possibly helpful idea for rpr that also might hurt


so you guys remember how confessions used to be a thing? what if like... we had an anonymous roleplay confessions thing? like it's not just the confessions page just for a specific rp, but for all of rpr?

i see this done on aff and look at what's going on there from time to time (they talk about the exact same we do lmao), and i know how ed all this can get and how abused it can be if not done properly, but idk... part of me wants to believe we're all mature adults who will act that way despite me knowing that isn't entirely true akfkgjt. sad thing that is rip.

but yeah- i'm seeing the plus sides to this for the most part, or at least trying to see them behind all the obvious "bad idea, bad idea, bad idea" sides, and even the middle ground sides.

to give an example, on one hand, i feel like it will offer people a voice on situations and issues that need to be brought to light. it would give them a space to communicate and discuss their opinions and thoughts behind whatever topics are addressed, and maybe come up with effective solutions toward fixing certain issues.

on the other hand, it will give people a voice on situations and issues that need to be brought to light. why is that a bad thing? just think about what happens every time we get 15 blogs back to back about some stupid that happened in a roleplay. think about all those people who just like to fuel fires... for that reason, i see the whole "giving everyone a voice" thing as a middle ground kind of thing. like it's not entirely bad, and it's actually the goal, but i know some es are only gonna be there to start or add to and miss the entire point. happens a lot here.

all that said, i know it would just be much easier to actually confront the person you have a problem with privately and respectfully, but that seems to happen once every blue moon and/or when one can't avoid doing so. i also think it would help us actually talk about things and mayhaps work toward fixing them, as mentioned earlier.

idk. these are just random thoughts of mine that cross my mind from time to time. all of last year and maybe even before i was like "hm, how can we improve rpr even a little bit?" and i kept thinking of different ways and trying different things. think i gave up on that now for the most part, but seems like part of me still has hope or whatever you call this. that aside, i know i've been thinking on this idea for a while myself, but what do y'all think?


p. s. i have no intention of doing this bc i honestly don't want to manage it. i just wanna hear your thoughts on something like this.


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salteddarkchocolate 5 years ago
i mean obviously there are going to be pros and cons to everything, especially with a system like this that involves honesty, or some semblance of it. and only with time can we tell whether something like this will improve or degrade. but i do agree that having a platform for people to raise concerns and discuss issues will be helpful eventually. plus it gives people the incentive to be less of a whiny ninny and tosser when things do actually get fixed.

there's the matter of problems with character, the people themselves. i've only probably seen a fraction of how bad things can get and don't want to imagine the full scale of it. despite that i believe that we have enough people who are responsible and mature here who can handle something like that and push it further. as crazy as things get we have to remember that there's a lot ot impressionable kids on here too, and a site that remains toxic will only continue breeding toxicity. we honestly can't expect people to fix themselves, if we're going to remain in the same thought that they will always be what we assume them to be.

it's understandable that lots of people are apprehensive about the idea seeing as how this goes down on a normal basis, but i also want to remain hopeful that if we have the ability to improve things with something like confessions, why not? if we have enough stringent regulations and people who have good heads on their shoulders actively participating, who's to say that we can't make some sort of positive change to the way the community behaves? sure it might not be 100% effective but i believe that it could begin to discourage any drama hoe behaviour and possibly teach people to deal with their problems instead of yelling all over rpr about how much they hate something. negativity breeds negativity but on the same coin, positivity breeds positivity!

it definitely is a good idea, despite the risks, and maybe i'm being too much of an idealist. though nothing great has ever started smoothly, has it?
dionysus 5 years ago
i doubt that it’ll work cause a majority of rpr are immature and will purposely start drama just for the hell of it so idk, the bad outweighs the good by a lot
cancel 5 years ago
I think people have little faith in rpr because of the amount of people we probably hate within the community.
bcf9628f3d55c10d23de 5 years ago
Screw everyone else I think this is an awesome idea, it really just has to be moderated by someone responsibly, rpr won’t grow up if you just assume the worst and honestly it’s not like the EnTIRE rpr is gonna abuse it. I’m kind of willing to do this
pixels [A] 5 years ago
i feel like i say this a lot, but the fact that a lot of folks on rpr have so little faith in the community of rpr speaks volumes... but that's another blog for another day.
bd17b469c3e9ad31dc09 5 years ago
On another note, if this were to be made, I’d use it in a positive way to compliment and drool over my friends. Like damn Brad you could get it m8.
pinkopal 5 years ago
i think we all know rpr isn't mature enough to handle this
people aren't even mature enough to handle blogs
tbh, the only way things could be "fixed" is if everyone acted the age the say they are and stop being shaddy es and just talk out the issue to the person directly.
the biggest issue we have on this website is bullying
and yet everyone and their mama wants to preach "act like an adult"
Let's be honest, only 10% of the people on this website act like actual adults.
And that's not gonna be fixed with an anon confession
not in this small community
it doesn't even go well in regular rps oof

In a perfect world, maaaaaaaybe this would work

But this is rpr
this aint it
bd17b469c3e9ad31dc09 5 years ago
I love you Brad, but this ain’t it chief.
Bao-Bei 5 years ago
Uh, I honestly don’t really see the good parts to this?? Aff has a huge community, you can share things and not expect someone to know you’re talking about them or them even seeing it to begin with but with rpr being a smaller community, I feel like this just gives it a more chance to be turned into something toxic and a way to target people in harassment. It’d be a good idea if people were mature enough but tbh, we all know the majority of the people here aren’t mature enough. If the place was bigger like aff then I’d think it’d be a good idea cause tbh those threads are interesting af but I would not like to be involved with any of that here LMAO

Btw brad, hi uwu
fullsun 5 years ago
omg this happened on twitter rp and it was a disaster
pixels [A] 5 years ago
forgot yall like to rt wkrkghjhmnd rip.
does anyone else have anything more they want to say on the matter though? like, aside from it being a bad idea bc we need to grow the up as a collective community, do you guys see how it might be a good idea? if this were to actually take place, how would you feel and what would you do? would you contribute and share confessions? like tell me your own thoughts on this. i knew before i posted yall would think it's a bad idea and is going to be world war 3. i want to know more than that.
glitterassgaysparkly 5 years ago
ecuador 11 minutes ago Reply
caeldori 5 minutes ago Reply
sparklygayassglitter 1 minute ago Reply
I can see this turning into world war 3 bc rpr is incapable of being civil and mature
caribbean 5 years ago
caeldori 5 minutes ago Reply
sparklygayassglitter 1 minute ago Reply
I can see this turning into world war 3 bc rpr is incapable of being civil and mature
pixels [A] 5 years ago
just saying, but maybe if everything goes to , we can actually get better?
like not to say we all need to be at each other's throats, but you know those times hits the fan and everything but then it gets better? that's what i'm thinking of ig
sagittarius 5 years ago
in a perfect world this would work because i think its a cute idea but :<

also the tags lskdjf
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