please read.


hello there, chodings. c8 this is your head admin yoona reporting. o/

choding roleplay has been opened twice, once in december and once in march, and me and krystal are really proud of it, but it always becomes inactive and slips away. ; ; i blame myself for half of that, since i'm never active. <|3

it's been two months since the re-opening of choding, and it has of course become inactive again. yoonstal will be again re-opening this roleplay because we really love it and i feel like it's my life on rpr. c:

can you please comment if you want to stay? we will be freeing everyone from their positions and re-opening officially soon, so everyone can re-apply. so i can get my luhan back. /kicked. that was selfish. oops.

thank you everyone!

- yoona.


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GhazoolaELF 10 years ago
T-T......... I wanna r-opening T___T
notljoe 11 years ago
OMFG, I don't know if it is or isn't too late to stay.. and I'm very late, since I just saw this now... OTL </3
88433e6477c984f9daee 11 years ago
nuuuuu ; ;
is it too late to stay?
or do i have to re-apply when it's open?
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