Purr For Me - Important Announcement


Purr For Me - Important Announcement

Hello all!

If you haven't noticed, Baekhyun has made me the main admin of the roleplay. It is a busy time for all of us, what with school having started last month for some of us and school having already started a while ago. 

Now, I don't personally mind us not buzzing aound 24/7. We have people who are wall flowers and those who are a little slow and that's fine. What I do wish to get rid of though, is all the inactive signs. Due to school I haven't had much time but with the long weekend coming up here, I have some time.

First course of action, Activity Check and clearing of those on hiatus. The Activity Check will start on October 7th, 12 am EST/GMT-5. It will last all the way until the 14th, 11:59 pm EST/GMT -5. There won't be a set number of points you need to get to, don't worry. Instead, there will be a few sets of Hangman words and all you need to do is make a guess for the letter. It doesn't have to be wrong or right as long as you guessed a letter or two, or more if you really want to know what the word is. There will be instructions in the AC room on how to guess and what to do when you guess. Once you have guessed, you're free to do as you please in the roleplay.

Second course of action, co admins. As aforementioned, it is a really busy time for all of us, including me. So, I will need to hire a few co-admins. These co admins will have specific duties so I don't overwhelm anyone. I will start it after the 14th. If you are interested, please PM Beenzino so I can keep track and at the end of the AC, I will send out a few questions to make sure I am hiring enough and the right peeps.

Third course of action, hiatuses. I won't be changing anything about the times or lengths. I just want to make a few things clear. 1, anyone whose hiatus is still active until after the 14th is exempt. Anyone whose hiatus ends before the 13th or during the AC is still expected to participate. I will go around warning people of their hiatuses ending within the next few days and I will be taking off anyone who hasn't ask for an extension or is still on hiatus. If you recently asked for a hiatus, you are also exempt. 

Fourth, this roleplay. I love this roleplay and the people. I know it hasn't been as active but I won't delete this roleplay. Not only are there memories for me, there are memories for other people. Having to move or lose friendships and relationships is not what I want. During this activity check, there will be no hard feelings if you feel like this place isn't for you anymore. I love everyone that joined in the past and the new comers that still come in. I appreciate each and everyone of you guys. 

-Admin Beenzino


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teatea 6 years ago
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