Join the iest Angels in existence... The Victoria’s Secret Angels



*Victoria’s Secret Mansion* 

Where the Stairway to Heaven is PINK


Dear to whom it may concern,

You’ve been chosen to be an Angel! But not just any Angel, a Victoria’s Secret Angel. Let’s face it all women have dreamt of being one... or men have dreamt of being with one, or at least friends with one for fashion tips. Being an Angel is earned not given, you have to earn your wings in order to fly... that’s why the stage is also available to all of our girls. Have I mentioned that the Press looms at our doorstep pretty often for some juicy gossip? Well they do, and when they do sometimes the Angels can be caught up in a mess because of it. So, join the Victoria’s Secret Mansion and don’t miss out on the fun, the drama and the parties.


-David Gandy, Owner of Victoria’s Secret Mansion 


PS: This is an internationals allowed, all orientations allowed RP!


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