a question for those of you who

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dont like exo/consider yourself an exo-l

why don’t you?



like — i’m not gonna be all like “well u should” because i just want to know why

i’m an exo-l but i just wanna know why you steer clear of being an exo-l


it can be something as controversial as “exo is problematic” or “lay is homophobic” or “kai is ist” or “baekhyun’s an attention ” i don’t care

i want evidence supporting that o bviously bc why do you think that?

or if it’s something as simple as “i don’t like their music” or “i pay more attention to girl groups” or “i fell out of love with them”

but i want to know WHY you think that



i’m just curious

pls let me know honestly why you don’t like them or consider yourself an exo-l


i won’t attack u or hate u but i will attack anyone who attacks other ppl ok


also don’t be an about it 


thanks :)


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e77a4cdcc9a067ac4de7 5 years ago
though I'm multidom
e77a4cdcc9a067ac4de7 5 years ago
Kris leaving had a great impact..I distanced myself for few months before I got back again (though all this time, I still love chanyeol).

I'm more of a yeolmae and xunqi rather than exol wholely. I do love their music but the two members are more important to me.

secondly, the fandom is ducked up. I'd call my self an exol if they didn't slander chanyeol and sehun so much. I really don't like that. so I'm light exol.uwu;;;
nekojita 5 years ago
i guess i just fell out of love with them. my heart made space for seventeen and i've never loved a group more in my life. i still love their music though, and honestly i'm still a hoe for chanyeol.
diphylleiagay 5 years ago
I use to be a fan back when everyone called themselves exotics. I wasn't too enthralled by their music, honestly. It was nice, it was catchy, they had nice voices, but I didn't really feel blown away nor did I really go out of my way to listen to their music aside Heartattack. Then Wolf came out and I was out LMFAO. No, but I just wasn't impressed.

I also got entirely turned off when a fan was trying to sell Kai's underwear and said that because of the hair inside the underwear, they could prove it was his. Not to mention the fact that I preferred exo-m over k so once Kris and Lu left, I just fell out of them.
orenjiboo 5 years ago
hassle 3 hours ago Reply Replies
frankly i just stopped kinda caring after lutaoris left. things changed, i was upset over my biases leaving

I felt this
But yeah
hologram 5 years ago
when they first debuted it was because they were overhyped and their music really wasn't even that good to begin with
and the fans were annoying aka the old version of army's now

it also didn't seem like they were very talented vocally or could rap very well and their dancing just seemed average

same with their personalities

they appeared to me as another typical group with nothing to make them stand out aside from having 12 members and it only appeared that they were popular due to being under sm which i still think plays a big part in their popularity today

now i don't really have anything against them since those annoying fans flocked over to bts and their music is better than it was back when they first debuted
4be3db1a62932740ed69 5 years ago
acker 2 seconds ago Reply
i love exo
23fe4f75c068b1047813 5 years ago
i love exo
levanter 5 years ago
frankly i just stopped kinda caring after lutaoris left. things changed, i was upset over my biases leaving, and i just didnt like their sound anymore either. after overdose i just /:
yeah that’s all for me!
im also just not a big fan of sm anymore? i like some of exo’s songs now, and i tend to accidentally pay a lot of attention to baekhyun and kai (i blame sehyung) but i woulsnt say i have “a bias” or “a favorite song” or that im even really associated with exo at all
i dont keep up with yhem AT ALL
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