[HBH 2015] New Camp Rules & Regulations


New Camp Rules & Regulations

Posted April 30, 2015.

Following the second anniversary of Half-Blood Hills (also following the announcement post about it, please read it if you haven't!), as per a discussion by admin nyctophiliac and gyulaxy today, with this we announce that the admins will start taking extreme measures in the hope of reviving and rejuvenating the roleplay itself.

Sadly, as you all may have noticed, Half-Blood Hills just isn't active anymore. It is slightly active OOC-wise, true, but in terms of actual roleplaying, we feel that it is still in the verge of inactivity even after the anniversary—and so, we decide that a new set of stricter rules is needed.

First of all, regarding wall-to-wall roleplaying. For the time being, we are going to forbid any form of wall-to-wall roleplaying while you're in here. Walls are to be strictly used for OOC talks, mostly for plotting seeing as we already have the OOC room. Please use the rooms as much as you can to roleplay as it keeps the roleplay in the active list (and more people will join us, which means more people to roleplay with, right?). Again, is to be done in PM, so if ever I or any of the admin sees anyone roleplaying on walls starting from May 2015, keep it in mind that whoever it is will get a warning.

Second, regarding the post length. In order for everyone to have a standard at least, from now on your posts has to reach a minimum of 100 words, or you'll also get a warning.  Wondering how short (or long?) it is? The topmost 2 paragraphs in this announcement combined has 105 words. I'm sure most of you will be able to write longer than that, won't you?

And third, regarding replies. I think it's already becoming the trend that novella posts takes days or even weeks to reply to, mainly due to the length. I found out that this may also be one of the factors that kills our muse (honestly, including mine); hence, we admins have decided to impose a time limit to these replies.
In a one-to-one RP, the time limit is a week; if you don't reply to a post in a week then your roleplaying partner would be free to start a new scene in the same place with someone else, and your scene will be considered closed if your roleplaying partner is already engaged by someone else. In a group RP, when someone doesn't post a reply within one week, the roleplayer will lose his/her turn in the sequence. The next person in the sequence can immediately post his/her reply then (you can prepare beforehand!). In the case where you're doing a group RP with more than three people, once the time limit is reached, anyone in the sequence will be free to reply to that post. Do not godmod your inactive roleplaying partner, though. Just let them disappear (lol, but yeah). Some of you may ask why is it one week and not two or more. This is because one week is already a very long time (personally, my roleplay muse only lasts for 3 days. I have to resummon it again everytime the other replies late, which isn't that easy to do if I'm not already familiar with the one I'm RPing with); if you are unable to do all of yours in one week then you probably are roleplaying with way too many people or having too many characters, in which I can only suggest you lessen your burden if you are that busy. May the Goddess of Wisdom bless you with the choices you may have to make in the future.

Lastly, we have decided that whoever (except for the ones in hiatus) does not read the last two announcements by May 7, will be kicked out from this roleplay. Kristina has been very lenient so far, but I feel like a lot of people here just joined then creates their profile and doesn't even roleplay, or they did but lost their muse and become inactive overtime although they post in the OOC room from time to time to avoid inactivity. Hence, I am going to do an inspection over the whole room during the next week. This is going to mean a kickout for those inactive people, too—whoever haven't post an actual roleplay post in the last one to three weeks (I'm going to talk to Kristina again about the time) will also be wiped. If you want your character back, you'll have to reapply and you'll lose all your points.

So, this is all for now. I hope that this will encourage an evolvement to a better Camp Half-Blood for all of us.

Thank you for reading, and please do comment after you have read this.

Stephen Krause



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deimos 9 years ago
this is so late, but karissa has read!
mainly_me 9 years ago
Rivaille read this ouo
shiroyasha 9 years ago
Noir read this o/
xxSpacedOutxx 9 years ago
Vincent has read this. o u o
AmieDMJ 9 years ago
Bijou has read this
vanillamustard 9 years ago
Alaric read this
red_dragon 9 years ago
Read this ;u;
potatersalad 9 years ago
Noted-- o/
fudgeu 9 years ago
stef has read o/
WhaleTheFatDolphin 9 years ago
Leonidas and Pompeii have read!
EXOtic-sone 9 years ago
Angel has read
olives 9 years ago
Kristina has read! <3
PinkSmoke 9 years ago
Got it! ^_^
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