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good day, singles & exes

The admin team has heard your suggestions, loud and clear, and we are responding in hopes to give you everything you want in an event & more. With our singles & exes still adjusting to life in the Villa, the producers have decided to give the housemates an opportunity to get to know each other better, dance, and drink, with a tiki party event! The event will not take place in the Villa, but instead the housemates will have their own little corner of the beach complete with a fully stocked bar, buffet, hookah spot, bonfire, and access to the water with lifeguards on duty. Games and activities will be permitted, and we have a glass never empty policy. In other words, all you can drink & all you can eat. SWIM/BEACHWEAR IS THE REQUIRED ATTIRE. 

Event Activities (additional, not mandatory but encouraged):
- DP Contest. Change your DPs to that with a beachy vibe, and we will vote on the best picture by the end of the event.
-  Participation in any of the games listed in the room.

The party will last for roughly one week starting tonight (it will officially begin when the room is opened for interactions, expected to be at around 7-8 PM EST), although there is not a clear date & time that the event will end. We just want you all to have fun. 

Once again, rooms will be a new feature that will be announced in the very near future, the first challenge in the Shack of Secrets is currently going on, and the pair has until the deadline to complete their interactions for it. We are also still looking for admins, PM any of hissra's characters if interested!


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lowercase 5 years ago
brian kang read this
xicewolf 5 years ago
Sonchae has read this
baobao 5 years ago
taehyung has read this uwu
pxssionfruit 5 years ago
how can yashua, an emo boi, have any summery dps wow
renelance 5 years ago
Wonj and Tae read this
euphrosyne 5 years ago
lisa doesn’t have really summery dps
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