DotFM 17 - New Week, New Post Count


Hey everyone, admin Luhan here with our usual Monday announcement!

Long time, no see, huh? Did you all miss us? Like we said, we did pop on still while on our vacation, just to check in with you all and check that there was no rule breaking going on. Thankfully there was nothing that we could see, so thank you guys. Also a huge thank you goes to all of you who continued to roleplay and post over the past four weeks, even without us admins being around to be active ourselves. You guys rock, and this roleplay wouldn't be what it is without every single one of you, <3

The stats are slightly different today, mainly because there was no strikes being given out. If post check was failed then it resulted in immediate removal from the roleplay. So on that note... we lost ELEVEN wolves for failing post check. TWO strikes were removed though, which is awesome, so a huge thank you goes to Jingoo and Jiyeon.

Post check will now return to normal again, so we are back to strikes and the normal length of a week.

The strike list page has been updated but here it is for you all as well:

1 Strike - CL, DO, Hyuna, Jieun, Jiyeon, Juliane, Kris, Leo, Maimi, Minah, Xiumin, Yoona

2 Strikes - Baekho, Baekhyun, Baro, B-Joo, Gongchan, Hayoung, Hongbin, Hyeongkon, Hyunseong, Jungkook, Kai, Mika, NS Yoonji, Ravi

Remember it takes TEN room posts over a post check week to remove a strike, yet only TWO room posts over a post check week to avoid getting a strike altogether.

I don't actually have much else to talk about this week. The only thing I can really mention is to ask for your patience while I tidy up all the images on the roleplay (again). Imageshack decided to update yet again and ended up killing most of the images I had stored on there so... I'm looking into finding a new image hosting site. Though this does mean that a lot of the images I found for the actual roleplayable rooms, I have to completely refind as I did not have them stored on my laptop. Ah well. But that does mean that for the next week or so there will be some dead images. So please bear with us until I have them all fixed.

That's about it for now though. Um... remember if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to leave them in the suggestion box. We do check it on a frequent basis. We can't run a successful roleplay without your input, and you guys have given us some great ideas and suggestions in the past. And since there will be no survey until next year... if you do have any suggestions you might want to throw them at us before you forget, XD

But yes, unless something crops up before hand I will see you all again in a week's time for our next Monday announcement.

Until then guys, <3

- admin Luhan


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ValerieInTheNight 8 years ago
I use Imgur...
I don't know if there is a limit, but I have quite a few pages of pictures save onto an account, and it's free. <- If you wanted to know.
LuQiTrashHeap 8 years ago
/raises hand/
I use I'm guru
It allows I think up to 5 pages of pics on a free account then you'll probably have to make a second account
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