
rule update 001.

rule update 001.

rule update 001.


hello friends, first off, to start this announcement : i just want to thank you all for giving this revived roleplay a chance! it means a lot to me that i can see you all enjoying your time here. and to see that the roleplay got featured??? that's all because of you guys <3 
i hope we can continue to have good times here. dont be afraid to come to the admins about anything, whether with suggestions or concerns!

rule update

ok so, nothing bad here. i just wanted to update you all on some rule updates. seeing as we are almost 2 weeks into it, i have updated the character limit to 5. also since we're a relatively "small" community as of right now, i have allowed 3 face claims from the same group 7+ members. this may change depending on the level of growth we experience in the upcoming days or weeks. i typically keep rules sorta tight when we first open so everyone has a chance, but even though we are gaining new members from time to time, we are relatively slow in growth so i dont really mind opening the possibilities up for you all. also, in order to get a 5th, all you gotta do is send admin jay or somi your best meme (we love memes). 

ending note

tldr ; 5th charas allowed, to obtain, send your best meme to jay or somi when requesting. 3 members for 7+ member groups. 

Sparkly Layouts 2019posted on 04/29/24


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