Hi and Goodbye


Um...Hi I'm the creator of this roleplay, I just want to thank the ones who stayed here and also took care of the roleplay, I'm sorry I wasn't really active and neglected the reality show. I was really on vacation and didn't have time to take care of it.

The reason of this announcement is to say I think it was really disrespectful to change the plot, title and to 'kick me out' without even askin, when the creator of this was...myself. I wouldn't had any problem with it if you asked me first.

I won't delete nor this nor the new baekhyun because all of you have a story already and I'm not mean enough to just come and delete everything.

Hope you guys have a great time and enjoy.

ayBacon off.



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-inspirit101 11 years ago
I am so so so so so ao so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry, I forgot to ask you, one of the people ask me, you can take me off as co-admin if you want
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