, and if you reach 0 your character will die. This is the hunger games, if you let your character reach zero, I'm sorry, but your character has died. 

Things will heal you: 
Sleep (+50) 
You cannot just sleep anywhere, you need a safe place to sleep, and very rarely will you go unnoticed during the day. 

Water (+100) 
Not all water is safe to drink, some maybe poisonous or just plain unclean. To drink it, it would be a safe bet to expect it poison. Every tribute will be given a small bottle of Iodine, and it will take three drops to purify the water to drink, and the character has to wait an hour. (just wait a few posts) 
**Water can only be found in specified areas, and it would take you 7 posts to find water.** 

Healing Cream (+100) 
Healing cream can only obtained by pods, or cornucopia. It is a cream that heals open wounds, and only that. Internal or closed wound will not heal or give you HP. 

Burn Cream 
Burn cream doesn't heal any HP, but is does stop continuous damage being done to your tribute. 

Continuous Damage 
If there is continuous damage being done to your character, It can be stopped by them cleaning the wound with water or a medical item, and wrapping the wound. 
*though only wrapping it will only half the continuous damage. 


Every tribute has their own mentor, and will need things in the hunger games. So, There will be a system: 

Water: 20 posts. 
Medical Aid: 20 posts. 
Utensils: 25 posts. 
Weapons: 100 posts. 

There are limited amount of parachutes the mentors can send, So please be mature and limit your access to them. Also, I personally will be sending out the parachutes, and it may not be clear what it is, or what its for, get creative. 
if you post for to many, I just wont send you one. 

No parachutes will come within the first few bits of the hunger games. 

Only Tributes, and Mentors are able to post for pods. Stylists, Victors, and Escorts are only allowed to aid in pods with Mentors. For example, say Haymitch starts posting for a pod, Cinna would be able to aid by adding a number per post along with Haymitch. 

show spoiler

Mentors from a district may send a pod to a tribute of another district, only after all of your tributes are dead, and as long as that tribute does not belong to the same roleplayer.  



Swords are strong weapons, and they are fast, but they are never guaranteed a hit, even with skilled tributes. 
Small Cut: -5 HP 
Slice: -50 HP each post. 
Stab: -150 HP each post. 
Loss of Limb: -1000 HP each post. 

Bow & Arrow: 
Bow and Arrows are great long distance weapons, but only for the trained. They may be good for long distance, but they do little damage. *only 12 per quiver* 
Small Cut: -5 HP 
Impalement on limbs: -50 HP 
Impalement in chest: -200 HP each post 

Daggers are faster and much lighter than swords. They are made for close, and swift encounters. Though they are much weaker than swords, you can hold more than one. *can only carry 2, 3-4 with a back pack.* 
Cut: -5 HP 
Slice: -30 HP 
Stab: -80 HP each post 

Throwing Daggers: 
These are smaller than regular daggers, and usually sharper. They are meant to be carried in multitude, but they are easily lost. *Can carry up to 5 at a time, 10 with a back pack.* 
Cut: -5 HP 
Impalement in Limb: -30 HP 
Impalement in Chest: -80 HP from each post 

Maces are pretty much a ball in a stick with very sharp nails sticking out of them. They're top heavy, and it makes it fairly easy to swing, but if your character isn't strong enough they will lose control of it. 
Graze: -10 HP 
Strike: -100 HP each post 

Axes are very strong weapons, They are heavy, sharp, and aerodynamic. They are rather strong weapons, but slow. There are very few axes in the hunger games due to their strength. 
Cut: -20 HP 
Slice: -100 HP each post 
Impalement: -200 HP each post 
Loss of Limb: -1000 HP each post 

Spears are long aerodynamic weapons. They are strong weapons, though they aren't long distance weapons. A tribute can only carry few at a time *three max* 
Graze: -10 HP 
Impalement of limb: -80 each post 
Impalement of Chest: -400 each post *if you impale the chest, you must leave the spear with them* 

Blow Darts: 
Darts are rather useful for skilled tributes. They are fast, near invisible in motion, and can be very dangerous. *Can only carry 10 darts, 20 with back pack.* 
Regular Darts: -20 HP 
Poison Darts: -30 HP increasingly in each post. *poison dart's damage increase by 5 each time, therefore it would be -30, -35, -40, -45, etc.* 
((Darts are tricky, they must poison the darts themselves, and you must post for the poison yourself.)) 

This weapon is a small handed curved blade. It is fairly light weapon, but tricky. 
Cut: -10 HP 
Slice: -50 HP each post 
Hack: -100 HP each post 

Hatchets are much smaller than axes, and you can carry up to two to them, three with a backpack. They are easy to throw if you throw them right. 
Cut: -5 HP 
Slice: -50 HP each post 
Impalement: -200 HP each post 

Mallets are heavy, large weapons. They take up a lot of room, but can deal heavy blows. 
Smash: -80 HP each post. 

Whips are very tricky, only the trained can successfully perform tricks other than a strike. 
Smack: -50 HP 
Offensive trick: -100 HP each post 
Strangle: -200 HP 

Morning Star: 
Morning stars are rather easy to handle, but aren't the most deadly. They aren't to heavy and take up a bit of room. 
slam: -100 HP 

Tridents aren't for the untrained. Much like Spears they are usually made for throwing, only these have three blades and are quite a bit heavier. 
Slice: -50 HP 
Stab: -100 HP each post 
Impalement: -200 HP each post 

Hand to hand
Sometimes you left without any weapons, and you have fight hand to hand. It isn't very effective, but you do what you must. 
Slap: -10 HP 
Punch: -50 HP 
Kick: -100 HP 
Tackle: -120 HP 

*if you would like me to add onto the arsenal, please let me know.* 

After cleaning the wound with water, and wrapping it, it will stop continuous damage, Unless you have lost a limb and after you get a tourniquet, it will only half the damage. 

You may make a weapon, say a mallet out of a large rock and branch, this is fine to do, but in doing so, it will only do half damage as listed above. 

Burns are continuous, and fairly common in the hunger games. Burns can only be healed by burn cream found at the cornucopia, or from pods. Unless soothed by burn cream, the burn will do continuous damage until it reaches zero. Burn cream can heal your character up to 100 health, If they have had 2nd degree burns, or worse. It will have no effect on 1st degree burns or less. A tribute that receive second or third burns must roll for infection. 

1st degree
This is the minimal burn, no more harmful than a sun burn. 
first post -20 hp, then -10, then 0. (or just -30 damage) 

2nd degree
This is a pretty painful burn. It blisters the skin and can cause damage to the muscles, though rare. It won't handicap a tribute, but it can cause serious damage. 
First post -50 hp, then -40 hp, then -30 hp, then -20 hp, then -10 hp, then 0. (or just -150 damage) 

3rd degree
This burn is very serious, and can be deadly. This burn literally melts flesh, and will handicap a tribute for the entire hunger games if they don't get burn cream. Even with the burn cream, it doesn't completely heal the burn, just stops continuous damage, and will stop it's infection, but the tribute may still be handicapped, to a point. 
First post 120 hp, then 110 hp, then 100 hp, then 90 hp, then -80 hp, then 70 hp, then -60 hp, then -50 hp, then -40 hp, then -30 hp, then -20, then -10 hp, then 0. (or just -780 damage) 

Poison is a tricky subject. We have our basic poison, and we have the advanced section. For our basic poison it would be +5 for each post. 
Ex. Little Suzie gets sliced by a poison sword. That would be -55 hp her first post, then after that it would be -60 hp, then -65, then 70, etc. until she gets a pod, antidote or dies. 
For a more advanced poison, that would be taking a real world poison, or maybe a made up one like Night lock, and you would have to PM myself, or Elemental Paradisity, with it's information and what it does. We will then work out the damages it does, and how it will effect the other player. 

There will be more, but these would be the basic expectations. If your character isn't skilled in the weapon, it doesn't mean you cannot get it, that just means they would be sloppy and unskilled at it, naturally. Your character cannot be a master at all weapons. 

The damage is up to the character your attacking. They decide where it hits or if it hits. If you feel that the character is being unfair, or cheating, please please please let me know.  



Infection is some nasty business. It can lead to the death of a pretty much healthy tribute. There is a 25% chance that a tribute will get an infection. After your character gets injured, at least -50 HP from a weapon, you will have to roll a dice to see if they have recieved infection. After your character is save and away from danger, you will roll a 20 sided dice, and if it lands on either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 your character will get an infection. After rolling, you will have 15 posts before the infection sets in and starts doing damage. In those 15 posts, you will have to find water, and clean the infection, or use a pod that you will/have recieved. 

If your character gets infected, the damage will start at -5 HP, then in the next post it will be -10 HP, then -15 HP, then -20 HP, Etc. and will continue until the character fixes it, or dies.  



No matter the arena, the food supply will be hard to find. Your tribute will have to find food, whether it be a mutt, animal, or poison. 

Plants= Plants are just about every where. They can give you up to +30 HP. It will take you 10 posts to find eatible plants. (this goes for poisonous plants) 

Small rodent= (rats, rabbits, squirrels, ect.) Small rodents are easy to find, you find them on the ground, and in holes, usually. It will take you 7 posts to find them, and it will take 20 damage to kill them. They give you 20 HP after you cook them up. 

Large rodent= (raccoons, opossums, foxes etc.) Large rodents are a tad harder to find, often in higher places, or in burrows. It will take you 12 posts to find them, and they give 40 HP after you cook them up. It takes 35 damage to kill them. 

Reptile/Amphibian= (snakes, lizards, frogs) Reptiles are common to find in the right place, but hard to see. It takes 7 posts to find them, and it takes 15 damage to kill them, and gives you 15 HP back after you cook them. 

Bird= Birds are easy to find, but harder to kill. they aren't strong, but they are fast and evasive, and found in trees. It takes 15 posts to find one. If you can catch one, it takes 20 damage to kill them, but gives back 50 HP after cooked. 

Fish= Fish are common, but naturally only in water. Though you have to travel to find the fish, they restore much HP. It will take your character 7 posts to find a fish. It takes 20 damage to kill it, and after cooking it, it will give the tribute 60 HP. 

Large game= (deer, javelina, monkey, etc.) Larger game is much harder to find and kill. they are fast, and more evasive than the tributes. It takes 30 posts to find one, and takes 100 damage to kill them, and gives you 150 HP after you cook them. 

Carnivore= (wolf, bear, gorillas, big cats, etc.) unless your character is very strong, they wouldnt want to run into one of these. To find them it will take you 40 posts, and it takes 300 damage to kill them. After cooking them they give you 500 HP. Though it give great HP, they will fight back, and will hurt your character. If you don't play it fair and take hits, ill edit it for you. 

Please take into account where your tribute is, and what they come across. Arenas change and you have to bed logical about it. No fish in the desert. If you are unsure about an animal, or what category, ask me. 


All of the meat must be cooked, that includes Rodents, Fish, Carnivores, Reptiles, large game, and birds. Other wise you will only receive half HP back from eating it raw. And if you eat more than 1-3 animals raw, you will get violently ill, and lose every HP you have received from eating the raw meat while you were in the arena. 


Not every animal will be normal. Odds are, your character will come across a mutt one time or another. So, after you reached end of your posting and come across an animal, you'll have to roll a 10 sided die and if it lands on 1 or 2, the animal you just rolled for is a mutt. (if your posting for a bird, and you rolled one, the bird would be a mutt that will attack your character. It would take twice the damage to kill it. if your rolling for a bird and it turns out to be a mutt, it would take 40 damage to kill it.)  


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