The Gift, Stealing It, Counterparts, Lovers, Legends, and More


  A Human with something known as the Gift, is one who is able know if they are next to an Angel or there is an Angel in the vicinity they're in. Most who have this 'gift' don't actually know they're using it. When they're around an Angel, they just get a feeling in their stomach and strange side effect is a blush tinting their cheeks every time they walk near one. Again, most don't know if they have it or how it works but those who do can control this side-effect, and also know why they have this feeling when they pass an Angel.

  The Gift also reacts with Demons though, but in a different way. If a Huma with the Gift is around or in the same vicinity as a Demon, they will suddenly fall ill. Signs of this are breaking into a cold sweat, dilated pupils, shaky hands, dry mouth, high fever, and just like the Angels, a light blush dusting the cheeks. These give clear signs to a Demon that the Human has the Gift. 

  A Demon who finds out that a Human has the Gift will want to take them to the Underworld or one of the darkest reaches of the planet to steal it from them. They can only steal the Gift though if they are in a place of darkness, meaning dark energy, not shadows or not-sunny days.

  Reasons as to why a Demon would want to steal this power are because it can grant them energy and power more powerful than an Angel, but only one. If they are to face two Angels, they are still just slightly weaker. A normal Demon against a normal Angel is an evenly matched fight though. Another part of the Gift though, is that Angel have the power to steal it as well but never force a Human to do it. Angels never need to do this anyways. The only reason and Angel would take the Gift away from a Human is if they are in dire need of power to fend off a powerful Demon, or if their Counterpart (lover) Human is dying. If their lover is dies, they will know because the gift will suddenly be inside them.

  An Angel who loses their lover becomes strong enough to fend off two Demons, but no more than that. There is a side-effect to this as well though. If the Angel looses their Lover, they are more vulnerable to be hurt by dark power. This is why an Angel with a dead lover is prey for a Demon, because they can corrupt the Angel into becoming one of the Fallen (a Fallen Angel).

  The Fallen are a group of Angels who have been corrupted by a Demon's dark power and turned to the side of evil. Not all Fallen have lost their lovers though. Some were corrupted even when they had a lover, others were corrupted by curses since the day they were born, and the last kind are those who willingly chose to become one with the dark, not believing in the ways of an Angel. Those who chose to become a Fallen Angel are more powerful and corrupted Angels because they are not mentally unstable like most corrupted are. They are also able to make their own choices, and aren't controlled by a Demon.

  If a Demon corrupts an Angel, the newly Fallen Angel is under their control unless the dark bond is broken by their lover. With most lovers dead though, this seems to be near impossible. It is not though.

  For if an Angels lover dies, they come back as a ghost, a spirit of sorts. Angels and Demos both do not konw that this is possible of any human (those normal and possessing the Gift) but Humans know, and have kept it a secret all this time. Though Humans don't know about Angels and Demons, they still never speak of the spirits they see in the dark or whispery voices in their ears. Only will a Fallen Angel or normal Angel find out about their Lover's ghost if they reveal themselves. 

  A Ghost can only be seen clearly in the dark though, meaning that an Angel may be found by a Demon. Not a place of Dark energy though, just a place with no light. Such as an alley or a dark room. No one yet knows of a way to bring their dead Lover's back but a book called 'The Tales of Counterparts', a legendary lost book is said to have the answer. The books is a legend of course but if anyone is able to find it, they can bring their lover back. Legend says that once and Angel uses the book though, it disappears and hides again for the next Angel to find. The author of this book is unkonwn but Legend says it may have been a powerful being, neither Human, Angel, or Demon who knew all, saw all, and still sees today. All these clues point to the writer being the great entity in the sky but one thing makes certain it isn't. Legend says the writer was corrupt, not doing bad things, but mentally ill. Meaning they could have made up the entire book and just wrote the secrets by coincidence. No one knows for certain though, and possibly never will unless they find and read the whole book before it disappears. They say it only disappears after bringing your lover back though.

  One thing the legend doesn't mention, are the consequences of bringing your lover back. No, the one performing the ritual isn't hurt, corrupted, injured, or anything else. They are completely unscathed. Their lover though, faces the terrible consequences of being brought back. Again, no one knows just what these consequences are because no one knows there are consequences. 



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