Welcome + FAQ + Event


Hello everyone!

Thank you for participating in this roleplay.

***First things first - The application has changed a little. Everyone please add to your profiles whether you are " OK" or "No ". Comment here with name + what you updated your profile with in regards to . ex: Rain - Yes

And YES, we will be starting our first event!



But before that, some FAQ!
Dahyun asked how time works. The Magic Shop operates in another universe, so no matter how much time you spend here, you will return at the exact moment you left the Earth. However, when you are gone from the magic shop, time works in mysterious ways. Maybe you'll be back tomorrow, but a whole month has passed on Earth for you. Maybe it's only been a day. The only rule is, the time ALWAYS moves slower at the Magic Shop than on Earth. So if you leave the magic shop at 3pm and come back at 4pm, NO LESS than 1 hour should have passed for you on Earth. It could be 2 hours. It could be a day. It could be a month. It could be 8 months and you're suddenly heavily pregnant and- Ok you get the idea. Use it for your own creative freedom!

Magic Shop time will always run in REAL LIFE TIME of GMT -7. Timezones can be acocunted for by this time discrepancy between the universes.



OK back to the event. Even room is the blind date event room under events.

  • Hosts - read every patron profile! Make sure your profile in the library/job board is complete. Then, fill out all the patron surveys.
  • Patrons - Check out the host profiles in the library. Make sure your profile is updated to reflect how you want hosts to view you! Then, fill out all the host surveys.
  • Everyone - your answers will be secret and only revealed if they match what the other person selected for you. Then, you must roleplay that scenario out with all your matches.
  • What if I don't match with anyone? No fear, there is a side scenario to be rp'd that will be given to anyone with no matches.
  • As new members join, please fill out their survey as well. All surveys will be posted in the event room, and when new surveys are posted for new members, everyone will be tagged to take it.

Remember - Until/unless you guys take off the blindfold, everything is assumed to be anonymous! You obviously will know who you are selecting, but please roleplay it as the patron having no idea who is about to walk in the room. From there, read the mood and come to the conclusion of what you fill out on your survey.

Happy Matching, don't forget to favorite and upvote if you haven't already!


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danphelios 5 years ago
Junhoe + Yes
ardenjin 5 years ago
Shinhye + yes
Luscinia 5 years ago
Chungha + no for .
thesourpatchkid 5 years ago
Christian + yes for
LilithSatrina 5 years ago
Hyuna + yes
ef0fa259fc3b64c6eee4 5 years ago
hyunjin + yes
Yukiko 5 years ago
Seulgi - Yes
TaeKook 5 years ago
Jungkook Yes
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