Hey everybody. 
So it's been a while since you've seen or heard from me. I am officially back from hiatus after trying to patch up some things ooc-wise. 
First, I want to thank everybody, old and new, for sticking with Yuanfen. It's been a little over six months since this roleplay first opened and I am proud to have started this roleplay. Never in a million years, I had though this would've been as big as it was or still around here now. And it's all because of you, so thank you. 
I have a huge announcement to make, that I, myself, had thought of without talking it over with anybody else. Not even with the other admins. And I feel like it would be the best change for Yuanfen. This roleplay was just a test in a new roleplay platform and it's done pretty well, but I think it's time to change because it's not going the way I want it to over here in rpr. 
So Yuanfen is going to change into a Facebook-based roleplay. Honestly, this is my personal preference when it comes to roleplaying. Everything will start off new, new characters, new groups, new relationships, new everything, even the name. It will be called Yuanfen Roleplay, because both male and female idols will be in it. 
I know this is a big leap and I don't even know if it will be successful, but I want to try it. You all do not have to join, but I would be happy if you would all at least think about it. I will close down Yuanfen around the first week of July. Nothing will be deleted, so if you want to stay for whatever reason, that's fine with me. But I will no longer be active here.
Again, thank you to everybody for being here. It really means a lot. 
Here is the link if you are interested |


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whiteorchid 10 years ago
Aww.... :(
I'm not rping at fb.
Just here...I cant join there.
Sorry /bows/
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