

Us admins have left you all messages here, so go check them out and possibly leave your own, <3

Now I bet you all want to know what the presents are right?

Well wait no longer!!

Present One:

We have removed the waiting list on the pregnancy page! Once you have made your application and it has been accepted, the pregnancy will start a week after. The dates will be specified on the pregnancy page, but now there may very well be two wolves pregnant at the same time. No more having to wait months and months to fall pregnant now.

Present Two:

We are adding a new event to the roleplay! It shall be similar to the full moon but also different... Every three months we will run what I have affectionately come to call the 'Single Mingle' event. I mentioned this on the survey a few months ago, and we had such a positive response that we have decided to go ahead and run it.

Basically there will be a gathering, by a water source, of all of the packs. The alphas (or betas if they go in their alphas place) will lead all of the pack's single wolves to the event. There they will watch over their pack members as they get to know wolves of other packs and maybe even form bonds. This shall help to strengthen alliances and friendships between packs as well as possibly allow those single wolves to find their future mates. It is not guaranteed, of course, but attending the event may very well help.

A room will be opening up specifically for the event, and will remain open for a whole month. This should give everyone plenty of time to get to know each other and form those friendship (or stronger) bonds.

The first running of this event will happen very soon. In fact it will start on August 1st! The room will not open until the 1st, however it will be found here.

This event was actually highly inspired by a fanfiction I read months back that I absolutely adored. So some of you, if you too have read that same fic, will notice the similarities.

Present Three:

Before you could only roleplay as two characters here... well... that has now changed. From now on you are allowed up to THREE characters, so feel free to go reserve/apply for any extra characters you wish to play. Do try and keep some variety, so other groups from the characters you currently play, other packs, other positions etc. It's not essential but it does make it fair for everybody.

Present Four:

We have added in some extra slots to previous pack positions! There is an extra Seer spot, an extra Healer spot, and an extra Guardian spot per pack. Scouts have undergone quite a change... there will now be three female slots and three male slots per pack. This is due to us having a lot more male characters that are applied for, than female. So we felt this change was neccessary.

Present Five:

Related to present four... we have added in some NEW pack positions! There are now Foragers (two female, two male), whose job it is to explore and search for much needed supplies for the pack. This could be fruits, vegetables, wood for fires, animal furs... anything your pack might need.

We have also added in Novices. There are four slots, and they are only open to male wolves. Though you may think this is unfair... again I would like to point out that we have a lot more applications for male characters than we do females. The male slots fill quite frequently, whereas the female ones don't. And the novices... are very much connected to the guardians. They are young wolves who are in training to be guardians, and so because of that as well they are only open to male wolves.

Present Six:

The last present will be the new addition of a Calendar. I will be updating it on the same days that I update the strike list, so every Monday, Thursday and Sunday. On there you will find all of the birthdays listed for both your characters and for the babies. It will also contain the full moon dates for the upcoming year, as well the pack gathering dates as well. This should help everyone to keep on top of what's happening when within the roleplay. We hope you guys will find this useful.

There aren't as many gifts this year, but we hope that these ones are just as good and exciting for you guys as our ones last year were. We're really excited to bring some of them to you. We hope you really enjoy all of them and remember if you have any questions about any of them to let us know and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

But other than that...


Let's make it to our third one, yeah? See you guys then, ;)


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xicewolf 8 years ago
These are amazing O.O
darken 8 years ago
Oh can i change my postion in the pack from healer to forager?? just asking cause forager is actually my first time~
darken 8 years ago
/claps claps
This is the most amazing roleplay I've been in and i love this so much!!
Little_Rebel_Leader 8 years ago
That're quite a lot AMAZING things =3 Happy anniversary~ <3 Hope to be here still next year as well~ X3
krystx345 8 years ago
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