【 ❛ 01 ❜ 】❝ simplified lore and timeline ❞


a shortcut to legacy lore — introduction

This isn’t going to be a particularly long read because essentially what you need to know are these three key points. For ease of separation and reading though, they’ll be separated into their distinct descriptions because I will likely be adding in my own voice to these lore points to explain and expand on them further!
+ I’d like to say earlier to Ten, I mentioned how the portals made at the end of the latest Spiderman movie were the reason the earths collided, I’m retracting that because I was misremembering what I’d written in the extended lore. Please take this tag/announcement as the official loose timeline for the events leading up to the roleplay.

  • 01 : the beginning

So let’s get this out of the way first: the multiverse exists.

Got it? Awesome, now we move onto the next bit! I’m a ho for DC personally but I know that the majority of people are Marvel fans because of the MCU so for this rp, as to not limit myself or others, the premise is that the earth from the DC comics and the earth that we see in the MCU underwent some cataclysmic events for seemingly no reason(this is partly because I literally cannot be bothered thinking of a reason at this stage). In this chaos came portals similar to the ones seen in Spiderman: No Way Home, and this is where the collision between Earth-A, the earth that belongs to the avengers, and Earth-J, the earth that belongs to the Justice League, happened.

Now when I say collide, I don’t mean literally smashing into each other. The best way I can, like, describe it is like mixing together sugar and eggs when baking; both components are still there, but they’re mixed into one component. You can still taste the sugar, you can still taste the egg, it’s just.. together. So cities like Metropolis, Gotham, Themsycira, etc., have all appeared where they weren’t before. This led to some chaos worldwide as new cities, countries, etc., literally popped out of nowhere. This happened roughly around 2012.

  • 02 : the snap

It’s now 2018 and getting things settled was incredibly hard. Events in the MCU and DCEU are canon(but you may have to make some leaps and bounds in terms of making it work timeline wise) and now we’re up to the Infinity War Era. Rather than aiming to erase 50% of the universe, Thanos’ goal was to erase the source of all chaos and destruction from his point of view; which were the superheroes and villains found primarily on earth but in other areas of the universe too.

This is where things get a little shaky, I’m not gonna lie, so you’re gonna just have to bear with and forgive me 人(_ _*) gomenasai arigato 人(_ _*) because after re-reading the lore, it just wasn’t making sense time wise so I’ve had to scoot everything up into the last 20 years.

For whatever reason, the only ‘snapped’ individuals were the big league names, the heroes we all know and love, the villains we despise and fear. This is why your characters are still around even though they have powers. They may have been active before this, especially with the role-players who have established that their characters have been alive for a very long time; but I’m going to make an admin blanket decision to say this: if your character was a hero before the snap, I highly encourage that you keep their activities on a mid to low scale. Nothing major, nothing too flash, leave the big events to the league, the avengers and their various subsidiaries.

  • 03 : the aftermath

It’s now 2029, 11 years after the snap. Unlike what happened in the MCU, there was no return, these heroes and villains never came back despite best efforts. S.W.O.R.D and S.H.I.E.L.D were erased, leaving only A.R.M.O.R who in Legacy’s lore, had been a pretty passive organisation compared to the other two. A.R.M.O.R had to step up to bring things back to normal, leading to their global expansion and the construction of buildings like Auric Bunker; a highly specialised prison that was essentially impenetrable and design specifically for the most dangerous of dangerous should they need it. It’s been over the last 11 years that new villains and heroes, aka you guys, have been coming out into the public and being active.

This is where legacy starts.

  • 04 : other

So that’s the most basic of timelines about the lore that I can give you but here is a list of other bits of info that might be handy to know when building your character!

— Not every villain is going to be imprisoned in the Bunker. In fact, most of y’all are going to be heading straight to Belle Reve Penitentiary or Arkham Asylum in Gotham. Just because you may have assigned the alpha power rank does not mean your character qualifies to go into the Bunker. If you’d like an unbiased opinion on whether your character should go the Bunker, feel free to ask me!

— Mutants are still discriminated against in this world. People are dumb, we know this, so even though there’s nothing wrong with them, Mutants are still shunned in society. They are still welcome to join any superhero or villain league but they may face some discrimination.

— For that matter, even metahumans(humans with abilities) aren’t as loved anymore. There’s a very loud vocal minority who feel as if Thanos had the right idea and push for either heavy restrictions on powered individuals or even their permanent incarceration/execution. Do with that information what you will.

— You do not have to be a hero or a villain if you have powers, just like you don’t have to be a civilian if you don’t have them.

— There are rumours of shady business happening within the Bunker. I’m going to refrain from sharing it unless your character is directly affiliated with A.R.M.O.R, if you’d like to know; pm me on the watcher character.


Alrighty so I think that may be it! If this brings up any questions for you, please tag me and I’ll answer them asap!


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fairys 2 years ago
oh my god this was very comprehensive and very c, heart eyes @ admins' big brains??? very helpful, thank u lots *^*
a958b6ef268dd914bcee 2 years ago
This is such a good summary of the whole lore, so I am very grateful for that (especially for that rumors of shady business wink wink). Thank you!
saorsa [A] 2 years ago
i will put this into a cleaner format soon but i figured getting the info out was more important than messing around with font size, widths, pictures, etc.
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