the road not taken // confessions 101 - 148


them confessions:

101. Being true to yourself is the hardest. Because then you have to reveal your dark sins one by one, and by then you'll realize that even when you've tried your hardest you're still only a bead of black.
102. We're watching you, we're controlling you, we're the ones who love you. We're your secrets. Because with secrets comes separation. And separation leads to isolation. But don't worry, we're watching you, we're controlling you, we are the ones who love you.
103. Swallow your tears and act as if nothing has happened... That's what society has taught us. Because if you show any type of emotion you're making it too obvious that you are human.
104. Dark places are more beautiful than light places in my opinion... Because in the dark we all look alike and are equal.
105. It's sad, we roam around in this world aimlessly then just disappear from the face of this earth.
106. I hate it when people say life is too short. In fact it is the longest thing you'll ever know of.
107. I guess I'm feeling weird nowadays, I'm really going to start a book xD
108. I kinda want the bandaid room back. y'all remember that room?
109. WOI //throws scissors I'm Akashi Seijuro now/ /paints my hair red and gets 1 red and 1 yellow contact lens/
110. how to get your muse back?
111. why is the road not taken? let's take that road
112. I miss you guys, just wait a little bit more
113. -seolhyun was here <33333
114. It's supposed to be snowing T.T
115. This new logo for the app is pretty cool
116. Not as kawaii as me though e u e
117. How have you been oppa?
118. Is krease still alive?
119. For sure Mina Unnie still loves me
120. Jin oppa hasn't left right?
121. I miss my fam 😖😖😖
122. I'll be back soon
123. I still think that the background picture is the most y so far.
124. I want my sweetheart. I want her in my arms and i want her now. I want her to hurry up and be Mrs.Wu....
125. Jin is ugly.
126. His face hurts my eyes <3
127. it isn't I swear.
128. We need a donkey btw...
129. I'm hungry...
130. Valentine's ❤❤❤
131. A bunch of couples are going to do the dirty hurhurhurhur xD
132. So I wrote a really depressing thing the other day...
133. But since I'm happy I won't show you guys yet lel
134. Did you guys know that Dolphins eachother
135. Owls are cute owl say ;] get it? Owl as in I'll lol
136. Oppa can we get married at an amusement park like how Joy and Sungai did?
138. Hey ugly... ❤
138. Isn't it romantic that instead of being like cinderella he calls me fat and ugly like Fiona. He's so sweet. Butthole. #goals
139. I shall stop bragging about being called ugly now.
140. /runs to my swamp
141. What if we all dressed up as babies for valentine's and go around screaming
142. Why did he have to say anything... /sighsssssss Sorry...
143. Now I feel bad...
144. I swear I'm like the only person who talks here...
145. I feel guilty, but I shouldn't... I have the right to
146. I'm going to hide again...
147. Mina Unnie will be back soon ❤❤❤❤
148. We shall harass Leo oppa and take him shopping for things so he can surprise Ravi-oli for valentine's ;]



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