tmi questions no one asked for

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it's supposed to be 100 but i'm gonna take some out bc they're related and i'm just gonna say this rn -- i have never had before so there's your answer : ) OR they were lated to something i already said i hadn't done before. after this you will know how boring i am.


  1. What is your biggest turn off in a person?
    - i'm gonna assume this means ual/romantic. i guess if someone's mean or kinda -ish i won't like them. also if they're too bold or expect me to like them within a day or two. clingy is also a big turn off (in a sense that they need me to talk to them everyday or be with them 24/7). i also reaally don't like someone who's possessive / untrustworthy. i understand if i'm being kinda flirty myself (and i don't notice it. if i'm being like that feel free to call me out. i like to flirt playfully with friends when they KNOW i would never date them.) but if i'm literally just talking to someone and they get angry then hell no. this was kinda long lol.
  2. What is your biggest turn on in a person?
    - honestly, if you are really nice to animals then i'm like heart eyes all the way. esp dogs. i like people who don't take bull and don't mind calling me out for things because... i tend to push boundaries for certain things. also people who like to talk about cool stuff and people who aren't afraid to talk about controversial stuff in private. i also like people with big hugs because i love big hugs : )
  3. Are you like your zodiac sign suggests that you should be?
    i would say so? maybe?
  4. At what age did you realize Santa was not real?
    i kinda always knew.
  5. At what age did you have your first kiss?
    i've never kissed someone. 
  6. At what age did you have your first crush? Who was it?
    - i was about 12. it was this guy in the other class of our grade and he was the new guy and i was like 'straight' at the time so i liked tall guys. he was the tallest guy who wasn't an /insane? he was nice. he was pretty weird tho lmao.
  7. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
    - my friend told me that before he met me, i was the only one in our entire school that piqued his interest. he really wanted to be my friend and was kinda sad when i was very cold to him when we first met. but he figured that was part of my character so he kept trying.
  8. Do you hate anyone right now?
    - not really. i don't really hate people.
  9. Do you have any hidden piercing’s? If yes, where?
    - the only piercing i have are in my earlobes.
  10. Do you have any tattoos? If yes what do they mean?
    - nope
  11. Do you miss anyone right now?
    - yes. i haven't seen them in a week and i want to see them again before school starts.
  12. Do you smoke?
    - no. i have really ty lungs so i feel like i would die if i did abdjg
  13. To your knowledge, have you ever been cheated on?
    - considering i've never dated anyone, no. but idk if my friends have ever had their loyalties waver.
  14. Have you ever been in a physical fight?
    - no
  15. Have you ever been in a relationship?
    - no
  16. Have you ever been in love?
    - no. i don't think so? unless you count rpr loves then yes : )
  17. Have you ever been loved by someone you didn’t love back?
  18. Have you ever loved someone that didn’t love you back?
    - no. again, unless we're talking rpr then ye  sss a few times r.i.p.
  19. Have you ever been betrayed by someone you care about?
    - not to my knowledge. 
  20. Have you ever catfished anyone?
    - no
  21. Have you ever cried over a lover?
    - i've cried over a crush but not really. i've cried over someone rpr but it was more of an ooc thing i think.
  22. Have you ever danced without leaving room for Jesus?
    - no. well, my friend tried to grind on me as a joke but i heard jesus in my ear and pushed her away lmao
  23. Have you ever dated someone you met online?
    - nope!
  24. Have you ever given or received a hickey?
    - nopppe
  25. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
    - not really, no
  26. Have you ever lead a person on?
    - not sure but if i did i never had the intention to.
  27. Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?
    - many times
  28. Have you ever liked a person your friend was dating?
    yes : )
  29. Have you ever ed to a picture or video?
  30. Have you ever played a game involving stripping?
    - nope
  31. Have you ever used somebody for your personal gain?
    - i don't think so
  32. Have your ever been heart-broken?
    - in a stupid adolescent way, yeah.
  33. How far have you gone to get something you desired?
    - not that far
  34. What do you weight?
    60 something kg. i.. don't know what that is in pounds rip. 140 something? or less? i don't pay attention to my weight lol
  35. How tall are you?
    166 cm. i think that's 5'5 or 5'6.
  36. If you could bring back a person from the dead who would you bring back?
    - nobody. those who are dead must stay dead. you know?
  37. If you could choose one Disney prince to marry who would you choose?
    - prince eric was one of my first cartoon crushes.
  38. If you could choose one Disney princess to be your best friend who would you chose?
    - um i didn't agree to this heterouality only. i would date mulan or belle, thanks.
  39. If you could get married to any celebrity who would it be?
    - i actually have the biggest crush on kim lip from loona. ugh.
  40. If you could, what would you change about your first kiss?
    um.. since you guys are probably sick of me saying i've never kissed anyone lemme tell you story. i started liking my recent crush because i went to a party and he got drunk and apparently when he's drunk he lays on people. usually he lays on his friends but since i was sitting next to him he laid his head in my lap. he made me pet his head and i played around with his face. he got up and grabbed a chip and put it in his mouth and was like "you want a chip" and like ??? bye???? no ???? stop ????
  41. If you had to live in the world of the last T.V show you watched where would you be living?
    - i would be living in the avatar the last airbender universe and it would be s i c k
  42. When was the last time you insulted someone?
    i was gossiping with my mom and i called some girl a . idk if that counts.
  43. When was the last time you were insulted?
    - my mom calls me stupid sometimes rip.
  44. Mention a movie that always makes you cry?
    - that's way too many rip. if you know me well, you know i cry TO EVERYTHING. i cry to cineplex commercials. but the one that made me sob in public recently was coco
  45. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how are you?
    - right now? probably a 0. 
  46. What is the scariest thing you have ever experienced?
    - ugh i'm also a scaredy cat. my drama club was playing this game called night at the museum and you have to be in the dark with a flash light and people have to touch your back without you looking at them. i nearly cried.
  47. What color of underwear are you wearing right now?
  48. What do you think about the most?
     how the hell do you answer this????
  49. What do you think is your iest feature?
    - i like my s. they aren't too big or too small. idk if they're y though rip. my friend likes my thighs but i'm not a big fan of them. idk.
  50. What is a disgusting habit you have?
    - not putting my garbage in the garbage in my room. my room is really gross lol
  51. What is a relationship deal breaker for you?
    we stay up until 4am cuddling talking about random crap. yes.
  52. What is a weird thing you love?
    - hm. i really love snakes. most people i know hate snakes and it makes me sad. spiders are really cool too. 
  53. What is the iest feature you love in the opposite gender?
    - uuuummm. as a panual person this is hard rip. LIKE. what do i say other than like... uh. it's hard because i'll think of something like "cheekbones" but the same applies to girls too rip.
  54. Mention something that is currently bothering you?
    the fact that this quiz thinks i'm straight. and my hip hurts.
  55. Mention something that makes you happy?
    - you know when you're doing something you usually hate but you end up getting energized and are able to do it efficiently and well? that. and dogs.
  56. Mention something that makes you sad?
    sometimes i feel lonely and that no one actually cares about me. it hasn't been like that recently though.
  57. Mention something you do when no one is watching?
    hm. i'm kinda shameless so-- maybe... i pretend i'm a model and pose in front of my mirror when i'm trying on clothes or when i'm looking gooood.
  58. What is something you like to do when you are sad?
    - i watch my favourite youtube channel "haru the shiba inu" and her asmr videos.
  59. What is the best gift you ever received
    - i'm not sure. whoops.
  60. What is the best gift you have ever given?
    - my friend and i recently bonded over the band aqua. they are the band that sings barbie girl. she turned to me one day and was like "do you know the band aqua" and i was like "yea they sing barbie girl right" and she was like "yeah !!!" and i don't remember how but we started talking about their album aquarium which is BOMB btw. she said that she didn't have the cd anymore because she thinks her mom sold it so i went on ebay, bought the cd (which was like five dollars) changed some of the cd things that were broken and gave it to her. she nearly cried. it was great.
  61. What is the biggest fear you have overcome?
    - i have never overcome fears i just gained new ones lol
  62. What is the longest you have ever gone without a shower?
    - um... probably a week.
  63. What is the major physical trait you look for in a partner?
    - again IDK. i would say i tend to like longer hair but it really doesn't matter hgshdf because bald heads are niceu. it doesn't really matter i guess????? maybe they are hygienic. yes, i'm gonna go with that
  64. What is the worst gift you have ever given?
    - not sure.
  65. What is the worst gift you have ever received?
    - i'm really senstive to strong smells so one of my aunts gave me this bath and body stuff from where she works WHICH IS LITERALLY A SCENT STORE and i couldn't use any of it. i gave it all away.
  66. What is your biggest fear?
    - i'm not gonna say it because it's stupid and my other one is kinda personal so. i'm very afraid of heights. anything over 10 metres? i'm deathly afraid and cannot go near it.
  67. What is your favorite holiday destination?
    my.. house?
  68. What is your relationship with your parents like?
    - pretty good? my mom can be a sometimes but we get along pretty well. my dad and i have an ok relationship, good enough for people who live far away. my step dad and i don't have the best relationship mostly on my side though.
  69. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?
    - hA NO. i always laugh on the inside when doctor's ask if there's a chance i'm pregnant
  70. What is your zodiac sign?
    - scorpio
  71. What was the last text you sent?
    - hm. i asked where my dog's halter was to my mom.
  72. What was the last thing that made you cry?
    - i nearly cried when i was talking to my mom about when they were butchering our chickens and i ended up seeing one get butchered and i cried.
  73. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
    hm... last i remember i laughed was when i was driving and i forgot to signal like FIVE TIMES jeez
  74. When is your birthday?
    - october 30th
  75. When was the last time you cried?
    - wasn't this just asked?? earlier today
  76. Which celebrity would be your hall pass?
    - idk what this means rip
  77. Who is your celebrity crush?
    didn't i just say this ???????
  78. Who is your favorite fictional couple?
    - seiya and usagi from sailor moon : ) you can f ite me.
  79. Would you ever change anything about yourself and if so what would it be?
    stop being so lazy !!!!
  80. Have you ever been caught ing?
    - nope
  81. Have you ever sent a ually explicit text?
    - it was said in a joking manner to one of my friends on here but it wasn't like "i wanna see u bb" you know it was like "wow you have a ___ kink" s oo idk if that counts
  82. Have you ever sent or received ually explicit photographs?
    well, kinda? i couldn't see it because of some reason but then i said i couldn't see it and he was like "" so I ASSUME IT WAS A PICTURE OF HIS DOWN UNDER, m8
  83. Have you ever engaged in ually explicit activity over video chat?
    - nooope. the only video chat i've done, to my knowledge, was my dad : )
  84. Have you ever used ?
    - nope
  85. Have you ever been arrested?
  86. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?


so now you know how boring i am > u o
also here is all the questions in case you want to do this and you have had before and all that other stuff : D


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venteux 5 years ago
realllllmino 5 years ago
SeHYUNG 44 minutes ago Reply Replies
I love things like this
SeHYUNG 5 years ago
I love things like this
1069516efe8cb1773899 5 years ago
/gives big hugs since you like them
nekojita 5 years ago
Have you ever sent or received ually explicit photographs?
- well, kinda? i couldn't see it because of some reason but then i said i couldn't see it and he was like "" so I ASSUME IT WAS A PICTURE OF HIS DOWN UNDER, m8

im laughing
levanter 5 years ago
"Mention a movie that always makes you cry?
- that's way too many"

a mood
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