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sunflowers 8 years ago

Areas of Expertise: Rapping & Vocals
A Good Trainee: Someone who's determined to do the work they need to (ie. - gathering points, talking to others, forming a group, etc.) and doesn't give up if they're ignored or put down. Activeness would definitely be a good factor and someone who believes in thinking outside of the box, not wanting to follow the standards of kpop groups/roleplay.
Available For Mentoring: Yes
Helping a Newbie: I would direct them to the bulletin board, any important announcements and check up on them everyday. If they needed anything explained I would be sure to do it to the best of my ability and clarify with an admin if need be.
Apprentice Not Being Active: I would try to get a hold of them and if they reply, ask them if something is wrong or if they're busy. If it's something personal I'd try to help them (letting them know that's it's okay since life > roleplay and that they can always ask for assistance) though if they're not participating just because they feel like it I'd have to find another strategy.
Reference: Cho Sunki (coming soon)
sunflowers 8 years ago
So, if you want to apply to be a senior trainee now, it's just based off points? Not posts?
That's perfectly fine, just wondering. Also, are you able to become a senior trainee with someone mentoring you right now? Would they just not be your mentor when you gain the same status?
Snowflakedreams 8 years ago
Ten (My things tend to be lengthy I sorry peoples ♥)

Areas of Expertise: I know all of them however my strength's lay in dancing, it is what I am passionate about.
A good trainee is someone who is determined but passionate, they do not let their fears and their insecurities stop them from achieving their goal. They are not just doing this for themselves but for many other people as well, whether it be to prove they are good enough or to make people happy. A person such as that should be willing to work ten times harder than the average individual and will go above and beyond what is necessary to do their best.
I am available for mentoring however at the moment for the next three days I would like to not be? I have a prior commitment to my group for the showcase project and want to do my best in helping my group members succeed by helping them in any way that I can.
I would send my newbie to the bulletin board and or the announcement room, this way they can make the most out of being a trainee. It is important they have all the resources they need to succeed.
If my apprentice is not active or participating in events I would talk to them, try to understand whether it is a personal problem that they need time for or whether it is lack of commitment or passion. It's important for me to know where my apprentices head is and to support them through any difficulties so that they can get into a better state to try their hardest. If they lack commitment it means they don't want to do it anymore or don't know how to go about doing it. There, I will try to come up with solutions with my apprentice to find things that may help and if they don't think they can do it anymore I will have to sadly move on and get a new apprentice that wants to learn and succeed.
ab2a081678c0e67971fd 8 years ago
- Areas of expertise: vocal and composing
- What make good trainee: being active is a must but he/she also has to be friendly and get along with everyone, know to respect others.
-Yes, I'm available for mentoring
- I'd talked to him/her about her schedule OOC wise, to know when he/she available so they can participate in the event and wont feel left out
targaryen 8 years ago
Areas of expertise: Vocals and Dance
A good trainee is someone who ensures the people around him and the other trainees to become someone worth being and being enthusiastic in learning more.
Yes I'm available for mentoring.
The bulletin board and of course the announcements.
If he/she is not active: I think I must do at least be an example because I wouldn't
be sure if she's busy on ooc so i guess I'll also get to know him/her ooc so that
I'd know if there's a reason before ushering her to respond and be active. And after
confirming, I'll do my best to roleplay with her/him which can definitely start the activity
of the rookie.
minjoo 8 years ago
Areas of expertise: Rap, dance, and writing songs
A good trainee is someone who initiates ideas and help out people.
Yes I'm available for mentoring.
To check for important updates, probably the announcement board I guess.
If he/she is not active, I'll try to convince her to be more active, and to talk more with people. Basically to get rid of awkwardness.
Cuddle_Koala 8 years ago
1.area of expertise : singing and dancing but mostly singing
2.yes I am
3. Ideally I would like to debute with a fun song can be cute if need be I would like a group maybe more than two members is fine by me not picky at all cocept could be cute and aventure themed like maybe about fairy tales or something
4. What makes a good trainee is someone who is active and always up to planing a idea and going through with it creative is also a good traits because of what is need to create shows and idea
5.okayni have then do that Asap
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